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Factors for Low Assignment Submission

Info: 8367 words (33 pages) Dissertation
Published: 16th Dec 2019

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Tagged: Education

Unit 8

Task 1

  1. Explain the purpose of Action Research


The aim of this research is to carry out and explore factors that are affecting low assignment submission from learners, and how to motivate and be able to improve and identify individual skills. This is one area which is challenge in my current practice. By given the opportunity to research this is faced in different educational is required to develop the practice to achieve the learner’s goals and create an effective outcome. This can be defined as “an approach in which the action researcher and a client collaborate in the diagnosis of the problem and in the development of a solution based on the diagnosis” (Bryman and Bell, 2011, p.414)

I believe this is an important area for both the learners and the teachers. The research will provide evidence on how the learners can achieve, understand the course and how that they are able to demonstrate and build knowledge and skills. Teachers will have opportunities to reflect on areas of attendance, feedback, language barriers, possible culture back ground and environment in which assignment is being carried out.

This can be achieved after information has been collected and measuring from other areas of concern. In addition to this at C & V Inspire will be able to evaluate the outcomes and put the changes in place whether it is providing feedback or providing different resources that will support learners. Professor Kit Field (2017) stated that the importance of action research is to improve education standards and the quality of teaching.


Analyse key features of the action research

Assigning assignment to learners is one way of analysing that the course delivered has been understood by the learners. By looking at different methods in order to identify how to focus on why assignment are not being submitted. The process that can help learners take control of their own learning by providing positive formative assessment and feedback.

Learners are to be constantly need to be assessed is carried out during the learning process. By doing this one can identify any issues the learners is experience and the teacher can provide support. At the same time will avoid the rate of learners attending

classes to reduce and less motivation in the class for the teachers too. As a teacher to ensure that the learners receive good quality of teaching and achieve good outcomes, this can be an opportunity to look at new initiatives that can empower the learners to write and submit the assignment. In order to achieve this I need to research the different theories and be more creative bringing more positive ideas to improve the outcome goal.

As stated above these factors for carrying out action research the advantage is that the Centre will be able to review different issues of challenges the learners and the teachers are facing and this information is gathered collected and analysed to draw up a way to achieve an effective outcome. This will provide an opportunity to explore educational issues which is impacting the college and finding how to address and develop these issues.  This can be carried out by collecting primary data by observing individuals, interviewing or by questionnaires.

The process is clearly going through a cycle that offers opportunity for continued reflection. According to a Professor Suzanne Pundt, a Senior Lecturer of University of Texas states placing different educational resources circles help to interact nature, engage motivate students. Looking closer by following the process to identify the problem is setting up a plan on how you will research, one will require to act on it by implementing your plan. After collecting the data and analysing this can be done by a group and then shared discussed looking at the conclusion. The findings will help to achieve and recreating the professional practice in order to achieve the performance of the learners.

1.3 Analyse the implications of a model of action research

At my practice the research cycle approach would help to follow the process in a more structured way. This method will closely research and identify how to develop and put in practice by following the cycle. Firstly identify the challenge we are facing, devise the plan, act, observe and then reflect see Fig 1.

The implications of this model will help the Centre and provide room of improvement by bringing in different types of resources or teaching methods this is an advantage as this research is beneficial as the cycle offers opportunity for continued reflection. At the same time the centre’s main goal is to achieve its main objectives of providing effective education to the learners.

By using this model this will enable to assess on each stage and develop information that will identity the cause why or reasons why the centre is experiencing challenges in that particular area of concern.



Fig 1: Action Research, cycles

The model will help to identify how to develop lessons plan or looking investing in

resources. Measuring and evaluating change, advising management decisions. Providing

first-hand information. At the same time critically looking towards the centre process

and aims for improvements. This applies to improve specific practices however some

areas can be a challenge to implement as it may need extra resources which the centre

is not in the position to fund and implement.

Task 2

2.1. Be able to initiate action research


I have encountered learners who found it a challenge to submit assignment or unable to complete all the assessment criteria. I believe by looking at all the factors one will be able to achieve more submission.  The purpose of the research is to explore ways to help the teachers investigate the importance and to encourage learners to submit assignment and at the same time prepare a plan to monitor the progress.  The additional requirement of functional skills, maths English and ICT introduced in the education sector is to benefit the leaners who are finding it difficult with basic skills that is needed to complete their homework this has been one of the major barrier for learners not to complete or submit their work.

At C & V Inspire low submission has been an ongoing challenge this research will help diagnose and find the weakness in order to solve the problem as I gather information from the learners and teachers. So as to improve and adapt according to the information received. My experience of teaching I believe that if learners are motivated we should be able to achieve high result of assignment submission. In order to identify the different barriers or factors that is preventing learners to have that interest in achieving their goals and that would provide a good foundation.

This research will help teachers to develop and identify their own skills and knowledge as a way to provide support to learners. This area of choice has been a challenge and teachers given the tools will provide the opportunity to perform. A study which was carried out Wilson & Rhodes (2010) stated that about 86% of the learners agreed that assignment   reinforces concepts learned in the class and 67% reported that the assignment helped them to understand course delivered. On the other hand 64% of learners disagreed and that assignment provides little or no purpose. Looking at this results one may think that low submission should not be an issue, but we continue to see results of learner not submitting their work.

The use of new technologies has been a factor in this changing environment and this is an area this can empower learners at the same time increase skills.  Creating the use of technology in the classroom environment “is natural outcome of the growth in small portable devices” (Clark, 2008), which provides learners with the opportunities to network with other learners and teachers. The use of smart phones is also an upmarket devise this includes iPad, which can be used by using e-learning, which is an easy and effective learning tool widely used in different education centres.  This technological innovation encourages integrating of learners.  It is equally important that assessment of learners needs is taken into account.

Looking at the ability of what the learners are capable of carrying out the assignment, teachers are in the position of supporting and sign posting learners who may require more support in a specialist area.  As for the teachers engaging networking by sharing lessons plan and ideas to create engaging lessons to transform learning. The research will be able to find out why learners are not able to submit their assignment and looking at the reasons we will require implementing changes in order to improve submission rate.

2.2 Plan a clear intervention strategy

An intervention strategy will help to prepare and implement plan for the development and translating into an action plan which sets out what needs to be done and by whom. The Action Plan will be organised along the strategic outcome and objectives which have been achieved

This action research plan (Appendix. A) will identify structure of the primary data identifying who is responsible to collect and at what period. The collection of data is shared and by all to have an effective understanding which has been contributed. In addition the plan will look at all the factors of motivation, quality, and feedback, attendance and environment to see how these factors affect low assignment submission.

As the report is focusing on the learners it is vital that engaging with them plays an important role, hence the questionnaires (see Appendix. B) which is based on the different aspects of understanding the course structure and looking at how engaged they are in classroom and outside. I put together the questions based on a previous research made by Wilson & Rhodes (2010).The Welfare Officer is able to provide support to those who may need extra support or going through a challenging situation that may need to be sign posted to a specialist professional. This provides inclusive approach as the needs are met during the teaching and learning process (Gravells & Simpson, 2012).

The use of ICT is now widely used this makes it easier for the learners to email assignments and speeds up the formative and summative feedback minimising the time scale. This keeps the learner’s continuity and less anxious of waiting to receive feedback and at the same time the teacher is able to assess who needs support and can contact them to have a one to one discussions. Resources which include, hand out, journals or any websites references can be emailed or put on the shared drive on line. Everyone has access to this site and enables them to log in on-line and retrieve information to use while writing assignment. Learners are encouraged to use YouTube which also stores a wide store of information that contains resources.

Understanding environment is required for learners to be safe and comfortable. Any Health and safety concerns are to be addressed immediately and can be embedded in the lesson plans and during the action research strategy this is highlighted as can be a factor for not attending lessons. It has been said whatever happens in the classroom depends on the teacher’s ability to maintain learner’s safety and interest. This includes the seating arrangement in the classroom the teachers should be able to reposition the chairs so as the learners are able to engage with one another this way everyone is involved and share information (Gravells, A).

2.3 Justify the choice and timescales of an intervention strategy


As the timescale in carrying out the research is determined to the information which is gathered to account the process is important as you are looking at all the possible areas so as to produce an effective report. Putting together the plan as from the beginning, I carried out a survey (interview) both teachers and learners by looking at other factors, could be quality of assignments are they clear or motivation level of the learners during lessons. The one to one session provided an insight assessment on the individual ability and understanding of the unit.

As for the teachers it was equally valid as to the experience and challenges faced during the course. At this stage the main focus is to assess the learner’s behaviour in the classroom. Looking at the different approaches and learning styles, where rewards or clear explanation was provided if assignment is not submitted. This is schedules to take for a month.

This was followed by getting the feedback, assessing the attendance rate from teachers and how learners are engaging class. Support from the other professional and their feedback would be assessed and as part of the research.  Working with other departments who have ideas of academics tools using on line which is an interventional plan customises to address areas like reading, writing for those who are struggling. These are opportunities to obtain and share ideas and views form each other.

To ensure that the data has been recorded properly so as to analyse the result and prepare a reliable findings. The process can help to identify the trends and patterns for a better understanding and improve the situations. This is planned on a short – term target plan and discussing with the team so as to gradually work around the different areas of achievement. During this process on going monitoring is put in place and data recorded this way we will be able to assess the rate of submission at the same time looking at the factors to be over comes. Taking action on stage building trust with the learners and professionals involved who have made the commitment. You never achieve your purpose if you are not clear what these are (Petty, G).

2.4 Explain how ethical and politicalconsiderations and issues of confidentiality will be observed in practice


It is a conception of conduct that the research is either right or wrong. In research one will need to understand that ethical guidelines are necessary to clarify the outcomes. One has recognise the possible of any action if they infringe the right and dignity of the learners, teachers or other professional who are involved in the research. It is also that I stick to the ethical code of practice of the organisation which is based on the policies.  By ethnics this can be defined as the rules and behaviour based on ideas that is morally good or bad. The purpose to protect those people who are involved in the research from harm from any of the research that is conducted. Ethical consideration can be consent from the learners or confidentiality.

While carrying out the research it is made clear that participant’s should be clear with boundaries in relationships to any political activities.  Any political issues are to be addressed and can be one of the main factors as educational structures changes due to political reasons and this can be an impact of performance of the college and learners are affected to the changes too.

Confidentiality should be practices at all time as some areas can be very sensitive that one need to be considered from the beginning. Learner’s information is protected under the Data Protection Act (1998) which protects personal information.   Different approach is taken in order to achieve information at the same time should not to be bias and not intrusive to avoid any embarrassment. Teachers provide the true information and are transparent with the data in order produce a true picture after the research. This was to achieve increase submission the information help to clarify the challenges the learners are facing.  The Centre has Code of conduct policy which is designed to help teachers to understand the obligations to behave in accordance to the high standards of the organisation.  Learners are to be placed at the centre of everything (Gravells, A).

2.5 Implement a clear intervention strategy

As the action research is to look into why we are experiencing low assignment submission. I decided to research in this area as this is taking an impact to the organisation and a clear intervention strategy is needed in order to identify the factors that is causing the low submission and at the same time looking at areas of how we can improve. This study also looked at factors of motivation.  Quality/style of assignments teacher feedback and environment and see how these affects assignment submission.

Following the strategy plan (see Appendix. A) The first area is to identify how teachers are managing the classroom looking at the resources available and the teaching/learning style which is used. In addition to this how the classroom environment is it comfortable and not causing any barriers. Motivation aspect is also looked at by talking to the learners how they are finding the course, teaching style and resources. At this first it is on a one to one with both learners and teachers and getting to know more and able to analyse the background which includes skills and reasoning on how important is assignments.

This will be followed by gathering feedback, attendance rate from the teachers. The feedback is the behaviour of the learners in class and are they any challenges which faced in the classroom. We find that teacher and learner engaging is an important factor. Other profefessional will be involved this includes the Welfare officer who will provide with information on learners concerns which is identified that may be a factor of not writing or completing the assignment and as a result not submitting. In my experience I have encountered that motivation plays a part after discussing with learners feel that they are not motivated to complete the assignment for various reasons. This includes destructions at home, confidence with ICT skills, and lack of understanding of the course or the teaching style not inclusive. All factors and information is collected and assessed.

Questionnaires are sent to learners asking different questions based on their experiences they are encountering during the course, the data is then collected and put together. This method of primary data collection is based on qualitative and quantitative method which directed taken from the learners. It was stated by Xu (2011) that a positive relationship between completing and later submitting the assignment is when the learner has interest in the course.  The resources used are different questions on the questionnaires. The use of computer will be used by the teachers emailing the student trucker as recording the achieved assessment criteria. This information carries out the formative and summative assessment which is recorded and emailed to the Administration. All information gathered together as a way to recognise which learner is not performing and at what stage.  We will then identify what support each learner requires. Individual learning plans are assessed and updated this will provide information from teachers stating which learner needs support and in which area.

It is found that different factors is identified why learners are struggling to submit their assignment, Trautwein & Lutke (2009) confirmed that the perceived quality of assignment has a positive effect on a learner on completing and submitting the assignment. Having the appropriate resources including technologies will provide a platform for the learners at the same time developing skills. Feedback from teachers can be used through emails as a quick method to reply, without leaving the learner in the dark as to knowing whether or not they have understood the course delivered.

 Task 3

3.1 Evaluate methods for action research

The use of different methods during action research help to gain a more

Comprehensive view that will help to develop action strategies to bring out improvement and then evaluate the outcome (Posch, P). The methods which I use help to identify areas that require assessment and needs evaluation, it demonstrates a change and reveal the effectiveness or failure of a teaching method there must be an initial level. The learners approached are willing to take part in the research as it is equally important that information which is provided is based on what they are experiencing and create the true picture.  This is inclusive to everyone and support is provided to those who may not understand, or able to read the questionnaire.

I have prepared the questionnaire and given to both male and female learners and those who are identified needing special education service, it is written in simple language this is to allow inclusiveness and all be part of the research.  Greater understanding is identified and developed through the different methods, data and interpretation (Brockbank, A. and McGill, I. (2003).

By collecting data I will be able to look and monitor the timescale which has been assigned for each this includes the volume of evidence that will outline from the feedback assessments.  These will be part of the recommendations.

3.2 Evaluate methods of collecting qualitative and quantitative data.

When collecting data we use both qualitative and quantitative methods. At the
Centre information is collected using different and effective methods, this makes it easier to analyse of data. The method of quantitative data is collecting method which include interviews, from the learners or teaches this data formulates facts on how and why the learners rare experiencing and not able to submit the assignment. This can be seen in Appendix B; the primary data is based on questions which the learners will be able to answer. We put together secondary data which is collected by the teachers for examples attendance register and assignment tucker, this information is already available.

Qualitative is when the understanding of the underlying reasons, or motivations. This identifies the problems and uncovers trends in thought and opinions. This can be obtained by group discussion, one to one sessions, and by observations. Collecting data identifies the way the learners think by providing open and closing questions, the learners are encouraged to answer what they are thinking of which can be a factor for not submitting the assignment. The interviewing learners is be conducted in a friendly as it seeks to cover the factual and a meaningful level, although can be a challenge to interview on a meaning level (Kvale, S).

Teachers are involved in observing learners while in class, as part of the assessment feedback this is provides an important data as how the learners are experiencing and what support is required for both the teachers and the learners. Behaviour on assignment creates in outlook on areas of how the learners are coping and at the same time finding out if they are understanding so as to write, complete and submit.

3.3 Review ways in which collected data may be analysed.

Collected data presents the outcome of the research has made me to reflect on the different methods I have used in collecting data. The aim of the research is to identify why the we are experiencing low assignment submission, this was a big concern for the centre. In order in to achieve and produce effective result it is important that the research is carried out in a more robust way and the outcome to be analysed and implement. To be able to analyse the data relies on my ability to collect and examine the qualitative and quantitative information collected.

The methods of questionnaires, interviews, assignment trucker, ILP, feedback from students, are used to gather all the information within the research cycle and require effective data to inform evidence base decision which provides an overview of the different methods used. This will provide information on how learners gain a broad understanding of the subject area. However, links to useful resources are to be considered for the learners who have an interest in increasing their knowledge. The aim is to condense the information putting information in a manner to be able to recognise that will shed light on the research. The use of coding would help to identify that will capture the essence of the research. Developing a coding framework which can consist a list of codes that can be used to index and divide the materials into parts and should relate to the topic you are researching in. By coding teachers will be able to monitor and be able to identify areas that need to be addressed and help to increase the motivation to the learners.

The use of ICT can be reviewed as this can be an effective method in collecting data, and

Used in networking, and communicating between the staff team and between staff and

learners.  ICT has been one of the basic building block of modern society (Daniels, 2002).  Research has stated that ICT assist in transforming a teaching environment into a learner-centred one (Castro Sanchez and Aleman, 2011). The use of collecting data using ICT will make the work of developing practitioners easier and more accurate.

Task 4

4.1 Draw on selected literature relating to an area of practice for action research

The challenges that the Centre is experiencing has been identified in a number of colleges. Different methods of research has been carried in order to achieve the outcomes. A research carried out by Vander linde and Van Braak (2010) concluded that colleges should create more opportunities for teachers and other professionals to collaborate share finding and ideas in order to achieve the rate of work carried out by the learners. At stated early on that teachers approach delivering lessons in a different way by using different resources. Action research provides teachers an opportunity to research in teaching and learning in their classroom.

According to Hallam, 2004 many research on low assignment can determine on the subject area, application of strategies or the understanding of the assignment context.

To carry out assignment a lot has changed and support of the current specialist knowledge is widely available. Learner’s engagement plays a big part and teachers are to be able to bring in other professionals who will provide the support in identifying resources and possibly any welfare challenges the learners are going through.

The use of different methods of collecting data can be used for both qualitative and quantitative in order to identify in terms of how implementing assignment strategies to be put in place. Ways of developing skills for both the learners and the teachers hence the introduction ICT packages this can improve the summative submission which will provide the feedback in an effective way and the use of smart phones when group text messages can be sent to everyone in the class at the same time or emails of resources can be sent to all leaners. It is important that learners are encouraged to identify the source of their assignment when using the words or ideas of someone else. This is done by using referencing systems this also demonstrates that one has read and carried out research one the particulars subject.

4.2   Justify own choice of methods selected for action research.


The methods that I have chosenwill help to identify how to improve the low assignment submission. The process allow me to address several form of evaluations. To provide the data the process will help me, other professionals and the learners to understand how resources and activities will accomplish immediate effects and target and any ideas that can be shared. Collecting the data by interviewing the learners and gathering information from the assignment trucker, ILP, meeting with the teachers, feedback, classroom observation and questionnaire. The methods that I used was able to generate primary data which I collected to confirm the findings, the advantage is that I was able to analyse the data which I had personally collected.

In order to achieve the research I managed to encourage the participation explaining to them why the research was being carried out and that no names will be displayed (Seale, C. 2006). Any information was to benefit the learners, teachers and the Centre.  The data is to identify which areas we are to support and implement. The questionnaires are good for collecting data on relatively simple topics, and for gaining a general overview of an issue. Questionnaires need to have a clear questions, and easy to follow design, and not be too long. Observations carried out during classroom which is based on learners’ daily activities, (Oppenheim, A).

The research should be carried out in an effective manner in order to achieve the correct results.  Managing timescales requires to develop and executive the research plan from the beginning to the end. One may find that more time will be required to acquire secondary data.

4.3 Collect data relating to an area of practice for action research


 The process of collecting data allowed me to identify areas that needed to be implemented in order to bring change at the Centre. I used different methods to gather the information. In my first part of the plan I interviewed the teachers who are teaching the learners, to gather information on feedback, observations and behaviour carried out during the activities in the classroom. This information helps to understand different challenges which the learners are finding not to submit their assessment.

The information collected is recorded on a survey is carried out to identify between male and female learners. This way I would help to identify if any difference in submission and what are the reasons. I find the female submission is high and the attendance rate is also very good. Although the comments at home environment is not balancing between the male and female, both have their own challenges. The same question is presented on the questionnaire (Appendix. B). It is identified that individual environment play an important part and can control his/her motivation to write the assignment (Driscoll 2011). This is one of the reasons I found that assignments is not completed.

While collecting data I managed to assess learners’ attitudes, emotional state or social prospective. This help me to analyse learner’s attitudes towards course work by looking at the individual pattern that emerge or looking at specific issues by examining their response to the specific questions. At this stage I would be reviewing and using the data and looking at the different triggers each learners has. By finding a balance and effective method of gathering all the information.  Monitoring will be set continues on a daily basis and with the support of the teachers and if need be reviewing the process, as the information is logged on the computer and all professionals to be able to access the data and this can be an alternative way of assessing teaching and learning practice.


4.4 Analyse data collected from action research


The data which I collected has outlined areas that need to be addressed, in order to analyse the data using the different methods and assesses an effective practice in order to achieve high submission rate. The learners are to motivated and believe in themselves that after achieving the course it will open up a better avenue for them to start their career.

The questionnaire (Appendix, B) consists of 20 questions and outlined questions from formative assessment were teachers give feedback at the beginning of the course.  This assessment method will identify strength and weaknesses and the teacher will be able to embed resources and use an effective teaching method. The use of coding as mentioned as part of my review gathering qualitative data this provides a picture about the learners behave in a certain ways and how they feel about the actions the disadvantages of qualitative data analysis as this may influence your choice of data collection.

The use of ICT which includes computers, emails, and text messages is an advantage for learners and teachers. While collecting information and communicating with participants the use of ICT at our Centre helped to collect data concerning pedagogical using ICT by means on qualitative methods example individual interviews and observation carried out by the teachers (Kvale, S).

4.5. Present data collected from action research


The data collected was based on qualitative interviews carried to both teachers and learners on a one to one bases this outlines how participants are thinking and understanding of how lessons are carried out and what expectation they are looking for to achieve the outcome.

In Appendix C (power point):

  1. Teachers provide an insight of observations of the learners and provide feedback report what the behaviour and any support may require during the lessons. Observation can help teachers to grow professionally. We look at the teaching and learning method and the resources provided. At the same time the attendance register to see the number of learners attending classes.
  2. The questionnaires distributed and encouragements of using ICT, ILP including the different resources used and the formative feedback. All information is collected
  3. All information is analysed and by the professionals involved
  4. All data is collected and implemented
  5. Ongoing monitoring, feedback and submission

The questionnaire (Appendix B) shows 20 questions is presented to 10 male and 10 female. Questions was collected according to results on formative feedback, Time spent doing assignment, environment, targets, and motivation. Outcome of the questionnaires presented that 80% female received formative feedback compared to 50% male. Both spent at least average of 40% study at least 3-4 hours a week, anddepending on the environment both felt not very comfortable at home or going to the library.

Moving to Appendix E, what surprised me was questions 13 – 15 is to explain how and why it is important to do assignments, 80% female strongly agreed that it is important and only 50 % male strongly agreed and the rest did not feel it was important to write the assignment did not see the benefits. Lastly the motivation 40% male and 60% female strongly disagreed that felt motivated.

As a result 40% male submissions an 60% submission (Appendix E)


4.6 Draw conclusions based on findings from action research

The main reason of carrying out this research is to find out why the Centre was experiencing low assignment submission. This is a growing concern which has an impact on the learners, teachers, and the organisation.

When analysing the data learners and looking at the different factors which includes, feedback, attendance, motivation, formative assessment, classroom environment and at home. It appears the main factor that is identified that need improvement is the formative assessment. The feedback comments made by teachers provide an important aide that will help the learners to improve, motivate and correct any mistake that will led to complete the assignment and finally submit (Gravells, A).

Improving ICT facilitates in the research has drawn up as one of the recommendations on the design of the leaning process. The role of ICT will support the process this includes the teachers getting effective training. This demonstrates areas that require to be implemented as way to improve learner’s skills and learning practices.

Developing new measures will help to improve performance from both male and female. The research show that female learners have a slightly more submission rate than the boys. More support is required focusing on the learners needs (DfES, 2001).  To achieve this focus on achieving and developing new areas of learning and teaching. In addition to create an atmosphere for improving learners activeness (Petty, G). Motivation is an areas identified that will empower the learners and make it worthwhile to attend classes and increase submission rate especially with regards to the male learners.

5.1 Report own findings and conclusions from action research

The literature reviews states that the benefits and drawbacks on low assignment submission is how much the learners should be spending on writing the assignments.  Strategies for increasing assignment submissions is be put in place. Teachers are to take responsibilities to consider when assigning course work, learners’ skill levels and learning styles should be highlighted. At the same time providing feedback on assignment, is to be reviewed.

Findings show that assignments have an impact on learner’s achievement. According to McPherson, 2010 learning also takes place outside the classroom, this relates to the questionnaires and findings is that learners did find it a challenge to study at home or library and the Centre is to channel this to the Welfare officer who will provide support to those learners who are experiencing differently at home. Depending on the unit and learners understanding my research findings is that student would spend less time each week doing the assignment at home. The lack of motivation at homes has an impact and suggestions is most of the work to be achieved during classroom as support would be provided immediately (Rowntree, D).

Setting classroom targets is good practice and one to one discussion between teachers and learners and examining the strength and weakness of individual and setting their goals.  To improve performance the encouraging of the ICT practice is be implicated by using different computer packages as way to provide support. The resources including materials for research and the formative assess is not generalised but made to empower learners in order to complete and submit the assignment (Wallace, S).

5.2   Justify own recommendations for action to be taken based on conclusions from action research.

The research recommendation has led me to consider on different factors that I have analysed in order to achieve a high assignment submission. By using effective teaching and learning style contributes as way of motivating learners. Understanding what is being taught and able to ask questions during and after each lesson will unable learners to continue to carry out the course work in class and at home.  The questionnaire (Appendix.B) consists of questions to the learners are as follows;


Questions: 2 – 5, this is the formative stage, assessing how much learners understand the unit and how the feedback is provided. This formative stage is to be carry out in a more robust method as the teacher will be able to identify and provide both support and feedback that will allow the learner feel more confident and continue to complete the assignment.

Questions: 6 – 7 is how much time is spent in working outside the classroom. This looking at how many hours is put in in or der to complete the course work. I recommend that teachers provide one to one support while in the class, as learners are either not motivated or have too much disturb at home or do not go to the library.

Questions: 8-12 Learners was asked whether it was easier to continue homework in the class or at home. The disturbance range from home not quiet enough, mobile phone friends keep ring or not motivated.

Questions: 13-15 completing the assignment not understanding the assignment and the reason of carrying out the assignment. The all seem keen and understand why the centre is giving them the assignments.  Which I found positive and that is the reason why more effort is to be implemented.

Questions: 15 -20 this covered motivation level, my findings was that learners are more motivated in the class than at home. My recommendation is for the teachers who are the role models is to understand the learners and be able to differentiate and get to know your learner. Using different teaching and learning activities at the same time setting realistic performance goals and support learners to achieve them by encouraging them to set their own goals (Gravells, A).

6.1 Analyse the effectiveness of own practice in relation to action research

In my own practice, Health and social care, my experience working in the sector has made me to understand the value of the education side of the field. This has made me to reflect that learners are to gain the knowledge in order to put it in practice.  The outcome of the research has made me to identify the different factors that has the impact to learners and the need to implement the findings. This method will improve the performance of the learners and build the understanding of the units taught, which they can apply during the work experiences and later when they have secured work.

In order to achieve the findings from the research teachers will required to provide effective classroom managements looking at different resources, feedback provided, understanding individual needs, one to one sessions and building confidence  looking at the strength and weaknesses.  The teachers are to communicate with each other and share ideas as this is great contribution to increase performance and understanding teaching and learning styles as part of the Centre practice.

An increase of performance will attract other professionals and Stockholders and in return increase the proportions of learners and achieve their qualifications. Positive out also contributes to student learning, retention and overall Centre success. By measuring the high assignment submission creates a self-satisfaction for the teachers and boost their moral at work. The disadvantage is that learners will not have self-esteem and we will have high rate of unemployment. Motivation outlines the achievement and pursuit of goals (Danhardt et al., 2008)

6.2 Identify own strength and areas for improvement in relations to action research

The action research which I carried out has given me the opportunity to improve my professional practice and to reflect in some areas that I did not analyse in more details. At the same time I find that data collected may not reflect the true outcomes and would need improvement as it is ongoing challenges.

To identify my strength is that I am able to engage with other professionals and the learners. This way I am able to open a dialogue and be able to collect my data. Implementing the outcome I am able to change my teaching styles and plan together with the learner discussing the goals and writing the Individual learning plan. By doing this I will be able to identify the strength and weakness of the learners. Communicating with the learners plays a big part as I have a role and responsibility to provide an effective environment.  To be more creative and carryout an individual assessment which will help me identify the areas the learner will require more support, this will not a challenge as I have the ability to be exercise patient and have a discussion on a one to one. The quantitative research made me be aware of the different methods that can be used and this has been outlined by the different literatures reviews carried out by other researchers.  This are I will need to improve and develop teaching styles and would motivate the learners.  My strength of sharing good practices with others has been an advantage and as my approach allows for more interaction between teachers and students.  This helps to evaluate learners on their achievement of the learning goals and development. Improving ICT as new technology to be introduced to contribute new ways of learning, as developing of and e-learning process as this will help to sustain education and empower learners.

6.3 Plan opportunities to improve own skills in action research

The research recognised that to be an effective teacher it involves in seeking out areas to improve skills and improve in teaching and learning that takes place in the class.  To improve my skills I would continue to attend workshops, courses as part of my continuing professional development (CPD). This will help to keep my knowledge and skills up to date and equip me with tools to cope positively with change.

Working with other staff by shadowing will help to gain clarity about other methods and learning practices in different areas. My aim in shadowing is to understand more about the different experiences of learners at C & V Inspire by witnessing, first hand from other teachers.  This included classroom management and the challenges facing learners. Arranging in house training on “communicating with staff and learners” finding effective methods and how to implement and engage and be able to observe learners.

Joining professional body, Society for Education and Training provide different courses that will enhance my status as a teacher and provides a recognition that will help to develop and provide effective practice. Attending CPD courses or online practitioner forums will help to enhance my opportunity for growth (Fig.2)









Plan to improve skills

Interviews Getting the fact behind on a face to face method Meetings, informal


Roles plays

Cathy  – Teacher

Grace  – Assessor


ICT  To collaborate effectively Using  computers

Understanding different packages

Michael –ICT dept.


Data Collection Gather and collect information Documents

Focus groups



Getting familiar with the documents

Vanessa – Admin officer


Fig. 2





British Journal of Special Education Blackwells

Brockbank, A. and McGill, I. (2003) The Action Learning Handbook Powerful Techniques for)

Castro Sanchez, J.J and Aleman E.S. 2011, Teachers’ Opinion Survey on the use of ICT, tools to Support attendance – based Teachers

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DfES (2001) Schools – Achieving Success.  London:  HMSO

Education, Professional Development and Training  Routledge  ISBN 978-0-415-33511-9 (paperback) 978-0-203-41633-4 (electronic

Gravells, A. (2006) Delivering Adult Learning – Level 3 Coursebook, Learning

Kvale, Steiner, Interview on introduction to Qualitative Research, Sage publication

Maslow, A. (1987) Motivation and Personality.  New York:  Harper & Row

Nind, M. Rix, Sheehy, K.  Simmons, K. (2004) Curriculum and Pedagogy in Inclusive Education

Petty, G. (2004) Teaching Today (3rd Edition), Nelson Thornes

Reece, I. and Walker, S. (2003) Teaching, Training and Learning: A practical Guide (5th Edition)

SEALE, C.(2006).Researching society and culture. London, Sage

Vanderlinde, R., and J. van Braak. 2010. “The Gap between Educational Research and Practice: Views of Teachers, School Leaders, Intermediaries and Researchers.” British Educational Research Journal 36: 299–316.10.1080/01411920902919257

Rowntree, D. (2011) Assessing Students: How Shall We Know Them?  London:  Kogan Page

Wallace, S. (2007) Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector (3nd Edition) Learning Matters.  ISBN 9780844450909

Education blog:
Read more at https://www.expressandstar.com/news/education/2011/06/14/the-importance-of-research-for-educations-future/#5BccB7FYFeJCyg2O.99

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Education is the process of teaching or learning, especially systematically during childhood and adolescence, in a school or college, or the knowledge that someone gains from this. Post study, education can mean the imparting or acquiring of specific knowledge or skills required for a task, or profession for example.

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