Turnover Rate of Millenials in the Hospitality Industry
Info: 8919 words (36 pages) Dissertation
Published: 13th Dec 2019
The hospitality industry is dependent upon customers in order to be successful. In this concern, the employees of the resort, hotel, or restaurant must be courteous enough to take care of the customers who are staying in a hotel or paying to get good food at the restaurant. This paper will discuss millennial turnover within the hospitality industry. In order to gain an understanding of this issue, there is the need to know the cause of the issue. The Human Resource Management (HRM) team plays a major role within the organization as it is this team that works one on one with the employees to ensure that the employees are enjoying their job. The role of HRM is discussed to include their understanding of collaboration, strategic planning, and innovation to manage millennial age group, career counselling, and the organizational culture. Those people in HR and management level should follow these rules in order to find a solution to this issue.
1. Introduction
The rate of turnover in the hospitality industry, especially with the millennial generation offers an exciting chance for investigation (Collins, Buhalis, & Peters, 2003). There are multiple issues involving a corporation and individuals that influence both where employees desire to work and how long they remain with a job or company. There is an incongruity in the effect of the various issues on the different sectors in the business world. Each sector of the business world is unique and operates using models that are considered effective for business in that sector. (International: Internet gives small firms a key edge, 2014).
The investigation achieved relative to turnover in the hospitality industry can provide necessary information that can be used by management to gain perspective regarding the problem of turnover within the hospitality industry. Knowledge gained about the rate of turnover in this industry can enable the creation of business planning that can minimize this problem. It is useful and beneficial for management to learn if factors such as better communication would improve employee retention.
The investigation on the rate of turnover of the millennial generation in the hospitality industry could also provide valuable information on the training and planning of the staff in the sector (Lawler, III, 2015). Such information could provide Human Resource Management (HRM) as well as investors with knowledge of issues impacting millennial behaviour. Part of this knowledge is the necessary skills that will help millennial workers to succeed. Possessing the capacity to track desired skills and competencies could also provide vital information on how to improve the industry (Groehler & Caruso, 2005). The respective information could assist in the identification of the required technologies to capture the changing desires of modern day employees to avoid high rates of turn over that can be most costly (Lawler, III, 2015). The investigation is crucial to the professionals in the industry as it could provide necessary information to improve training in relation to the employer’s needs and the desires of employees ( Atwal & Williams, 2009).
It is essential to understand the basic problem before the successful accomplishment of the investigation; the subject or topic must be understood. This process occurs successfully because of the literature review. There are key reasons for the review of the literature inclusive of (NCLC, 2010):
A. The investigator can avoid any duplication of existing investigation or even past investigation that is now outdated.
B. It will allow the investigator to find out the benefits as well as non-benefits of different methodologies with the plan of deciding the most beneficial investigation process that will be productive when it is time for data collection and data analysis relative to the issue or problem.
C. It will permit the investigator to become familiar with the achievement of responses that enables the implementation of processes that can help to eliminate the problem from data gathered throughout the investigation process (NCLC, 2010).
D. It will help the investigator in becoming familiarized with the methodology inclusive of content as well as conclusions that have transpired based upon past investigation. This process intends to enable a clear understanding of the specific issue or concern.
Information has revealed that the rate of turnover of millennials in the hospitality industry continues to increase over the years. Kitterlin (2014) states that past studies conducted by the American Hotel and Lodging Association found that the turnover rate was over 47%, which is almost three times as much as the turnover rate relative to other industries. Past studies have also revealed that over 28% of this turnover rate is occurring relative to positions in management (Davidson, Timo & Wang, 2010).
The investigation is also necessary due to the existence of advanced technologies, which also affect changes in the hospitality industry that may not have existed in the past (Nadiri & Tanova, 2010). It would be particularly important to assess if the advancing technologies and the improved channels of communication have had any influence on the rate of turnover in the hospitality sector relative to millennials. The report can also enable the understanding of how globalization has affected the rate of turnover in the hospitality industry. The report can also be essential in determining the areas within the industry that have higher rates of turnover than others do. For example, the report could establish if junior staff are more effected than senior staff or vice versa. Information gained from the report could also improve the existing data on turnover rates in the industry (Matikiti, Afolabi, & Smith, 2012).
The primary intention of this paper is to examine the factors that motivate millennials to quit their job within the hospitality industry. Additionally, the paper will discuss the techniques that would help hospitality industry in resolving the issues related to the millennials turnover rates. Information gained from the investigation process would assist the Human Resource Officer and management to understand the issue to work effectively to resolve the issue. The investigation brings about information that would help to solve problems caused by a millennial leaving job in the hospitality industry.
This report seeks to identify the issues, which influence the rate of turnover by millennial in the hospitality industry. This information will be useful since millennials are becoming the main workforce of the world (Lawler, III, 2015). The research will answer important questions on the comparable rates of turnover in the hospitality industry and other related sectors. The research also seeks to respond to the question “What comprises an excellent working environments in the hospitality industry that lead to employee retention thereby lowering the rate of turnover in the hospitality industry.”
The scope of the investigation project assists in the outlining of planned objectives relative to the subject of turnover rate in the hospitality industry, which relates to millennial as well as an understanding of the negative impact that is associated with this problem (CIO, 2017). Furthermore, the research will suggest new plans and techniques that can be introduced by HRM in the hospitality industry to improve the turnover rate by encouraging millennial to work effectively without quitting their jobs.
The research instrument used for this research will represent human resource related issues of importance in the industry. The goal of the instrument is to determine what motivates millennials in relations to their position and decision to remain with a corporation over time.
The information obtained from this research can assist the hospitality industry in creating processes that will minimize or possibly eliminate the issue of turnover of millennial within the hospitality industry. Benefits gained from the investigation will be of importance to this industry. According to Suttle (2017), Human Resource Management and Research & Development sectors can work together through the investigation process to cognize valuable knowledge that will identify processes that are inner as well as outer to the industry having the capacity to make valuable business decisions. Using such information from the investigation method will permit and enable effective decision making by management eliminating dangerous instinctive choices (Suttle, 2017). The attainment of the investigation process will enable management decisions that are methodical and unbiased based on knowledge gained from the investigation process (Suttle, 2017).
An additional benefit of the investigation process is that the individual performing the procedure can decide how the process is achieved (Suttle, 2017). There are several kinds of commercial investigation, which are inclusive of basic investigation as well as applied investigation (Nadiri & Tanova, 2010). Basic research permits the increase of knowledge, and applied investigation occurs when there is the need for a business decision, which concerns a specific or actual life problem. These individual processes will assist in the study clarifying the discovered indicative work via the investigation process (Suttle, 2017).
Before the investigation is started, the primary Investigation question need to be established which is:
“ What are the procedures that desire to be executed to reduce millennial employee turnover within the hospitality industry?”
2. Literature Review
Human Resource Management Corporation Duties
Human resource management or HRM defines the effective supervision of employees in a company (Martin, 2016). The main function of HRM is to organize, control, and manage human capital. Therefore, they need to apply several strategies that increase the growth rate of the organization. The study of literature demonstrates that human resource management is entitled to keep a focus on managing and satisfying people who are crucial assets of their organizations.
On the other hand, the hospitality industry is a wide-ranging category of areas within the service industry. The hospitality industry is based on providing best services to customers who visit a hotel or a restaurant (Karatepe, 2013). Furthermore, the hospitality industry’s success is highly dependent on the role of employees.
A growing number of employees these days are millennials and their demands are very different from conventional employees (Mayhem, 2017). They require more attention and recognition at their place of work. In this regard, the human resource departments in the hospitality industry must work in a way to create and implement effective policies, laws, and regulations to attract millennials. Additionally, the HR department should be authorized to take disciplinary steps to initiate practices within the hospitability industry to align their objectives with the goals of millennials (Mayhem, 2017).
The recruitment and selection process show the significant impact on the business strategy and operational effectiveness of the organization (Mayhem, 2017). HR is directly responsible for attracting and hiring the best talent to run the business operations smoothly and effectively. HR is accountable for building a productive workforce and over the challenges related to talent (Karatepe, 2013). It is important to create an effective recruitment and selection strategy for hiring the best people and meet the organizational goal. Employees’ job satisfaction and job security are important factors that influence them to work in different industries. This process requires appreciation of the different generations within the workforce. That appreciation is not only important when handling external position candidates, but also when assisting current employees in moving forward in their career within the corporation. Appreciation of the differences is also beneficial to management when attempting to build or maintain a company’s culture.
Many people argue that hiring managers for working in HR department should not hire millennials. Although they are mostly inexperienced, they still demand a lot of recognition and financial benefits (Yeager & Callahan, 2014). However, these people do not understand that millennials are essentially vital for the growth of the hospitability organization as they are endowed with better knowledge to provide the best assistance to customers (Mayhem,2017). The hospitability industry is implementing the latest technologies to please and attract customers. For instance, technically-advanced features have been added to room services. The process of taking orders has also become digitalized to ensure that each customer is satisfied. The older generation of employees will not be able to comply with these latest strategies which are main reason for the HR department in the hospitality industry is required to hire millennials due to their contemporary knowledge of technological processes (Martin,2016).
On the other hand, marketing strategies have also undergone tremendous changes in the hospitability industry. The use of classified ads is not enough in the era of digital and social media. Hence, millennials must be hired to make use of creative marketing strategies based on social media advertisements (Auld, Hsiao, & Ma, 2017).. In this way, the HR department of the hospitability industry will be able to reduce the additional cost of the classified advertisement after hiring millennials in the marketing department as social media advertisements are completely free (Auld, Hsiao, & Ma, 2017).
Innovation in Strategic HRM
In recent times, Millennials are not satisfied with the hospitability industry because the industry is not willing to bring constructive or innovative changes in the organizational process (Auld, Hsiao, & Ma, 2017). For instance, they follow conventional techniques for ensuring guest satisfaction. It is evident in the case of Burj-Al-Arab as many young travellers from European countries complained that even though this hotel is extraordinarily awe-inspiring, still the frequent travellers of Burj-Al-Arab are getting bored -because they are getting the same type of room services and food from the past 10 to 12 years (Smith, 2014). In this regard, many millennials are not willing to work in hotels where room for improvement or innovation is limited.
Innovation is necessary to enable an organization to move forward in its business. Successful innovation is based on the very life of the organization. This innovation process required for businesses to meet the challenges of globalization inclusive of positives or negatives capacity building which is needed in every area of the organization to include management, governance, as well as public administration everywhere in the world. The innovative process is defined with the inclusion of strategic innovations as well as innovative strategies that must be known and recognized by HRM assisting in capacity building. Human resources is a human capital being well trained and well developed (Farazmand, 2004).
Understanding Millennial Needs within the Corporation Millennial
Young, Sturts, Ross, & Kim (2013) explain that ‘Millennial’ is the title given to the generation which was born between 1980 and 2004. They are comparatively modern and rely on technological features. Furthermore, they are more inclined towards creativity and innovation. It is one basic reason that this group of millennial is given more recognition and power by HRM departments.
This group accepts diversity very well and have an appreciation for the acceptance of different communication methods whether the communication is face-to-face, remote or even electronic with the inclusion of texting as well as email (Young, Sturts, Ross, & Kim, 2013). This group enjoys social media for providing information as well as accessing information and enjoy the use of technology. They also enjoy the work-life balance and think of shaping trends which they make relevant to the workplace being called the “M-factor” to include parenting, entitlement, desire for speed as well as social networking as well as collaboration (Young, Sturts, Ross, & Kim, 2013). Moreover, M-factor is considered of importance for managers as well as co-workers of the other generations as this group is constantly entering the workforce in very large numbers and are expected to do so through 2022 (Young, Sturts, Ross, & Kim, 2013).
Career Counselling
According to Heathfield (2016), millennials enjoy working in teams while also desiring to make friends with the people with whom they work. It is important for the Human Resource team to realize the importance of giving this group career counselling that will enable this group to move into leadership in a manner that allows them to grow within the organization. This group must have the ability not only to know where they are going but also observe with an understanding of what they need to do. Human Resource can enable a positive connection for this group providing structure, leadership, and guidance. There is the need to encourage this group ensuring self-assuredness as well as a positive self-image (Heathfield, 2016).
Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is of importance to any organization as employees spend at least 40 hours or more within the workplace. It is a process, which evaluates beliefs as well as principles and values. Since millennial makes up approximately 50% of the workforce, the Human Resource department must be of assistance in enabling certain values that includes flexible schedules with respect for work life and social responsibility that makes a tangible difference when these individuals are at work. Furthermore, it provides several opportunities for volunteering.
In the hospitality industry, organizational culture is defined as a system of collective assumptions, standards, and principles that govern how employees behave in organizations (Martin, 2016). These collective standards have a resilient impact on the success of the organization. In this regard, millennials are the first choice of HR managers as they are comparatively familiar with enhancing organizational culture by introducing technologically advanced concepts.
Working Hours
In the hospitability industry, staff members are typically asked to work for 8 hours a day. However, the study about the satisfaction of millennials toward working hours which illustrates that HR managers ask their employees to work for 12 hours a day. Millennials are mostly not satisfied with such policies. As a result, the turnover in the hospitability industry is rising (Auld, Hsiao, & Ma, 2017). HR managers are required to fulfill this demand of the millennials as logically it is not appropriate for the organizations to force employees to do overtime.
As previously mentioned, the millennials is concerned with the work-life balance. Creating a working environment that will be of importance to this group will allow them to find enjoyment at work with a desire to stay on the job versus leaving it. They are aware of their expertise and duties. They do not make many mistakes (Yeager & Callahan, 2014). Similarly, they are not required to be given lengthy training periods to teach them about the ethics of hospitality industry. Therefore, HRM departments in the hospitality industry must not force them to do overtime.
How to Manage Millennials
One of the major responsibilities of HRM is to understand the employees within the organization. Part of this responsibility involves investigating and resolving workplace issues in a manner that will help the employee while also benefiting the organization. HRM also must ensure that employees have a safe working environment that is free from any internal problem to include discrimination as well as harassment (PWC, 2017). Whether the business is a small business or large corporation HRM managers must be the primary contact for legal counsel to mitigate activities as well as litigation that could pertain to any employee relation matters. On the other hand, HRM is obliged to ensure that it is taking appropriate steps to satisfy the employees to improve the turnover rate. In this concern, policies and regulations must communicate in a manner that is of benefit to the employees and the organization.
The landscape of the work environment is changing with the need for understanding how the millennial are different. These individuals have strong beliefs as well as expectations to the workplace. HRM department can take few steps to address and resolve the concerns of millennials. A few of those steps include taking out time to understand these employees with the need to understand as well as address generational differences as well as tensions (PWC, 2017): (a). By using metrics as well as benchmarking HRM can gain an understanding what millennial want and how to transfer those desires in a way that will benefit the employees as well as the organization. (b) Additionally, it will help them to grow and increase their recognition in the organization. Talking with this group will allow an understanding of personal as well as professional goals of these employees (c) Communicate to these employees how they are doing. The mistakes, which cause a problem for the organization, should be resolved. Employers should give the employees enough consideration and attention.
It is notable that millennials enjoy working in teams while also making friends with the people with whom they work. This group also works well with diverse co-workers. Millennials enjoy leadership as well as structure (Heathfield, 2016). They also desire to know precisely what they need to do to become a leader. Research has shown that there is the need to provide a structure within the job held by these individuals with goals that are stated and progress over time. Another benefit is to provide leadership and guidance that means that HRM should spend time teaching and coach this group (Heathfield, 2016). Lastly, HRM should find a way to take advantage of the fact that millennials are comfortable working in the team environment.
Most importantly, millennials do not like to be dictated to or commanded by others. Many people consider this attitude of millennials as unethical or unprincipled (Yeager & Callahan, 2014). However, they still follow this behavior due to the reason that they recognize their talent. Secondly, they are aware of their competence.
In the world of diversity, each student is taught differently. However, their prospect is based on similar goals to satisfy their customers. For this reason, HRM must be authorized give full responsibility to employed millennials, and they should not interfere with their work as the style of millennials to complete a task is possibly different, but their aim is aligned with the organization’s goals (Karatepe, 2013).
Millennials and the Frustration of HR Executives
Research has revealed that there are frustrations experienced by HR Executives when dealing with millennials within the organization. However, there must be a way to overcome this disappointment as it has been predicted that by 2020, millennials will increase in numbers to make up approximately 50% of the workforce, and by 2025, the number will be close to or exceed 75% (Bisceglia, 2014). A survey performed by Scout Exchange and Oracle HCM User Group shares information on what to expect from the people born between the years of 1976 and 1994. Millennials sense of entitlement is frustrating for members of the HRM profession who believe that younger employee’s feel they should receive more respect as well as opportunity and pay than what their experience, ability, and knowledge merit (Bisceglia, 2014).
Millennials also lack the face-to-face communication skills. This age demographic is very comfortable texting and can often seem socially inept. Those surveyed stated that it borders on an avoidant society. Additionally, other surveyed respondents also stated that they are concerned with the millennials’ need for flexible working conditions (Bisceglia, 2014). Hence, an accommodating environment must be provided to employees in the hospitality industry (Labrien, 2017). In this way, HRM will get a chance to improve employee’s turnover rate.
High Turnover Rates amongst Millennials
The research question for this study is based on millennial employee turnover within the hospitality industry with the need of acquiring an understanding of why millennials leave a company.
At present, millennials are dissatisfied with the performance and kilfulr of HRM in the hospitality industry as they believe that their talent is being wasted (Karatepe, 2013). For instance, millennials are well-educated and kilful. Still, they are not allowed to share their opinion with higher officials. Similarly, the hospitality industry is determined to follow the conventional technique of management whereas millennials are interested in working in an innovative and creative field. For this reason, their turnover rate within the hospitality industry is rising, and millennials are opening up their own restaurants with their innovative ideas.
The Benefits of the Research Process
The millennial display characteristics that are much different from their predecessors, as this group has never had a life experience that has not included instant responses and other information (Kitterlin, 2014). There is the demand for immediacy relevant to life. Recruiting and retention processes appear to be bringing about confusion with this group as well as miscommunication and frustration (Kitterlin, 2014). There is a desire to find ways to understand this group while also modifying retention efforts. Any corporation that does not have a strong social media image could discourage these applicants. The key is to find ways to not only attract these candidates but to retain them after the hiring process is complete (Kitterlin, 2014).
HRM has an overwhelming response to managing this generation Y and doing so in a manner that will be of benefit to the employees as well as the organization. Each employee is of value to the overall organization with the ability to assist the company in growing its business. Key concerns relative to the employee are not avoidable as turnover is not only a costly venture but also affects the overall productivity and efficiency of the organization.
Literature Review Summary
The review of the literature discussed the significance of implementing several techniques and strategies for reducing turnover rates within the hospitality industry. The investigator must also perform investigation relative to the best methodology to use for the project. The plan is for the investigation process to become successful in every way. The data collection and data analysis process is also evaluated to outline, achievement of the investigation process. Themes and coding will be evaluated to analyse the data.
The investigation process cannot be effective without having a primary investigation question. For this report, the primary investigation question is “what are the procedures that need to be executed in order to reduce millennial employee turnover within the hospitality industry?” In this concern, it could be articulated that “Human Resource Management” plays a major role in the achievement of the corporation and has a major role in formatting the achievement of employees working together -within the corporation. There is the need to understand the millennials who enjoy the work-life balance and think of shaping trends which they make relevant to the workplace being called the “M-factor” to include parenting, entitlement, desire for speed as well as social networking and collaboration (Young, Sturts, Ross, & Kim, 2013).Management must apply the principles of human resource management in a manner that will enable the success of millennials within the hospitality industry, thereby, achieving the success of the business.
Some problems are encountered within the corporation because of high turnover rates among millennials. These include team dynamics that assist in the achievement of a company and critically affect the business if the team does not effectively work together. Additionally, problems with team dynamics cause a negative impact on the entire business as an outgrowth of issues with productivity. The goal of this research is to determine processes and other factors that appear to impact retention among millennials, which are typically addressed by corporations to increase millennial retention allowing greater engagement of the individual and the greater workgroup. It is now time to discuss the methodology review.
3. Methodology
For this report, it has been determined that the conceptual framework will be used as there is the desire to view the basic ideas of the process that will allow the use of a business strategy that will be based on information gathered during the investigation report. The investigation will also be used and examined to gain knowledge of how the problem is presently being dealt with so that there will not be a repeat of what is not working.
A survey questionnaire is implemented, as this process enables an effective communication process.
The exploratory investigation process was chosen for this investigation because the process (a) assist in an increased understanding of corporate processes (b) enables the concept testing having the ability to achieve use the conceptual framework; and (c) flexibility of data sources which can allow the use of primary resources (Creswell, 2013).There are other advantages to the exploratory of the investigation design process to include (a) increased understanding as well as (b) better conclusions once information is gained.
Data Collection
The survey questionnaire process is used for data collection in this investigation process. The survey is conducted in the presence of the researcher that allowed a personal approach relative to the investigation process. The questionnaires are prepared by including close-ended questions, which allow the participants to give their answers clearly and accurately. The statements included in the questionnaire are based on the Likert Scale where 1 represents Least Important, 2 represents Somewhat Important, 3 represents Neutral, 4 represents Important, and 5 represents Very Important. These statements are related to job characteristics and factors that affect job decision of Millennials. These include: professional development opportunities; career advancement opportunities; organization cultures; working hours; open communication between managers and employees; honest communication between managers and employees; non-monetary rewards; fairly paid; empowerment from the employer, and opportunities to use your skills and abilities to perform your job. All these factors have been highlighted and discussed in the previous literature by different researchers. The investigator also asked questions related to the demographic characteristics of respondents.
Data Analysis
The data collected from the survey questionnaire is assembled in MS Excel to determine responses’ frequencies and averages. It is done so to identify factors that are considered very important. The results are presented objectively to avoid any ambiguity or subjectivity in findings and discussion developed on the basis of these findings (Creswell, 2013). Moreover, the results are graphically represented to facilitate a better understanding of findings.
Review of the Investigation Process
The methodology review describes the process for the application of the detailed procedures that helps in identifying, selecting, and analysing information that is applied to understand the investigation problem. This information assists the reader in critically evaluating the report’s validity as well as reliability.
A discussion is made concerning the conceptual framework. The conceptual framework is based upon concepts from different theories and findings that can be used to guide the investigation process. This analytical tool has several variations and contexts will allow the investigator to find information that is real and can be remembered for the achievement of the investigation process.
Assumptions made for this investigation report include the knowledge of the corporate issue of millennial employee turnover within the hospitality industry as well as how this issue is causing other internal corporate problems. The quantitative investigation methodology is used as this process is designed to be objective and clear. The process has been chosen because of the unique aspects it offers the investigation.
Survey questionnaires are implemented as this process is characterized by synchronous communication of time as well as place. Another benefit of conducting a survey in the presence of the researcher is that there is no time delay between the question and answer allowing the interaction of the investigator and the participant.
For this process, the investigator explores the subject of employee turnover relative to millennials finding the desired results within a specified period. It has been previously stated that the quantitative investigation methodology via exploratory investigation is used, as this is the process that enables the achievement of the investigation process.
4. Findings
The preliminary survey was conducted to include 24 respondents and their responses regarding job characteristics that affect their decision to work for a particular company. These findings are important to understand the factors that Millennials consider for establishing and continuing their association with a particular company and job that they are assigned to perform.
The next set of statements included in the questionnaire are important to understand factors that Millennials consider when they apply for a job or consider them while working for a company. The findings of the study are summarized in the following table.
Table 1: Factors

Since these statements are based on the Likert Scale it is important to calculate the mean value of responses collected to determine the overall trend in responses. It is useful to present objective findings regarding various sub-investigation areas included in the study. From Table 2 provided below, it could be noted that other than non-monetary rewards all other factors received responses with an average more than 4. Based on the scale developed for this study, it indicates that the majority of respondents consider these factors either important or very important.
Table 2: Average on factors

Figure 2 shows the factor ‘Career advancement opportunities’ was the most important consideration for millennials in their employment decision making. This factor had an average rating of 4.88 out of five. The next two factors with the highest importance rating were ‘fairly paid’ and ‘opportunities to use your skills and abilities to perform your job’. These factors both had an average rating of 4.79 out of five. The factor with the next highest rating,4.71, was ‘Honest communication between managers and employees’ which affect their decision to work for an employer or perform their responsibilities as expected.
Figure 2: Job Factors

5. Conclusion
The findings of the survey and literature review discuss the factors which impact the turnover rate within the hospitality industry. Hence, these findings illustrate that HRM is based on organizing and arranging a set up for the employees to increase their interest in the job. The respective arrangement can constructively impact the HRM in the hospitality industry by providing a well-structured set up for the employees as it has been stated by Mayhem(2017) that employees prefer working in an environment which acknowledge their performance.
The findings correspondingly reflect similar opinion regarding the increment in the turnover rate in the hospitality industry by articulating that organizational culture should be developed in a way that it gives recognition to millennials for making an effort. In this way, it becomes evident that providing care and attention to employees will assist HRM in reducing the turnover rate in the hospitality industry. For this reason, the HRM department must form a committee that includes employees and HR managers. The committee will play a vital role in identifying the main concerns of the employees which focus on millennials. Moreover, the managers will resolve these issues in order to ensure that the employees are acknowledged and respected.
The findings from table 4 highlights that the provision of professional development opportunities by their employers within the hospitality industry encourages them to not to quit their job. Therefore, HRM must introduce professional development opportunities for the employees by instigating new plans and tactics. The respective plan of initiating professional development opportunities will help the HRM in convincing the millennials to improve their performance level in their field work of hospitality industry. Therefore, a commitment building process must be designed by the HRM team members to allocate new tasks to millennials in the hospitality industry for their professional career development. Since it has been exemplified in findings that the success rate of hospitality organization is highly depend on the role of their employees. Therefore, providing professional development opportunities and career advancement opportunities plays a vital role in stimulating the employees to become more committed. Additionally, it reduces turnover rates within the hospitality industry due to the reason that millennials believe that their career is getting more progressive.
Furthermore, the HRM department must ensure that they are not forcing their employees to work for an extreme additional long hours. In this way, the HRM will get a chance to increase the performance of employees. The findings presented in the Table 3 have clearly indicated that it is one of the most critical factors that discourages the employees in the hospitality industry is that the hospitality’s HRM team enforce them to work for longer hours. As a result, millennials plan to quit their job.
Moreover, the findings evidently explain that several additional factors encourages the millennials to work effectively. Figure 3 clearly depicts fair payment, empowerment, communication skills, and rewards are few of the most impactful job factors that could help HRM in reducing the turnover rate in the hospitality industry. In this regard, it could be considered offering fair payment to the employees reduces the turnover rate and increase the efficiency of employees. For this reason, HRM department must ensure that they are paying suitable wages to their employees as it will stimulate the employees to offer assistance to visitors more effectively. The inclusion of career advancement that opportunities in HRM plan can also constructively impact the organizational culture. It is shown in Figure 3 that millennials give preference to career advancement program as they continually want to grow in the competitive market. Therefore, HRM introduces an operative policy for the career growth of millennials. In this way, the hospitality industry will experience a massive reduction in the turnover rates of employees which focus on the millennials.
Similarly, the Figure 3 based on factors that reduce job turnover rate discusses regarding the establishment of an open and honest communication between managers and employees. A positive communication can stimulate the employees to show more devotion and commitment to work. It is also discussed by Karatepe(2013) in the literature review that the concept of empowering employees and offering non-monetary rewards reduce the turnover rate. Therefore, the HR manager in the hospitality industry must converse nicely with the employees. The pleasant behaviour and communication will make the organizational environment soothing for employees and employers.
On the other hand, Table 3 also exemplifies that millennials should be given liberty display their talent. Therefore, they should not be continually manipulated by HR managers as the findings determined that millennials are already trained to perform well. Hence, the enforcement of HRM can discourage them from working in the organization. For this reason, it is recommended that HR managers should allow millennials to work in their own effective style while offering services to the customers in the field. In this way, HR managers will feel more contended, and millennials will also find it opportunistic to display their talent without being holding it down by the influence of others.
It could be articulated that the findings of the survey approve the concepts of HRM presented in the literature review by stating the HRM must adopt good communication skills, initiate professional development program, and give financial/non-monetary rewards to satisfy millennials. In this way, the issues faced by the HRM due increment in the turnover rate of hospitality industry will be reduced.
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