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Criminology Dissertation Titles

Info: 248 words (1 pages) Dissertation Title
Published: 16th Aug 2021 in Dissertation Title

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Tagged: Criminology

We have provided the selection of example criminology dissertation titles below to help and inspire you:

Are large entities of the Jamaican society criminal? What does the evidence show?

Care in the community – Do Neighbourhood Watch Schemes reduce Rates of Burglary?

Crime and the American Dream.

Discrimination Policies in Policing: The UK and UAE explored.

Gender is not the main cause of sexual and domestic violence.

How has Crime and Punishment changed over the years?

Is the UK effective in its methods of prosecuting corporate fraud offenders?

Male ex-offenders and how it affects employment in the UK.

The myth and the reality of rape among men and women.

The relation between police and media. The impact on society of this relationship.

To what extent can it be argued that youth crime is a social construction?

If these example dissertation titles have given you some inspiration, see our guide on How to Write a Dissertation Title to help you get started with writing your own.


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Criminology is a social science that applies elements of sociology, psychology and law in the study of crime, criminal behaviour and law enforcement.

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