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Sociology Dissertation Titles

Info: 320 words (1 pages) Dissertation Title
Published: 16th Aug 2021 in Dissertation Title

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Tagged: Sociology

We have provided the selection of example sociology dissertation titles below to help and inspire you:

Could the response to Muslim extremism in the U.K Media, be misapprehended by Muslims as being a form of separatism or bigotry, or is this rightly understood?

Does the internet encourage or cause individualisation?

Domestic violence against South Asian women in British household.

Domestic violence – how does domestic violence affect children?

Evidence of understanding of the differences between voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises.

Explore how urban gangs are portrayed as “folk devils” in popular media.

How do women contribute to the development of relatively masculine sports in general and football in particular?

How might we best understand the relationship between illicit drugs and violence?

Lone Parents and Social Exclusion: A Comparative Analysis of the UK and Sweden.

The impact of NGOs empowerment of women through microfinance in Africa.

The impact of technology on family dynamics in the Western world in the 21st century.

Would food tax change shopping habits for the better or should the content of our shopping baskets be off limits to those who seek to police health?

If these example dissertation titles have given you some inspiration, see our guide on How to Write a Dissertation Title to help you get started with writing your own.


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Sociology is the field of study that focuses on societies and human behaviour. Sociology explores relationships, different cultures, social interactions, social behaviours, and other related aspects of human behaviour.

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