Applying Curriculum for Excellence to Develop Lifelong Learning Skills
Info: 9932 words (40 pages) Dissertation
Published: 9th Dec 2019
Assessment is For Learning
Assessment in Scotland today, Assessment is for Learning (AiFL) enables both teachers and pupils to develop individual learning needs whilst empowering pupils to manage their own learning within the classroom environment.
The focus of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is for pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors (to society). (The Curriculum Review Group Report, 2004, p15). A Framework for Assessment was devised to underpin this vision with assessment aimed at supporting learning that develops pupils’ knowledge, understanding, life-long learning skills, attributes and capabilities which contribute to these four capacities. (Building the Curriculum 5, p,10). As a student teacher during placement I planned to use assessment methods to guide my practice in building a picture of pupils’ progress and achievements, and to help plan next steps to further develop my planning as stated in Building the Curriculum. (Building the Curriculum 5, p23). Research has also highlighted the lifelong implications that learning has: ‘One of the basic skills for success in the knowledge society is the ability to learn. With increasingly rapid changes in the work place, in part due to changing technology and because of changing societal needs in the context of globalization, citizens must learn to learn in order that they can maintain their full and continued participation in employment and civil society or risk social exclusion.’ (Hoskins & Fredriksson, 2008, p5).
Therefore, I chose to focus on meeting the principles of CfE, and in encouraging pupils to take control of their own learning, and to potentially develop lifelong learning skills. In this assessment I discuss my findings and reflections with reference to research and policy and examine the implications for my future career in education.
Traffic lighting
I opted to lead a group of 10 children in handwriting lessons following guidelines outlined in our Professional Studies course. I used a self-assessment traffic light system:
- green indicated that pupils were happy and confident with their work
- amber that the work was acceptable but that pupils were aware that improvement was needed
- red indicated that further guidance was required.
Focussing on 3 pupils in the group allowed me an insight into the learners’ knowledge and understanding through each lesson and I used learning conversations and observation notes to allow me to reflect and plan for forthcoming lessons. These also highlighted a wide range of skills being developed such as the ability to evaluate their own writing, revising and editing their work if required, and checking that it made sense, whilst being supported, as indicated in the Highland Literacy Progression Steps to Success in Writing, First Level. (Appendix B).
During the investigation I considered the effect self-assessment has on pupils when it is used alone, where no feedback is given and the difference in children’s learning when feedback was given. I wanted to discover if I could observe a connection between these aspects on children’s learning. I also pondered if there was a link between discussing what is to be learned, children recognising when learning has taken place and viewing next steps in pupils’ learning, focusing on Hattie’s feedback questions which were discussed in Assessment A: ‘Where am I going? How am I going to get there and what do I do once I get there?’ Hattie references ‘feedback as amongst the most common feature of successful teaching and learning.’ (Hattie, J., Visible Leaning, p129).
During Lesson 1 children were not introduced to the Learning Intentions (LI) and Success Criteria (SC), and I did not refer to them at any stage. I wanted the children to be passive listeners and to be able to observe the effect on their learning compared with the following two lessons. (Appendix C). The lesson used appropriate tasks related to their stage and I closely guided the session. At the end of the lesson I modelled an example of traffic lights using coloured cards as templates. (Appendix C). I placed a traffic light stamp in each jotter and asked the children to fill it in accordingly. One child, Child B coloured in all three colours and seemed confused and required further support. (Appendix C). Already from this lesson, it was outstandingly evident that pupils need to understand what the learning is (Where am I going?) and how they will achieve it (How will I get there?). It appeared apparent that children need to be motivated and guided to achieve their true potential, as a single assessment procedure will not reflect the child’s true strengths nor identify their next steps. This reflects on the findings of Black & Wiliam, whose research I reviewed in Assessment A and I wanted to implement further methods suggested such as sharing LI & SC. Their research indicated a main issue that pupils can only assess themselves when they have a clear picture of the criteria that their learning is meant to achieve. (Black & Wiliam, 1998, p6).
Children were responsive to discussing the Learning Intentions at the start of Lesson 2, using Larry the Learning Llama and Sydney the Successful Sheep, a method I introduced to help to engage children in connecting with their learning. I led a discussion about what our Success Criteria should be, and this was displayed visually. Most of the children were enthusiastic in sharing their opinions. During this lesson I chose one pre-writing task from the Highland Council Emerging Literacy training course which I had previously attended. (Appendix D). Using guidance from this, (See Appendix B) I focussed on letter formation ‘I can form my letters correctly’ and ‘I can write names’ asking the children to write their name and surname.
The warm up tasks provided in Lesson 2 led to a great increase in confidence in pupil B who sought guidance and asked questions throughout the lesson. (Appendix E). Whilst there was still letter reversal present, pupils’ work had improved from the first lesson. Pupils were more engaged, they worked well supporting each other and unlike Lesson 1, I did not have to lead the whole lesson.
Whilst referring to the SC, pupils were confident, worked collaboratively and offered good reasoning, and illustrated that they were clearer on the direction of the learning. During assessment of their work pupils were able to explain to me why they had chosen a specific traffic light colour and constructive verbal feedback was offered to each pupil. However, reflecting on the children’s self-assessment I was surprised that Pupil A chose red, (Appendix G) as despite making a few errors, he quickly corrected himself and I praised him for this. I was surprised as I felt the active involvement of the children in the lesson would reflect in the assessment and this would highlight an increase in a developed sense of ownership of their learning. ‘One advantage of the traffic lighting device is that the teacher can identify at a glance the main learning difficulties that have arisen, without lengthy interrogation of each student individually.’ (Black & Harrison, 2001, p.46). This was apparent with Pupil A who displayed great letter formation but needed much support when blending sounds and spelling out words and I shared these concerns with the class teacher before discussing next steps. (Appendix E).
I continued to track the pupils’ progress and it was clear that I could observe progression. (Appendix F). Though many did not make colour changes, progression was noted, for example, by lesson 3 Pupil B was still on amber but he was writing most of the letters the correct way around and if mistakes were made he was correcting them. This clearly illustrated that pupil B now had increased pencil control and less letter reversals.
At the beginning of Lesson 3, children took the lead when they saw ‘Larry the Llama and Sydney Sheep’ and with excitement and interest asked what their learning was going to be. The children contributed to what the SC should be and again this was displayed visually for them to refer to. Pupils responded well to pre-writing tasks and though most found clicking along to the music tricky to begin with, all gathered rhythm as the task progressed. Having the large overwriting letters was a positive next step from lesson two as Pupils B and C had been starting their letter formations at the wrong points. (Appendix D, Plan B).
All pupils were more reflective whilst traffic lighting and whilst Pupil A was over critical, the other two pupils (with mild guidance) were honest about their work and were able to share what they felt they had done well and what were areas that needed further work. Pupil B identified and corrected mistakes in his work. (Appendix H).
Whilst reading findings from Shirley Clark, I reflected on how I had used the traffic light system: ‘Leaving the traffic light tool towards the end of the session had shown that pupils who were over confident tended to overestimate their achievement whilst less confident children regularly underestimated their attainment. The way I have combated these problems is to place a small set of traffic lights on each table, they can then with a talk partner focus on a particular success criteria or steps to success.’ (Clarke website, para. 5).
Perhaps a more useful tool for future practice is to have a traffic light system throughout the lesson, allowing for support to be available at any time. Therefore, as pupils progress they could support each other’s learning. I wondered if this would have better supported Pupil A. Guidance using this approach could then be offered throughout at any stage and not only to individuals but to the whole group, which could be teacher or pupil led.
Whilst self-assessment using traffic lighting was my main aim during this investigation, the first lesson undoubtedly illustrated that if I was using it solely without any LI & SC, without questioning, plenary or effective feedback then children’s progress would be hampered. The children’s learning had no direction and they were the receivers of information with no connection to its purpose. By using a series of successful Formative Assessment methods listed by Clarke, (Clarke, S. p6). I was given a greater insight into the children’s learning and felt more confident in identifying next steps. Pupils were more involved in guiding their learning. These included sharing LI & SC, clarifying LI in planning, involving children in self-assessment, focusing on effective verbal feedback, questioning, using positive praise to raise self-esteem and identifying next steps to help shape their learning.
The focus for my investigation was Scaffolding, a theory devised by Bruner, Wood and Ross. Bruner believed that when children were learning new concepts, they required an adult to take the lead, and as their learning develops so the level of support from an adult can gradually decrease. (teachthought website, para. 1). Using self-assessment and reflection allowed me to track and monitor progress and plan the next lesson accordingly. The required outcome is therefore that pupils will acquire the knowledge and understanding and thus the level of support will be reduced over time. Bruner describes the process as: ‘[Scaffolding] refers to the steps taken to reduce the degrees of freedom in carrying out some task so that the child can concentrate on the difficult skill she is in the process of acquiring’ (Gibbons, p16).This was the conclusion over the three lessons, with a teacher-led lesson in Lesson 1, which resulted in children growing in confidence and becoming more independent and less teacher- directed by lesson 3. Though these letters were not new to the pupils, they appeared to have little or no understanding of correct formation, and scaffolding methods at the start of a lesson allowed them to focus on what their learning was to be and to discuss it with their peers. ‘Children can do a lot of talking when given time and space by a teacher prepared to listen and observe. Such talk provides evidence of children’s progress to date but also scaffolds the learning of the group as they interrogate each other about the nature of the task and collaborate to accomplish it.’ (Torrance and Pryor, p.131) Therefore, by carrying out a series of tasks with children working collaboratively and providing opportunities to share their thoughts and views supported the pupils scaffolding each other with their knowledge. This again was evident in my investigation where I used teaching methods from a Highland Emerging Literacy training course helping to promote and support a successful outcome for the pupils involved as more confident pupils would support other members in the group. (Appendix D).
Implications for future practice
Looking at self-assessment in handwriting is an area of which I would like to investigate further, and this has been highlighted in my SMART target (Appendix A) with a focus on Standard 3.3.1 ‘Using assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning’. (GTCS website). From observing practice of experienced teachers in week 1, my vision is to further expand my knowledge and understanding before adding my findings from this investigation to my lessons in SE2b and carry this knowledge forward into my probationary year. Black (1998) argues that formative assessment when applied can help raise attainment, supporting the lowest attainment group the most. (Assessment A). The current Scottish government focus in education is on closing the gap in attainment, with an emphasis on Literacy, Numeracy & Health & Wellbeing and I believe that this is a key area for me to focus on in my probationary year. Most of the pupils in this study group were boys, and I would be interested in doing further research as to whether a gender gap exists in this area of Literacy, examining reasons for the possible gap, putting in place schemes used by local authorities such as Highland Council’s Emerging Literacy programme which works alongside parents of pre-school children and considering if using self-assessment will help support this. Research, notes and daily reflection will further add to my evidence allowing me to effectively plan for weeks 2 and 3 before considering the outcome and supporting learning for week 4. (Appendix D).
Handwriting is an essential tool of our Scottish curriculum and poor handwriting has been shown to be linked to low achievement across the curriculum. Ongoing difficulties can have long-term consequences and may affect future employment or further education opportunities. (Graham & Perin, 2007, p.445). Much pupil assessment in Scottish schools is carried out through writing processes which makes it essential for pupils to be supported in this area of the curriculum.
Self -Assessment helps pupils relate to their learning and identify areas in their work where support is required whilst highlighting success in the classroom allowing next steps for learning to be planned. This approach was very evident when using traffic lighting combined with other assessment methods over three lessons and this allowed me to produce pupil led planning. In Assessment A, I discussed how the Scottish Government is driven to strengthen relationships in schools between policy, research and practice to help address the gap in attainment with assessment playing a leading role in securing successful outcomes for Scotland’s children. (National Improvement Framework, p17). This small-scale study using self-assessment has highlighted how much children’s learning can develop over three lessons and further reading has shown how pupils thrive in their learning when the correct assessment measures are applied in a classroom. However, on reflection I would spend more time at the beginning of a lesson enabling pupils to understand approaches to self -assessment more fully and I would use the traffic lights system continuously in this context and not just at the end of the lesson. In BTC 5 it states: ‘Assessment approaches need to promote learner engagement and ensure appropriate support so that all learners can achieve their aspirational goals and maximise their potential.’ (Building the Curriculum 5, p23). If assessment is key to pupils’ success, then as a teacher I must ensure that pupils fully understand why we carry it out and provide the means to do so to the highest standards to ensure I meet the vision of CfE with pupils becoming Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors and Responsible Citizens.
Black, P and Harrison, C, (2001). Self- and peer-assessment and taking responsibility: the science student’s role in formative assessment. School Science Review, 83(302), pp.43-49.
Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment. London: Phi Delta Kappan,
Available: [Date Accessed: 6th April 2018].
Clarke, S. (2009). Peer Assessment. Available: [Date Accessed: 6th April 2018].
Clarke, S. (2001). Unlocking Formative Assessment. London: Hodder Education.
Gibbons, P. (2015). Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Graham, S. and Perin, D., (2007). A Meta-Analysis of Writing Instruction for Adolescent Students. Journal of Educational Psychology. 99(3, pp. 445-476.
GTCS. (2012). The Standards for Registration: Mandatory requirements for Registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland. Available at: [Date Accessed 1st April 2018].
Hattie, J. (2012). Visible Learning for Teachers. New York: Routledge.
Hoskins, B. and Fredriksson, U. (2008). Learning to Learn: What is it and can it be measured? Italy: JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Available: [Date Accessed: 31st March 2018]
Torrance. H. and Pryor, J., (2002)., Investigating Formative Assessment. 2nd ed. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Teachtought. (2017). Learning Theories: Jerome Bruner On the Scaffolding of Learning. Available: [Date Accessed: 2nd April 2018].
The Scottish Government, (2004). A Curriculum for Excellence, The Curriculum Review Group Report.Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
The Scottish Government, (2011).A Curriculum for Excellence, Building the Curriculum 5, A Framework for Assessment. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government.
The Scottish Government. (2017). 2018 National Improvement Framework and Improvement Plan for Scottish Education. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government.
Next Steps/Reflections from SE2a:
- I would like to expand my knowledge of formative assessment methods and record my findings, allowing me to develop my enquiry practice and how I record my findings.
- Focussing on Hattie’s research expand strategies for effective teaching. Continue to use those by Black & Wiliam with additions to these by Clarke as they have shown success in SE2a.
- Include more formal observations and apply my findings to practice reflecting on its effectiveness/success.
- To become familiar with tracking methods used in the classroom in my placement school. Use the Highland Literacy Progression and Benchmarks to guide learning as this gave me an understanding of the direction of learning.
- Undertake CPD training such as supporting Literacy barriers.
- Look at ways that pupils share their success with their parents, certificates, sending work home or digital media.
Appendix B- Highland Literacy Progression.
Experiences and Outcomes |
Steps to Success- Writing
First Level Progression |
Organising and using information | I am learning to use my notes and other types of writing to help me understand information and ideas, explore problems, generate and develop ideas or create new text.LIT 1-25a
By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in a logical sequence and use words which will be interesting and/or useful for others.LIT 1-26a
Tools for Writing
I can spell the most commonly-used words, using my knowledge of letter patterns and spelling rules and use resources to help me spell tricky or unfamiliar words.LIT 1-21a
I can write independently, use appropriate punctuation and order and link my sentences in a way that makes sense.
Throughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense.LIT 1-23a
I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features.LIT 1-24a
Creating Texts | I can convey information, describe events or processes, share my opinions or persuade my reader in different ways.
LIT 1-28a / LIT 1-29a
I can describe and share my experiences and how they made me feel. ENG 1-30a
Having explored the elements which writers use in different genres, I can use what I learn to create my own stories, poems and plays with interesting structures, characters and/or settings. ENG 1-31a
Enjoyment and Choice | I enjoy creating texts of my choice and I regularly select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience.
LIT 1-20a / LIT 2-20a
Learning Plan
Highway Rats (See weekly overview for other groups)
31/01/18 | Class: P2/3 | ||||||||
Literacy Planning: Handwriting | |||||||||
Children have worked on letter formation throughout P1. |
I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader. LIT 1-24a. |
Trace over alphabet letter sheet. Swap over. (10 mins)
(Total time = 30 mins). |
|||||||| (Whiteboard) Letter tracing sheets. Whiteboard, sponges & pens. Traffic light cards. Letters of alphabet. |
(8) Links to theory:
Scaffolding-Bruner. |
Pupils settled well into the lesson and listened well to instructions. The exercises were short, and pupils responded well to all, although they did ask for smaller pens for the letter overwriting sheet. Some pupils were unsure about self-assessing and I had to model various examples, one pupil (D) was withdrawn and did not wish to share their opinion. All pupils’ traffic lighted their work, only one pupil did not fully understand but I discussed this with him and he then chose his colour. The children also were also asked to circle each letter and explain to me why they chose it as their best letter.
Next Steps:
I chose to take the pupils put to offer them a different learning space as we had to shorten the available time, so I chose to drop the whiteboard activity after discussion with CT. (Pupils had worked well on previous days outside the classroom). There was no space available, only one room, so we returned to the class and pupils settled well despite the disruption. I felt my instructions were clear and I led the lesson well however, pupils did seem to disengage at points from lesson when I was talking. The exercise was good for me to see the level of their handwriting and to guide pupil’s in assessing what their next steps should be. Next Steps
I introduced a traffic light stamp to their jotter, which they all responded to positively. |
Key Vocabulary: Short, tall, hanging, letters, pinch. |
Appendix D
Learning Plans: A and B.
Handwriting Plan –February 2018.
Highway Rats (See weekly overview for other groups)
PLAN A 5.02.18 | PLAN B 7.02.18 | |||||||||||||
Prior Knowledge | Letter formation exercises.
Fine motor skills activities. |
Letter formation exercises.
Fine motor skills activities. |
E’s and O’s | I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining
words, images and other features. LIT 1-24a |
I can present my writing in a way that will make it legible and attractive for my reader, combining words, images and other features.
LIT 1-24a |
Learning Intentions
Key Vocabulary
Short, tall, hanging, letters, pinch. | Short, tall, hanging, letters, pinch. | ||||||||||||
Success Criteria |
• I can write letters the right way around.
• I can write my name. |
Lesson Plan:
Activities & Teaching Time |
Recap previous lesson.
Warm up hands followed by letter overwriting sheet with name. Introduce LI & SC. Fingers lights (Emerging Literacy training). (5mins). Worksheet letters p, q, b and d (next step last week). Traffic light work. Plenary. (30 mins). |
Recap previous lesson.
Warm up hands followed by letter overwriting sheet with name. Introduce LI & SC. William Tell Overture-pen click. Worksheets/jotter work focus on specific letters p, q, b and d. (Next step) Traffic light work. Plenary. (30 mins). |
Differentiation |
Theory | Scaffolding-Bruner. | Scaffolding-Bruner. | ||||||||||||
RESOURCES | Letter overwriting sheet.
Felt tips (small) Finger lights Worksheets. Traffic light stamps. |
Letter overwriting sheet.
Pens that click. Worksheets. Traffic light stamp and ink pad. Pencils Felt tip pens. |
Evaluation of pupils learning and next steps |
Next Steps: |
Next Steps:
Evaluation of Teaching
and next steps
Next steps:
Next steps:
Links to SPR | 3.1.4 Have high expectations of all learners.
Understanding and supporting barriers to learning. |
3.3.1 Use assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning.
Using traffic lighting over three lessons to encourage pupils to self-assess allowing me to track learning, planning next steps with pupils. |
Observation Notes Lesson 2
Pupil A:
Pupils A is at the table and listens attentively to the discussion about today’s lesson, he will share his thoughts if questioned but not offer independently about handwriting and the SC.
Pupil A completes his work quickly and is very critical with his writing, this was evident when using Traffic Lighting. (Pupil A requires extra support with handwriting and the CT has raised concerns with members of the SMT about more support/observations).
Pupil B:
Pupils B displays low level behaviour and appears slightly anxious at start. He responds well to using the finger lights and engages well with his peers over the duration of the lesson. He is not confident in sharing his views, requires constant support to stay on task and prompts to ensure he has the correct formation then he is happy to make corrections. Increase in confidence from lesson 1.
Pupil C:
Pupil C works very hard and is happy to share his knowledge on handwriting and discusses the areas in which he thinks he has improved and talks about where he thinks he needs to ‘work harder on.’ He is supportive of his peers and strong in reflection.
*All Pupils have grown in confidence over 2 lessons and were clear on how to traffic lighting to self-assess, with a massive difference in Pupil B who was not keen to share any information in lesson 1.
Handwriting |
Pupil A |
Pupil B |
Pupil C |
Pupil A |
Pupil B |
Pupil C |
Pupil A |
Pupil B |
Pupil C |
Sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably | Gol | Pencil grips might help, awkward hold. | Big improvement, with guidance. | Showing good pencil grip today. | Showing great improvement. | Continued improvement. | |||
Green-Can form lower-case letters in the correct destination, starting and finishing in the right place | Starts in middle or bottom and adds parts after. | Still starting many letters at wrong place. Support given. | Good formation. | Improved but needs prompting on occasion to remind. | Work on b and d. | ||||
Can write letters the correct way around
(HLP) |
Less reversals (corrected) | Only a few reversals, recognising mistakes. | |||||||
Form capital letters | |||||||||
I can write my name
(HLP) |
With support. | Great improvement with size, position and spacing. | Good improvement. | ||||||
Understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’ (letters that are formed in similar ways) | Clearer understanding. | Improved. |
- Green=secure
- Orange=Emerging
- Red= Support needed
Appendix H
Pupil B – letter p
Pupil B said: ‘I put green as I worked hard with my letters. I noticed after checking some were wrong and I want to sort it.’
(Corrections were made after checking over his work).
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