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Finance Dissertation Titles

Info: 854 words (3 pages) Dissertation Title
Published: 16th Aug 2021 in Dissertation Title

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Tagged: Finance

We have provided the selection of example finance dissertation titles below to help and inspire you:

Corporate governance: Effects on Stock Returns, Firm Value and Performance: Evidence from listed firms in industrial industry in UK stock market.

Impact of exchange rate variation of firm value in Chinese A-Shares market.

The Effect of Interest rates on Islamic and conventional bond prices.

A Comparative Performance Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Banks in the GCC Country (2002-2009).

A few carefully chosen ratios can help predict bankruptcy – A study involving near bankrupt and bankrupt firms.

A Review into the Strategic Role of the Finance Department.

A theoretical and empirical analysis of the use of equity valuation models.

Accounting development and accounting standards setting in EU and developing countries.

An evaluation of the determinants of dividends policy of banks in the United Kingdom.

An Exploratory Study: Internet banking in the UK.

Are active equity fund institutional investors really closet index trackers?

Bridging the critical divide: global finance, financialisation and contemporary capitalism.

Case study: three Italian fashion companies; TOD’S Group, Mariella Burani Fashion Group, Giorgio Armani.

China’s role in driving the shipping and ship-financing markets.

Considering different types of models such as moving average, random walk, exponential smoothing, exponentially weighted moving average, and GARCH including EGARCH as asymmetric model.

Corporate Investment Decision Making During Times of Global Financial Crises: The Importance of WACC and the Management of Working Capital.

Dividend payment policies in different countries and industries.

Effects of stock market liberalisation: pros and cons. The different between developed and developing countries.

Experiences of foreign banks to China’s commercial banks in financial services.

Financing Rural Energy Projects in China; What are the lessons for Nigeria?

How does insider trading impact the UK securities market?

How has FDI in China changed the economic growth of China?

Integrating Islamic Finance with Basel II.

Is there any connection between Service creativity & Profitability in a commercial bank?

Issues in public finance: has the private finance initiative contributed to effective management of the UK’s public finances?

Preparing employees for Retirement from Defined Contribution Pension Schemes’ – focusing on the 55 – 68 age group (Irish Pension Law).

Selective use of financial ratios in predicting impending corporate bankruptcy.

Social capital and trust: Implications for finance. Lessons from the last crisis.

The competition between European exchanges for non-European listing.

The Financial Impact Of Credit Derivatives In The UK & US.

The impact of Credit Default Swap on the UK and US bond markets.

The impact of micro finance, where has it been unsuccessful and why, where has it been successful and why?

The profitability of banks and exchange rate variation.

The relationship between interest rates, inflation and economic growth in China from the year 2000 to 2010.

The US subprime mortgage market and the current financial crisis: What are the causes?

To test whether there is a correlation between the Saudi stock market and the Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain stock markets.

What are the aims of cross border mergers and acquisitions and do they always bring the desired effects?

What is corporate rescue and has it been effective in the UK and USA financial systems?

If these example dissertation titles have given you some inspiration and you now feel ready to write your own title, see our guide on How to Write a Dissertation Title to help you get started.


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Content relating to: "Finance"

Finance is a field of study involving matters of the management, and creation, of money and investments including the dynamics of assets and liabilities, under conditions of uncertainty and risk.

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