Research Proposal on Perception of The Death Penalty
Info: 2317 words (9 pages) Example Research Project
Published: 30th Nov 2021
The death penalty is a much-questioned part of the present criminal justice system. Numerous individuals accept that it ought to be nullified, while others think that it ought to be harsher on guilty parties. This research proposal is intended to take a look at the various emotions and perspectives that influence the death penalty and its utilization and determine the amount of a factor these thoughts are in capital punishment sentencing and whether it is legal or not.
Literature Review
Lately, capital punishment has been a huge subject of discussion among individuals, and according to Ellsworth and Gross (1994), the number of individuals for capital punishment has been consistently expanding. Ellsworth and Gross (1994) express that individuals generally base their assessments of the death penalty on their feelings instead of authentic proof and reasoning. Their conversation shows up very significant that an individual's thoughts, perspectives, and feelings assume a vital part in deciding their sentiments about capital punishment and those related to it. In their article, Ellsworth and Gross (1994) express that the number of individuals for capital punishment has risen considerably. Yet, they don't give a rate or numbers to portray precisely how much the number has increased. That is the place where this research would assist with filling in data.
One of the most significant persuasive feeling/demeanor factors in capital punishment being given or not, and even of familiar feelings in cases without the death penalty, is religion and the view that numerous individuals take on it (Miller and Bornstein, 2006, p. 676-678). In their diary distribution, Miller and Bornstein (2006) found that a capital punishment sentence is more averse to be passed on if a litigant indicated some sort of change to Christianity or religious connection (p. 679). It was noted in the investigation that courts are worried about the rigid feelings/perspectives utilized in cases, including the utilization of the death penalty, since it can influence how the jury sees thoughts introduced for the situation. It is presented in the research that this is an immediate obstruction with the jury and how they sentence (Miller and Bornstein, 2006, p. 681). In the finish of the article, it is noticed that there has been almost no observational exploration directed on the impact of religion on members of the jury's assessments of the death penalty and that more examination ought to be led across more extensive populaces. (Mill operator and Bornstein, 2006, p. 682) This exploration proposition would not pivot exclusively on the jury members’ assessment. It would give a decent premise to seeing howreligious feelings and perspectives influence the evaluations of an assortment of individuals when capital punishment is concerned.
Krzycki writes that various variables influence the possibility of the utilization of the death penalty, some being age, sexual orientation, race, and political and religious association (2000, p. 292-294). The more significant part of these elements jot feelings inside individuals when tested. Individuals have explicit attitudes towards what is right and wrong inside every one of these separate gatherings. There are two detailed thoughts given regarding why capital punishment is utilized today. The two thoughts are as per the following: "… (A) it focuses on the likelihood that standardized killing satisfies some sort of crude sense unpretentiously present in the present "cultivated" society, and (B) it might point out the authentic parts of racial separation and force. That is, because a racial inclination exists in the utilization of capital punishment (minorities are lopsidedly condemned to bite the dust) and in who decides to one or the other help or restrict it… " (Krzycki, 2000, p. 295). These two thoughts make a decent beginning stage for the inspecting part of this exploration to start. It is conceivable to survey whether individuals associated with the investigation concur or differ with these attitudes identified with capital punishment by introducing altered types of these inquiries.
Unnever, Cullen, and Roberts discuss in their article; Not Everyone Supports the Death Penalty: Assessing Weakly Held Attitudes about Capital Punishment (2005), the individuals who have feebly held views identified with the death penalty and how these individuals are effectively influenced from their perspectives. It is expressed that the individuals who have feeble connections to views about capital punishment have been/are generally disregarded by specialists regarding gathering conclusions (Unnever et al., 2005, p. 188). Unnever et al. (2005) list the independent and dependent factors that they utilized in their examinations, which are valuable for the present research thought. It gives supportive data that can be utilized to devise independent and dependent factors for this proposition (p. 193-195). In this research, political and religious affiliations are likewise measured for their feelings/views identifying with the death penalty. Here, they locate that religious association has blended outcomes: uphold from moderate philosophical viewpoints and no impact from different views (Unnever et al., 2005, p. 195). This is not the same as the other examination recorded above because it doesn't assign which religions reacted to these inquiries, and it has somewhat various outcomes. The exploration being proposed would incorporate religious connection inquiries on the reviews to bring a superior comprehension of what religious perspectives influence the death penalty in what ways. Political association would likewise be a piece of the proposed research and would request political alliance and political subjects from those who chose to take an interest. Unnever et al. (2005) found from their own and past exploration that traditionalist political perspectives in the two grown-ups and adolescents are bound to help the death penalty (p. 195). Deciding the political connection and key political standards of those associated with the proposed research will be simpler to check whether certain goals impact capital punishment’s backing or if certain affiliations impact it more.
In his 1997 article, Child Rapists Beware! Capital punishment and Louisiana's revised irritated assault rule, Glazer examines the contentions for and against capital punishment in instances of exasperated assault. Many people would consider irritated assault a grievous wrongdoing that should be intensely rebuffed and gives another base to address testing in this proposed research. The sentiments of individuals on the utilization of the death penalty against the individuals who carry out shocking wrongdoings, for example, bothered assault, murder, torment, and so forth, will be estimated in this exploration to figure out what, assuming any, violations individuals accept ought to be rebuffed by death and why. It is noticed that one aftereffect of enactment, for example, this would be an unjustifiable preliminary and judgment on account of a potential horde mindset to some offensive wrongdoings (Glazer, 1997, p. 114). To decide if this is a conceivable clarification against this enactment, the proposed examination would incorporate inquiries concerning individuals' responses to intolerable wrongdoings submitted against society to decide whether a crowd mindset would be noticeable over impartial, fair judgment. This will give more knowledge into capital punishment perspectives in conditions, including appalling violations without numerous other basic variables to influence the outcomes.
Scope of Study
By leading this research, I hoped to show a positive relationship among's religious and political associations and thoughts of intolerable wrongdoings and how they legitimately influence the perspectives and feelings that individuals hold towards capital punishment and its utilization. Questions such as; What is your religious association? or What is your political stance?What specific acts do you consider unforgivable? will be used.
Research Design
This research would be intended to occur around the campus of John Jay College by surveying understudies and teachers to decide their perspectives on the death penalty and how it is influenced by the components previously mentioned. If students or faculty can not be reached in person Zoom calls or cellophane audio will be used. The surveys should be introduced in liberal studies or general elective courses, such as English, arithmetic, and sociologies, to boost the variety of the study populace and not be restricted to specific majors and thoughts related to them. The dependent factors that will be utilized in this investigation are: The perspectives and feelings towards capital punishment as influenced by the independent factors.
The independent factors that will be utilized in this examination are: Political affiliations and perspectives ,Religious associations and perspectives,Perspectives on what is viewed as offensive wrongdoing and how terrible violations ought to be punished, Sex, Male or Female, Ethnicity/Race.
Method(s) of Research
The strategy where the information for this examination will be gathered is through irregular comfort test studies. The studies would be given in elective and liberal examinations classes, which will be chosen aimlessly from the bank of classes being offered for the given semester wherein the exploration would occur. The study won't pose inquiries, such as name or age for they are not vital to what is being researched.Numbers won't be utilized to assign answers so as not to degrade anybody's beliefs or qualities. Questions such as; What is your religious association? or What is your political stance? will be used.
Data Collection/Analysis
Information will be gathered through the survey questions which will utilize a Likert type scale(both sequential and mathematical) to offer a response, a value that can be evaluated .This information will at aggregated depending on answers to the review questions and used to decide how unique political and religious affiliations and perspectives influence how one perspectives capital punishment and fur one perspectives what is viewed as a terrible wrongdoing and how one imagines that ought to be rebuffed. Sexual orientation will serve possibly to help check whether contrasts exist between appalling wrongdoing thoughts and the disciplines considered fitting for them. Race/Ethnicity may be gathered to decide whether there is a racial predisposition on per death penalty.
The goal of this research is to understand what feelings and views influence the perception of the death penalty among a small sample of people. It is intended to help us better understand the things that could affect whether law is or is not implemented relating to capital punishment, as well as the fundamental feelings and behaviors that can impact views on capital punishment.This will support future research because it could provide an in-depth understanding of the issues discussed above and encourage further research to take place on the topic.
Ellsworth, P. C., & Gross, S. R. (1994). Hardening of the Attitudes: Americans' Views on the Death Penalty. Journal of Social Issues, 50(2), 19-52. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from the John Jay Lloyd Sealy Online Library database.
Glazer, Y. (1997). Child rapists beware! The death penalty and Louisiana's amended aggravated rape statute. American Journal of Criminal Law, 25(1), 79-114. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from
Krzycki, L. (200). A case study of the death penalty in Tennessee: History, attitudes, and mechanisms for critical interpretation. Social Pathology, 6(4), 284-301. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from,contains,A%20case%20study%20of%20the%20death%20penalty%20in%20Tennessee:%20History,%20attitudes,%20and%20mechanisms%20for%20critical%20interpretation.%20Social%20Pathology&offset=0
Miller, M. K., & Bornstein, B. H. (2006). The Use of Religion in Death Penalty Sentencing Trials. Law and Human Behavior, 30(6), 675-684. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from,contains,The%20Use%20of%20Religion%20in%20Death%20Penalty%20Sentencing%20Trials.%20Law%20and%20Human%20Behavior&offset=0
Unnever, J. D., Cullen, F. T., & Roberts, J. V. (2005). NOT EVERYONE STRONGLY SUPPORTS THE DEATH PENALTY: Assessing Weakly-Held Attitudes about Capital Punishment. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 29(2), 187-VII. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from,contains,NOT%20EVERYONE%20STRONGLY%20SUPPORTS%20THE%20DEATH%20PENALTY:%20Assessing%20Weakly-Held%20Attitudes%20about%20Capital%20Punishment.%20American%20Journal%20of%20Criminal%20Justice&offset=0
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