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Managing Store Operations Optimization for 2degrees mobile

Info: 9021 words (36 pages) Dissertation
Published: 1st Feb 2022

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Tagged: Business Strategy

Executive Summary

An internship program is an essential activity for students to build a solid career of their choice. This allows one to see the connection between what they have learned in a classroom to the work environment.

In this project, the internship program has a research work embedded with it. The research work aims to produce and recommend an optimisation plan for Threesixty Communications Limited. An optimisation plan helps the company in being efficient without spending too much and without stressing out its staff members. An optimisation plan, if implemented well, will enhance the position of one’s company in the market. It is carefully designed to have a smooth operation with the workforce to increasing sales and market share.

This project aims to develop the skills in applied management to an advance level by venturing in to the industry environment as a project management intern, to develop project and strategic planning to an advance level and to apply the project management skills that was garnered from all the applied management courses learned from the degree. Lastly, this project aims to develop core personal characteristics and leadership. The methods in acquiring data in this project is a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research.

The project will be using methods such as interview, documentary analysis and field work with an ethnographic and phenomenographic approach. Through that, goals and objectives are analysed using time scheduling and work breakdown structure. The project’s feasibility is also being analysed using risk assessment matrix and three-point estimate budget analysis.

Table of Contents


What is the project

Background Information

Project Aim

Knowledge and skills to gain from the project


Benefits of the project


Methods and Methodology

Project Goals

Project Objectives

Goal 1: Develop Skills in Applied Management to an Advance Level.

Goal 2: Produce and Recommend a Store Optimization Plan.

Timeline and Workflow Analysis

Timeline (Goal 1)

Project Detail (Goal 1)

Work Break Down Structure (Goal 1)

Timeline (Goal 2)

Project Detail (Goal 2)

Work Break Down Structure (Goal 2)

Risk Analysis

Risk Assessment Matrix

Budget Analysis


Concluding Statement



A. Sample interview questions for staff members

B. Sample interview questions for managers

B. Risk Score Equation

C. Beta (PERT) Equation

D. Participant Information Sheet

E. Participant Consent Form

F. Internship Industry Letter of Acceptance


In this section of the project, it focuses in knowing what the project is and its background. This part will also talk and discuss about the aim of the project alongside the different skills that will be obtained while doing the project. The stakeholders of this project will also be acknowledged so as the benefits of this project.

What is the project

The project is a project management internship that mainly focuses in two things; the internship program and the research work. The research work will produce and recommend an optimisation plan for the company Threesixty Communications Limited to improve its workforce and its conversion rate value. By doing this, it will enhance the potential of this company in the market, it will make sure that their workforce is efficient and not stressed and most importantly, it will generate as much sales as possible.

Background Information

An internship program is an essential activity for students to build a solid career of their choice (O’Neill, 2010). This allows one to see the connection between what they have learned in a classroom to the work environment. In this project, the internship program has a research work embedded with it (see internship industry letter of acceptance in appendix).

The research work will attempt to produce and recommend an optimisation plan for Threesixty Communications Limited. An optimisation plan helps the company in being efficient without spending too much and without stressing out its staff. An optimisation plan, if implemented well, will enhance the position of one’s company in the market. It is carefully designed to have a smooth operation with the workforce to increasing sales and market share (Jenkinson & Sain, 2004).

The research highly focuses on making sure that the workforce is well delegated and their stress levels are not high and conversion rate is continuously increasing. This will be backed up with intensive research and analysis from all the data that will be collected during this research. To also analyse the feasibility of this research project, risk assessment matrix and budget analysis based on three-point estimate is being performed.

Project Aim

This project aims to develop the skills in applied management to an advance level by venturing in to the industry environment as a project management intern. Part of the internship program is to have a research work on how to optimize its business operations most specifically to its workforce and conversion rate growth. The research work aims to develop project and strategic planning to an advance level and to apply the project management skills that was garnered from the all the applied management courses learned from the degree.  Apart from the internship and research work, this project also aims to develop core personal characteristics and leadership – as these are the abilities that needed to be developed to guide and monitor   a project team in the future while accomplishing project goals and objectives alongside balancing project risks and limitations. This also intends to make Threesixty Communications Limited a highly efficient and productive company in terms of their workforce and increasing their conversion rate.

Knowledge and skills to gain from the project

Interpersonal Skills

Dealing with different individuals need interpersonal skills. In this project, there are a lot of things that deals with people such as collaborating and negotiating with them. Most importantly, communication is key in this skill.

Essential Background Knowledge

In this project, to gain background knowledge is essential as it helps in making sense of new opinions, ideas, beliefs, and experiences. Most of the time that this skill will be developed is during the internship program.

Technical Skills

Mastering technical skills allows to confidently deliver a work done efficiently by making one familiar of the systems needed, collaborating system know-how and teamwork.

Project Management Skills

Project management skills will be developed in this project as the ideology of the course “managing projects” will be applied thoroughly during the formulation of the optimisation plan.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking skills will also be developed in this project as there are a lot of decision-making involved that is tied up between benefits and risk.

Time Management

This skill will be greatly developed during the scheduling and implementation process where every challenge is to make sure that everything is up to date and deadlines are met respectively.


  • Researcher
  • Lecturer and Tutors
  • Threesixty Communications Limited
    • Owner
    • Managers
    • Staff Members

Benefits of the project

There are three main beneficiaries of this project. Primarily, this project will yield a much more efficient and optimised company. This project’s intention is to optimise the workforce and the conversion rate of Threesixty Communication Limited.  In optimising the company, it will make its staff efficient yet making sure their stress levels are at low and their roles are well delegated. With the right tools to retarget market and sales and pairing it up with the best practices that will be analysed from competitors and strategizing in improving the average handling time of the customer, the right optimisation plan will be formulated.

The second beneficiary of this project are the stakeholders of the company most especially the staff members, managers and the owner. This research will shed light to anything that will help the staff members lower their stress levels and in return being able to be successfully efficient in the work floor. In being efficient in the work floor means more profit to the company and increase in market share.

Lastly, the researcher will benefit in this project in terms of honing the skills and being able to have an opportunity to showcase it to a respected company. This will challenge the leadership skills of the project manager, making sure that in the future, the attributes learned will be an advantage in the future.


The opportunity in being able to be an intern for a company has always been a part of having a successful student life. Internship helps in honing the skills that has been developed in class to the outside world – the professional world.

Internship is considered a milestone in every student’s life. And as for this project, to be able to garner an internship program with 2Degrees powered by Threesixty Communications Limited means that the opportunity to grow more and to be able to explore more on to the different possible career options is just so good to be true. On top of that, to be able to produce and recommend an optimisation plan for this company means that, all the things that was learned in the coursework will be put to action.

In this project, it consists of two parts which is the internship itself and an optimization plan for the company. The rationale behind this project is to be able to have a hands-on experience in the professional environment, allowing to gain a direct experience such as the technical and the soft skills. This will also be an opportunity to have professional criticism and allow to polish the skills learned in the classroom and comprehend the connections between the coursework and in the work environment. Having a possible occupation opportunity and strong network is the rationale behind in producing and recommending an optimisation plan for Threesixty Communications Limited. This will also develop the skills in project management to improving one’s self in being able to successfully lead a group or a company someday.

Methods and Methodology

The methods in acquiring data in this project is a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research. The project will be using methods such as interview, documentary analysis and field work.

To formulate a feasible strategy in optimising the workforce resource, one of the methods that will be used in this research is interviewing. The target group of this interview session will be the managers and staff member of each of the four stores of Threesixty Communications Limited (Taupo, Auckland, Pakuranga, Richmond). The interview will follow a semi-structured format of questions. By using interview as a method of this research, it will enable further clarification and expansion on main points (Paul, Stewart, Treasure, & Chadwick, 2008). The interview session will be a voice recorded interview. The participants will sign a consent form and all information extracted shall remain private and confidential. Participants also have the right to withdraw in this project without having to explain their reason and without any consequences.

Documentary analysis is also a method used in the project. Documents that will be used are spreading from company database information, statistical information, books, articles and journals. This project will use this method as it provides information about the workforce in the organisation and the organisation in itself (Bowen, 2009) . Documents that will be analysed in this project are a mixture of free access documents and confidential documents. Confidential documents such as that of that belongs to the company will adhere to any agreement if applicable.

Field work is also one of the method used in this project. This method is applied during the internship itself and in being able to experience what is to be able to work in the real industry (Emerson, 1981). This will then follow through with a professional report that embodies the reflective analysis during the internship duration.

This project will have an ethnographic and phenomenographic approach. An ethnographic approach summarises data collection through understanding and having a close examination of different sources such as that of interviews, books, journals and articles (Schensul & LeCompte, 2012) . This represents the use of interviews and document analysis in this project.  A phenomenographic approach defines a “lived experience”, using experiences acquired as data rather than measurements or descriptions (Larsson & Holmström, 2007). This represents the use of interviews and field work as one of the methods of this project.

Project Goals

Develop skills in Applied Management to an advance level

The most important thing about this project and to achieve this goal is to be able to apply the knowledge, skills, and experiences learned in the classroom to an industry environment. It covers the understanding of one’s self, self-discipline, and confidence at work. It will also develop strong networking and relationship skills, which should broaden their horizon in terms of understanding the purpose and importance of each one’s role in an organisation.

Work skills will also be developed, as it enables one to learn how a work environment manoeuvres and look at the bigger picture on how this project can impact an organisation such as Threesixty Communications Limited. Most importantly, it allows exploration in careers which enables familiarity in organisational and occupational literature. This goal will be made possible through the internship program.

Produce and Recommend a store optimisation plan

The second goal of this project is to be able to produce and recommend a store optimisation plan. A store optimisation plan enables the company to work efficiently by formulating strategies to increase conversion rate, studying best practices from competitors, and maximising the human resource.  A store optimisation plan will help in the challenges in making one’s business profitable by keeping an eye on the customer demand shift, supply chain complexity, and competitive and innovative competitors.

In the end of this project, an optimisation strategy plan will be recommended to be implemented by 2Degrees Mobile powered by Threesixty Communications Limited to increase market share according to the data collected and analysed. Strategy will be analysed using different type of marketing analysis, workforce analysis and competitor resource comparison analysis.

Figure 1. Goals of the Project

Project Objectives

Goal 1: Develop Skills in Applied Management to an Advance Level

Objective 1: Perfecting Interpersonal Skills

  • Learn to communicate with stakeholders
  • Establish rapport with team members
  • Establish rapport with customers

Objective 2: Gaining Essential Background Knowledge

  • Discover Team Roles
  • Learn Company Operations
  • Identify KPIs

Objective 3: Mastering Technical Skills

  • Understanding company database
  • Learn to draft store progress reports
  • Learn to manage team coaching and huddling

Objective 4: Document and Present a Professional Practice Report.

  • Document internship reflective analysis
  • Compile professional practice report
  • Report Presentation

Goal 2: Produce and Recommend a Store Optimization Plan

Objective 1: Collect Data

  • Prepare project management internship proposal letter, consent forms, overview of the whole project and interview questions (see sample interview questions for staff members and manager in the Appendix).
  • Market overview research

Objective 2: Analyze and Formulate Strategy

  • Gap Analysis in the Workplace
  • Marketing Mix
  • Resource Comparison Analysis
  • Data Visualisation using diagrams
  • Identify UPS of Threesixty Communications Limited
  • Strategy Formulation which will be assessed by the panel and Threesixty Communications Limited

Objective 3: Present a Store Optimisation Plan Report

  • Mock Presentation
  • Presentation of report to panels and store owner

**Project objective progression will be reflected in the research report.

Timeline and Workflow Analysis

Timeline (Goal 1)

Figure 2 Timeline for Goal One

Project Detail (Goal 1)



1.1 1-Jul 0
1.2 8-Jul 0
1.3 15-Jul 0
1.4 22-Jul 0


2.1 1-Aug 0
2.2 8-Aug 0
2.3 15-Aug 0
2.4 22-Aug 0


3.1 1-Sep 0
3.2 8-Sep 0
3.3 15-Sep 0
3.4 22-Sep 0


4.1 1-Oct 0
4.2 2-Nov 0

Table 1 Project Detail for Goal 1

Work Break Down Structure (Goal 1)

Internship with 2Degrees Mobile Powered by Threesixty Communications Limited Effort Estimated in Days Planned Start Date Planned End Date Resource
1. Perfecting Interpersonal Skills        
1.1 Establish Rapport with Store Manager/Store Owner 7 1-Jul 7-Jul Rose, Manager, Owner
1.2 Establish Rapport with Team Members 7 8-Jul 14-Jul Rose, Team Members
1.3 Establish Rapport with Customers 7 15-Jul 21-Jul Rose, Customers
1.4 Draft Reflective Analysis 10 22-Jul 31-Jul Rose, Computer
2. Gaining Essential Background Learning        
2.1 Discover Team Roles 7 1-Aug 7-Aug Rose, Team Members
2.2 Learn Company Operations 7 8-Aug 14-Aug Rose, Store Manager
2.3 Identify store KPIs 7 15-Aug 21-Aug Rose, Store Manager
2.4 Draft Reflective Analysis 10 22-Aug 31-Aug Rose, Computer
3. Mastering Technical Skills        
3.1 Understanding Company Database 7 1-Sep 7-Sep Rose, Store Database
3.2 Learn to Draft Reports 7 8-Sep 14-Sep Rose, Store Manager
3.2.1 Weekly Reports   8-Sep 10-Sep Rose, Store Manager
3.2.2 Monthly Reports 3 10-Sep 12-Sep Rose, Store Manager
3.2.3 Daily Conversion Rate Reports 2 12-Sep 14-Sep Rose, Store Manager
3.3 Learn to handle team coaching and team huddling 7 15-Sep 21-Sep Rose, Store Manager
3.3.1 Writing a Coaching Log 7 15-Sep 18-Sep Rose, Store Manager
3.3.2 Preparing a team huddling session 7 18-Sep 21-Sep Rose, Store Manager
3.4 Draft Reflective Analysis 9 22-Sep 30-Sep Rose, Computer
4. Documentation and Presentation        
4.1 Write Final Professional Practice Report 31 1-Oct 31-Oct Rose, Computer
4.2 Project Presentation (Panels) 1 2-Nov 2-Nov Rose, Presentation, Panels

Table 2 Work Breakdown Structure for Goal 1

Timeline (Goal 2)

Figure 3 Timeline for Goal 2

Project Detail (Goal 2)



1.1 1–Jul 0
1.2 1–Jul 0
1.3 17-Jul 0


2.1 1-Aug 0
2.2 15-Aug 0
2.3  24-Aug 0
2.4  28-Aug 0


3.1  1-Sep 0
3.2  23-Sep 0


4.1  29-Oct 0
4.2  1-Nov 0
4.3 5-Nov 0

Table 3 Project Details for Goal 2

Work Break Down Structure (Goal 2)

Project Management: Managing Store Operations Optimization Effort Estimated in Days Planned Start Date Planned End Date Resources
1. Research and Data Collection        
1.1 Store Manager Report        
1.1.1 Interview Managers 14 1-Jul 14-Jul Rose, Manager, Store Auckland 2 1-Jul 2-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store Pakuranga 2 3-Jul 4-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store Taupo 5 5-Jul 9-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store Richmond 5 10-Jul 14-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store
1.1.2 Consolidate Findings 3 15-Jul 17-Jul Rose, Data Compiled
1.2 Store Retail Staff Report        
1.2.1 Interview Retail Staff 14 1-Jul 14-Jul Rose, Retail Staff, Store Auckland 2 1-Jul 2-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store Pakuranga 2 3-Jul 4-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store Taupo 5 5-Jul 9-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store Richmond 5 10-Jul 14-Jul Rose, Manager, Transportation, Store
1.2.2 Consolidate Findings 3 15-Jul 17-Jul Rose, Data Compiled
1.3 Market Research        
1.3.1 Market Overview 2 17-Jul 18-Jul Rose, Articles, Journals, Indexes, Database
1.3.2 Competitor Research 6 19-Jul 24-Jul Rose, Articles, Journals, Indexes, Database Best Practices Review 3 19-Jul 21-Jul Rose, Articles, Journals, Indexes, Database Marketing Data Analytics 3 21-Jul 24-Jul Rose, Articles, Journals, Indexes, Database
1.3.3 Consolidate Findings 7 25-Jul 31-Jul Rose, Data Compiled
2.  Strategic Plan        
2.1 Workforce Analysis        
2.1.1 Analyse Workforce Data 4 1-Aug 4-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database Gap Analysis of Workplace 2 1-Aug 2-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database Assess Potential Workforce Demotivation and Motivation Variables 2 3-Aug 4-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database
2.1.2 Workforce Plan 6 5-Aug 10-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database Planning Team Setup 1 5-Aug 6-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database Role Segmentation 1 7-Aug 8-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database Skills Evaluation and Redeployment 1 9-Aug 10-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database Workforce Optimization Strategic Plan 4 11-Aug 14-Aug Rose, Interview Data, Database
2.2 Market and Sales Analysis        
2.2.1 Analyse Market Data 5 15-Aug 19-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Market Research Redefine Market Target 2 15-Aug 16-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Market Research Marketing Mix 3 17-Aug 19-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Market Research
2.2.2 Analyse Sales Data 5 15-Aug 19-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Sales Research Redefine Sales Territory 2 15-Aug 16-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Sales Research Customer Retention 3 17-Aug 19-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Sales Research
2.2.3 Market and Sales Optimization Strategic Plan 4 20-Aug 23-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Market and Sales Research
2.3 Competitor Analysis        
2.3.1 Analyse Competitor’s Best Practices 4 24-Aug 27-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Best Practice Research
2.3.2 Resource Comparison 4 24-Aug 27-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Best Practice Research
2.3.3 Best Practice Optimization Plan 4 24-Aug 27-Aug Rose, Consolidated Data for Best Practice Research
2.4 Strategic Plan Evaluation 4 28-Aug 31-Aug  
3. Research Documentation        
3.1 Writing Report Draft 22 1-Sep 22 – Sep Rose, Consolidated Data, Computer
3.2 Report Writing Finalisation 35 23-Sep 28 – Oct Rose, Draft, Computer
4. Project Presentation        
4.1 Mock Presentation 3 29-Oct 31-Oct Rose, Tutor, Classmates
4.2 Project Presentation (Panels) 2 1-Nov 2-Nov Rose, Report, Panels
4.3 Project Presentation (Store Owner) 1 5-Nov 5-Nov Rose, Store Manager, Store Owner

Table 4 Work Breakdown Structure for Goal 2

Risk Analysis

For this project, it is important to identify the risks to strategize of an applicable contingency plan if ever risk will occur.  Having able to identify risk means that there is a commitment to address any problems or concerns in the progression of the project proactively and consistently. Though identifying risk requires repeating rounds of analysis, it is still required for this project to make note of any upcoming risk in the duration of the project.

In the identification of possible risks in this project, assumptions analysis is used. Assumption analysis is a method used to give validity to assumptions as it advances to the project. Every assumption will then be investigated to define its accuracy (Project Management Institute, 2008).

To define the accuracy of the risk, a quantitative risk analysis is performed to evaluate the effect of the identified risk to the whole project. In a quantitative risk analysis, a numerical value is assigned to an identified risk to hypothesize its impact, probability and its overall score as a risk (Apostolakis, 2004). Risk score is the product of multiplying the value of Risk Probability to the value of Risk Impact where the value of the Risk Probability is between 0.1 (remotely certain) to 1.0 (certain) and the value of the Risk Impact is between 1(irrelevant) to 4 (relevant) (see risk score equation in the Appendix). The value of the Risk Score is between 1(lowest risk) to 4 (highest risk) (Hubbard, 2014).

A risk assessment matrix diagram is also used to display a clear graphical view of the issues of the risk (Rausand, 2013). Here, the description of the risk, its impact to the project if it will occur, the impacted area, response strategy and contingency plan is visualised through the table.

Risk Assessment Matrix










Probability of



Total Score Project



Risk Area Risk Response



Contingency Plan
Transportation to different store areas such as those that are outside Auckland Open 2 0.88 1.76 If transportation will not be viable due to budget, there will be no personal contact to managers and retail assistants in areas outside Auckland. Budget                                             Schedule Mitigate Phone Interview
Presentation might not be compatible to technology available Open 3 0.50 1.5 Presentation will not be demonstrated Research Work     Time Effort     Schedule Mitigate Use USB Flash Drive, Email
Company will have a different judgement on the research Open 4 0.60 2.4 Research is considered null to their company Research Work     Time Effort Transfer Polish findings that will suit the other store
Unpaid Internship Open 1 0.76 0.76 No budget and compensation on the research work I am doing Research Work     Time Effort Avoid Still do the research work for experience purposes
Company might change their mind for my internship program Open 4 0.85 3.4 Opt to do the Market Research Internship Program Mitigate Do the Managing Project Report
Failure to meet project deadline Open 3 0.65 1.95 Might cause in late submission and low quality research Project Report Mitigate Work Overtime to compensate on the unperformed task

Table 5 Risk Assessment Matrix for the project

Budget Analysis

Cost Estimate Breakdown
DIRECT COSTS Cost Optimistic Cost Pessimistic Cost Most Likely Cost Three Point Estimate
Document Printing $20.00 $35.00 $25.00 $25.83
(Taupo) $25.00 $60.00 $40.00 $40.83
(Nelson) $25.00 $60.00 $40.00 $40.83
(Taupo) $27.00 $88.00 $54.00 $55.16
(Nelson) $52.00 $191.00 $87.00 $98.50
Calls to Project Participation $- $1.44 $0.10 $0.30
Subtotal – Direct Costs $149.00 $435.44 $246.10 $261.47
School Library $- $- $- $-
Computing Resources $- $- $- $-
Research Spaces and Facilities $- $- $- $-
Printer $- $- $- $-
Document Writing Application $- $- $- $-
Mobile Plan $9.00 $70.00 $30.00 $33.16
Subtotal – Indirect Costs $9.00 $70.00 $30.00 $33.16
Cost Reduction Opportunities $(210.81)      
Total Estimated Cost $158 $505.44 $276.1 $294.64

Table 6 Cost Estimate Breakdown for the project

Budget analysis is a vital part in conducting this project as it will show an estimated amount of expenditure that might take place in the progression and completion of a milestone, task or even a sub-task. Having a clear analysis of the budget makes it easier to produce a strategic estimate of the cost breakdown.  

In this project, 3-Points Estimating is used in analysing the budget to execute this research. 3-Points Estimating is a method used to identify an optimistic estimate of the cost (what the cost will be if positive factors that are identified may occur), a pessimistic estimate of the cost (what the cost will be if negative factors that are identified may occur), and a most likely estimate of the cost (the average cost that might take place if any given factor may occur) (Mulligan, 2016).

In the 3-Points Estimating method, there are two types of formula. However, for this project’s budget analysis, Beta Distribution (PERT) will be used. The reason as to why this formula is integrated in this analysis is because it suggests a more accurate estimation than that of the Triangular Distribution (Shipley, Korvin, & Omer, 1997). The formula is


In this project, it includes a research method that entails in conducting a thorough interview for collecting data information. However, this method of data collection, which involves people, raises ethical concerns. Hence, to eradicate this concern, before the researcher invites and interviews the participants, ethical consideration must be addressed appropriately. The ethical approval for this project is covered as part of the Capstone course.

In the duration of conducting the research, the participants who are invited to take part in this research are the employees of Threesixty Communications Limited. In present, there are a total of 17 employees currently working and the goal is to be able to invite them for an interview. Total participants may vary as employee turnover may occur at any stage in the time of research.

A questionnaire will be handed to the participants which will also include the interview consent form and project information sheet that includes the information of the reason and objectives of the project (see consent form and project information sheet in appendix). If they voluntarily participate, they are requested to fill in and affix their signature in the attached consent form. Privacy and confidentiality of the participant is protected.

The data collected will only be used exclusively for the capstone project research report. Number codes will be assigned to the participants to protect any personal information and to assure confidentiality. Any information that will be attained will not be used in another study nor it will be published.

In this research, participation is completely voluntary and participants who will engage in this project will have the right to withdraw without having to define their reason and without any consequence.

Concluding Statement

In conclusion, by doing this project it will enable the researcher a hands-on experience in the professional environment, allowing to gain a direct experience such as the technical and the soft skills. This will also be an opportunity to have professional criticism and allow to polish the skills learned in the classroom and comprehend the connections between the coursework and in the work environment. Having a possible occupation opportunity and strong network is the rationale behind being able to produce and recommend an optimisation plan for Threesixty Communications Limited. This will also the skills in project management to practice honing one’s self in being able to successfully lead a group or a company someday.

The goals are set in to be able to successfully perform this internship and research and most importantly risk analysis and budget analysis is a must to know that this project is feasible. For this project, it is important to identify the risk to strategize of an applicable contingency plan if ever risk will occur.  Having able to identify risk means that there is a commitment to address any problems or concerns in the progression of the project proactively and consistently. Though identifying risk requires repeating rounds of analysis, it is still required for this project to make note of any upcoming risk in the duration of the project. Budget analysis is a vital part in conducting this project as it will show an estimated amount of expenditure that might take place in the progression and completion of a milestone, task or even a sub-task. Having a clear analysis of the budget makes it easier to produce a strategic estimate of the cost breakdown.  

Furthermore, the project includes a research method that entails in conducting a thorough interview for collecting data information. However, this method of data collection, which involves people, raises ethical concerns Hence, to eradicate this concern, before the researcher invites and interviews the participants, ethical consideration must be addressed appropriately.


Apostolakis, G. E. (2004). How useful is quantitative risk assessment? An International Journal, 24(3), 515-520.

Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative research journal, 9(2), 27-40.

Emerson, R. M. (1981). Observational Fieldwork. Annual Review of Sociology, 7(1).

Hubbard, D. W. (2014). The Failure of Risk Management: Why It’s Broken and How to Fix It. In D. W. Hubbard, The Failure of Risk Management: Why It’s Broken and How to Fix It (Illustrated ed., pp. 167, 281). John Wiley & Sons.

Jenkinson, A., & Sain, B. (2004). Advances in communications optimisation for CRM and IMC. In Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, 5-6.

Larsson, J., & Holmström, I. (2007). Phenomenographic or phenomenological analysis: does it matter? Examples from a study on anaesthesiologists’ work. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2(1), 55-61.

Mulligan, D. W. (2016). Improved modeling of three-point estimates for decision making: going beyond the triangle. Naval Graduate School, Engineering. Monterey: Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive DSpace Repository.

O’Neill, N. (2010). Internships as a high-impact practice: Some reflections on quality. Peer Review, 12(4), 4.

Paul, G., Stewart, K., Treasure, E., & Chadwick, B. (2008). ethods of data collection in qualitative research: interviews and focus groups. British dental journal, 6(204), 291.

Project Management Institute. (2008). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). In P. M. Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) (Fourth Edition ed., pp. 287(4), 276-282). Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA: Project Management Institute, Inc.

Rausand, M. (2013). Risk assessment: theory, methods, and applications. In M. Rausand, Risk assessment: theory, methods, and applications (Vol. 115, p. 664). John Wiley & Sons.

Schensul, J. J., & LeCompte, M. D. (2012). Essential ethnographic methods. In J. J. Schensul, & M. D. LeCompte, A mixed Methods Approach (2 ed., Vol. 3, pp. 47-82). Rowman Altamira.

Shipley, M. F., Korvin, A. d., & Omer, K. (1997). BIFPET methodology versus PERT in project management: fuzzy probability instead of the beta distribution. Journal of Engineering and Technology management, 14(1), 49-65.


A. Sample interview questions for staff members

  1. Are you currently working with 2Degrees Mobile powered by Threesixty Communications Limited?
  2. What is/are the reason why you are working in this company?
  3. What do you think are the things that can be fixed or improved?
  4. Do you enjoy working here?
  5. Does your manager provide adequate one-on-one coaching with you to assess your progress?
  6. Does your manager provide adequate team huddling sessions?
  7. Is there a value of respect in the company?
  8. What motivates and demotivates you in the work environment?
  9. Are you stressed in work? Why? Rate your stress from 1-10.
  10.  On a scale of 1-5, how likely would you recommend this company?

B. Sample interview questions for managers

  1. Are you currently working with 2Degrees Mobile powered by Threesixty Communications Limited?
  2. What is/are the reason why you are working in this company?
  3. What do you think are the things that can be fixed or improved?
  4. Do you enjoy working here?
  5. Does your manager provide adequate one-on-one coaching with you to assess your progress?
  6. Do you provide adequate team huddling sessions?
  7. Is there a value of respect in the company?
  8. What motivates and demotivates you in the work environment?
  9. Are you stressed in work? Why? Rate your stress from 1-10.
  10.  On a scale of 1-5, how likely would you recommend this company?

B. Risk Score Equation

Risk Score = Risk Probability * Risk Impact

C. Beta (PERT) Equation

E = (o + 4m + p) / 6

D. Participant Information Sheet

You are invited to take part in a research on Managing Store Operations Optimization for 2degrees mobile powered by Threesixty Communications limited


My name is Axel Rose Estacio and I am conducting this research as part of my Capstone project for the New Zealand Bachelor of Applied Management qualification from EDENZ Colleges, under the supervision of my lecturer Huhana Forsyth. This project aims to produce and create and optimisation plan for 360 Communications Limited.


An optimisation plan helps the company in in being efficient without spending too much and without stressing out its staff. An optimisation plan, if implemented well, will enhance the position of one’s company in the market. It is carefully designed to have a smooth operation with the workforce to increasing sales and market share. As a result, I would like to render what I have learned in my course work to producing an optimisation plan.

This research will be the initial step in the formulation of optimisation strategies for the company.

Who can take part?

Retail staff members of 2Degrees Mobile powered by Threesixty Communications Limited

Study Procedure

The study requires the participants to answer questions from the interviewee involving response and assessment that will be in a duration of about 15 to 20 minutes. The participants can withdraw with out stating their reason and without no consequence whatsoever.


All data collected will be used solely for study purposes and research report for the capstone project. All personal information will be kept confidential by assigning number codes to each participant.

None of the findings will be published and will not be used for any other study.

Data use, storage, destruction

Answers and comment will be summerised during data collection. Numerical value will be used instead of their real name to certify full privacy for participants. All data will be handled with confidentiality and be dismissed by the head supervisor of research in Edenz Colleges, Huhana Forsyth at the appropriate time.

Participant’s rights

You are under no obligation to accept this invitation. If you decide to participate, the following rights apply to you:

  • You have the right to decline in taking part of this research.
  • You have the right to ask questions regarding the study at any time.
  • You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time and to decline to answer any particular question.
  • You have the right to confidentiality and anonymity.
  • Any information that may identify you will be removed – no individual will be identifiable.
  • You have the right to provide information on the understanding that your name will not be used unless you give permission to the researcher.

Completion of this interview implies informed consent.

Contact details

Email: axelbinuezaestacio@gmail.com   Mobile: 0274821870

Supervisor: Huhana Forsyth       Email: huhana.forsyth@edenz.ac.nz

E. Participant Consent Form

F. Internship Industry Letter of Acceptance

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