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Types of Premises Licenses and Personal Licenses

Info: 7901 words (32 pages) Dissertation
Published: 9th Dec 2019

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Tagged: LawPublic Law


CONTENT PAGE…………………………………………………………………………………P 2


I.I………………………………………………………………………………………………………P 3&4

1.2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..P 4

1.3……………………………………………………………………………………………………………P 5

1.4…………………………………………………………………………………………………….P6, 7&8

2.1……………………………………………………………………………………………………….P8& 9


2.3……………………………………………………………………………………………….P 10, 11&12

3.1………………………………………………………………………………………………………12& 13









The report is based on different types of premises license and personal license. The purpose of licensing is to prevent crime and public nuisance for safety of premises. For you selling or consumption of alcohol in these places, it required to be licensed by the local authority. The premises license gives you authority to sale alcohol and whiles the personal license is obtained to supervise the sale of and consumption of alcohol valid for up to Ten Years.  I will be discussing the different types of Licensed Premises. I will also discuss about legislation and law that is related to licensed Premises, I will talk about the requirement that you should have for employing an employee and employer’s responsibilities towards the employee. This report will provide guidelines on the conduct of licensed premises that is used by staff. Staffs are required to be prepared on the reason and fundamental the authorized premises so they know about their obligations and duties in serving alcohols to their clients and how to manage them.

My report is about a licensed premise of my choice. I will be using fabric club in Farringdon, central London. Fabric club has been established since 1999 as one of London’s clubbing landmarks and high quality programming that showcases all strands of the UK’s electronic music underground; occupies a total of 25,000 square feet (fabriclondon.com). 

  1. Different types of licensed premises

A licensing agreement is a legal contract between two parties, known as the licensor and the licensee. The licensor grants the licensee the right to produce and sell goods, apply a brand name or trademark used by the licensor. The licensee usually submits to a series of conditions regarding the use of the licensor’s property and agrees to make payments (inc.com).

  1.  Premise License— A premises permit or a brief occasion see (TEN) is required by element in the event that they are offering or providing liquor. This permit is pertinent to those elements whose fundamental goal is to serve or supply liquor (Briscoe and Donnelly, 2001). Be that as it may, if utmost of supply of alcohol is greatest up to 60 Benefactors then the association can apply for little bar permit.
  2. Hotel-Restaurant– This license permits hotels with restaurant and restaurants facilities to sell a full alcohol drinks. Hotel-restaurant licensees are required to have full meals available until 8:00 p.m. every day they are open and snacks and sandwiches available after 8:00 p.m. 25% of their sale needs to come from the sale of food.
  1. Personal License– is a compact permit gave to the person to giving him consent to offer liquor at premises authorized for the offer of liquor. Preface permit is given according to the idea of action secured under material conditions (Day and Kelton, 2007). Individual permit is accommodated ten years while term of start permit is not particular; it shifts according to the idea of movement.
  1. Club Premise License- this permit is required when primary goal of the firm is to give stimulation to benefactors. According to the arrangements of Permitting Act 2003, control excitement is licensable movement (Doherty, and Roche, 2003). It permits corporations to sell liquor to member for consumption on the premise.
  1. Different between personal licenses and premise licenses
Personal licence   Premises licence
  1. Applicant must be 18 years or above, and they must have appropriate training qualification to do such activity.
  1. In premise licence, there is no requirement for training and qualifications.
  1. It is valid for ten years, as per the licensing Act 2003.
  1. No annual renewal is required as these licences will be valid for the life of the premises.
  1. Personal licence is granted for the permission to supply or  sell liquor
  3) Premise licence has the licence for the sale of alcohol and the provision of late night refreshment.
  1. Applicant has to pass an exam (NCPLH) and must score 28 out of 40 before he or she can be issued personal licence.
  1. Premise licence is given to a person not to the establishment and must display the name of the licensee above the entrance to an on-licence location.
  1. All applicants must have basic Disclosure, like assault, drunk driving and drugs convictions, which tells you if the applicant is deemed acceptable to the adhere to the licensing objectives.
  1. The sign would regularly say the “NAME OF Proprietor” Authorized for the offer of mixed refreshments for utilization on the premises.
  1. An individual license holder cannot transfer his right to another person
  6) In premise licence, permission can be shared to conduct commercial activity.  


  1. Procedures for the different licence applications
Personal license Premise license
You must apply to the council where you live and get the form from hackney council website(hackney.gov.uk). You can apply to the council where the premise is located. You can download the form from the council website at www.hackney.gov.uk/licensing or from department of culture, media and sport at www.dcms.gov.uk
You submit an application form that has your personal details; name; age place; purpose of where the alcohol will be sold. The applicant should complete a form; submitted operating schedule; a plan of the premises in the prescribed form.
Two passport photographs, one should be endorse by a solicitor or a civil servant should be submitted; your licensing qualification (WHICH THEY HAVE 5 QUALIFICATIONS The BILAB (QCF Recognition number RN5118); criminal conviction certificate; criminal record certificate and the results of a subject access search under the Date Protection Act 1998(b) of the police National Computer by the National Identification Service. If the application requests the authorisation to supply alcohol, a form containing the consent of the proposed designated premises supervisor in the prescribed form; to display a notice on the premises advertising your application for at least 28 days starting on the day you make your application to the council; Display a notice in one local newspaper (Hackney Gazette) advertising your application on least one occasion within 10 working days starting on the day after you make your application to the council  and document showing that you are entitle to work in the United Kingdom (hackney.gov.uk).
A fee of £37.00 is payable and no set time limit to do this by (hackney.gov.uk) Measure of the expense will be founded on the groups with respect to Household Rateable Valuation of the property  (hackney.gov.uk).
These must be issued earlier than one calendar month before giving the application to the council There is no set time limit to do this by.





1.4 Guideline on the Conduct of licences premised use by staff

  1. Training should be giving to all staff on the awareness of drugs.
  2. Staff should know the maximum capacity of the premises to avoid over-crowding.
  3. Staffs needs to be trained on Health and Safety so that they can be aware of the welfare of themselves and customers in the premise.
  4. Staff should be trained on how to deal with suspicious activity in the premise and how to report to police.
  5. All staff should be trained on the operations of law and licensing law. So they can put it in practice.
  6. It is very important to put well trained staff in the premise to operate the business when it is open to the public.
  7. Staffs should be aware of the effect of alcohol and be trained on how to spot the signs of alcoholic and how to deal with it in the premise.
  8. Staffs should be trained on how to write or record reports and how to keep them, as date protection is very important for their customers. 

1.4b Conduct for licensed premises

The licensing Act 2003 focuses on the promotion of four statutory licensing objectives that must be addressed when licensing functions are undertaken. Which are as follows?

Prevention of crime and disorder: (Crime and Disorder Act 1998) this provides guidance on good practice for prevention of crime and disorder from licensed premises. It is also there to guide licensees on the prevention and management of crime and disorder from their premises after licence has been given. Licence holders should have clear document policies and procedures in place which identify all crime and disorder risks associated with their premises and the measures implement to prevent, manage and respond to those risks. The main causes of crime and disorder in licensed premises arise from inadequate security provisions, layout, overcrowding, under the influence of drugs and customers being drunk. This can result in violence and social behaviour. So it important for all licensees to take a proactive approach in preventing and managing crime and disorder.  Good measure is to fix CCTV Inside and outside the premises. Cameras should cover all internal areas accessible to the public areas. An alarm or other security measure should be installed at the premises to protect it when closed or empty.  Linking this to fabric club, Fabric club did not prevent crime and disorder as two teenagers died of suspected drug overdoses, as there has been a supply of class A drugs in the venue. Searches by security staff at the venue had been “inadequate and in breach of the licence”. People were taking and buying illegal drugs on the venue. Staff intervention and security was highly lacking in the light of the staggering confirmation that it was copiously evident that benefactors in the club were on drugs. So, their permit was suspended and close because the police had concerns about the safety of those attending the club (theguardian.com).

Public Safety: (Public safety Act 1953)

 People that are licence holders should have documented policies and procedures in place clearly which identify all public safety risks associated with their premises and measures implemented to prevent, manage and respond to those risk. All applications for new licences and variations should address the steps proposed to promote public safety and this is best achieved through a premises risk assessment. Licence holders should have clear documented policies and procedures in place which identify all public safety risks. Good measure is to carry full risk assessment taking into account public safety   to identify potential hazards posed to staff or customers and setting out precautions to manage the hazards. All staff should be made aware of the risk assessment and precautionary measures therein (cityoflondon.gov.uk). Fabric club did not maintain public safety because of breaching their licence and not protecting the public letting people to take drugs in the venue.

Protection of children from harm (The Protection of Children Act 1999 under the Licensing Act 2003) this guidance provides good practice for the protection of children from harm at licensed premises. It is there to help those applying for new licences at licensed premises. Licensable activities in particular the provision of alcohol and some types of entertainment can increase risks of harm to children attending licensed premises. It is very good for all applicants and licensees to take a proactive approach in protecting and managing the well being of children at their premises. Good measures are that all staff should be trained on the policy. A documented policy setting out measures to protect children from harm should be in place at the premise. The admission of children can be restricted up until a specified time in the evening (cityoflondon.fov.uk). Fabric club has policy on “entry policy” to protect children from harm. All customers are required an ID before they can be let in the venue, because of proof of age. So this show that Fabric club were following Licensing Act 2003 police (fabriclondon.com).

Prevention of public nuisance: (Licensing Act 2003) this provides guidance on good practice for the prevention and management of public nuisance from licensed premises.  It is designed to guide licensees on the prevention and management of noise and other public nuisance issues from their premises after a licence has been granted. Good practice measure a noise management policy should be in place that sets out sound attenuation measures to prevent or control music, singing and speech noise breakout from the premises. All staff should be trained on the content of the policy to ensure a commitment to good noise management. Linking this to Fabric club, they had a noise policy to prevent public nuisance by training their staff so that they can assess potential risks and work towards minimising possible disturbances. Fabric club makes sure that noise is not audible at location such as hospital and hotels and they control their music sound.

Assessment in the Fabric

Fabrics night club first opened in 1999; the building alone took over three years to convert but the club is proudly in the renovated space of the Metropolitan Cold Stores in Farringdon, London. The club occupies a total area of 25,000square feet (fabriclondon.com). A night club that is call Fabric in Farringdon, central London. It is one of the most well know nightclubs .This club was close and licensed revoked  because two teenagers died of suspected drug overdoses in the last nine weeks. It is close by Islington Council in north London, which described a “culture of drugs” at the venue. Its licence has been suspended. It is was shut down because of the police had concerns about the safety of those attending the club as its supply class A drugs. So this club was closed because of they did not followed the licensed policy (fabicclub.com) .


Misleading information is cover in law of buyer assurance to counteract unreasonable exchanging. It covers activities or exclusions which impacts client to settle on wrong choice or activity canvassed in prohibited practices.

Fake information to deceive the consumer is a general misleading that occurs often, which make consumer get confused with trademarks, identical product and trade names,

At the point when a buyer is misdirected into fake costs, lacking data, names and because of the item shifting from what it is portrayed to be then the Customer Insurance from Uncalled for Exchanging Controls 2008 is actualized on the dealer which forbids the deceptive business rehearses either by activity or from oversight.

Inside the Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 is the regulations that give insurance to the purchasers against deceiving data being given by the broker and they likewise make criminal offenses if the dealers break the ruled of the control (hackney council 2014). The direction precludes any deceptive activity or oversight was absent. Misdirecting data including giving the wrong data about the quality, fixings, expiry, amount and fabricate date, and the wellness of the item for the given reason, such as giving incorrectly data about the quality or substance of liquor in the drink (hackney council,2014) The rupture of the tenets of the direction has the accompanying outcomes where the worker gets cures in the accompanying way.

The customer has three cures, ideal to loosen up, ideal to markdown and appropriate to harms (hackney council2014).

Punishments: Civil implementation move can likewise be made for the rupture of the control under section 8 of the Enterprises Act 2002 and this would bring about most extreme two year detainment or fine (hackney council, 2014).


Employer’s Liability is employers may be held liable for an accident arising out of the general course of employment. In some jurisdictions, it is possible for the employee to take legal action against the employer to recover damages for harm caused by the employer’s negligence (businessdictionary.com). Example is employer can be held liable for acts or omissions of its employer and consumers.

Claims under the consumer protect Act 1987: This Act put strict liability on the producer, manufacturer, or any party that was involved in the making of the product, or any importer of the product into the EU, if the item is observed to be blemished, at that point the purchaser can assert harm against the business for the faulty item (Lexis Nexis, 2014).

Under the Offer of Merchandise Act 1979, the business has an obligation if the suggested terms identified with the quality and wellness of the item is broken and these terms are inferred under the purchaser contract which the business enters with the shopper. Bosses has the obligation to guarantee that the item is fit for the reason for which it is purchased by the customers, if this is break than the purchaser has the privilege to assert under contract where the business will be required to hold up under the expenses of repair or substitution of the item.

Premises licensed employer has the right to conduct their own duties appropriately to prevent risk the for the consumers for their protection. They are there to supply or deal with merchandise and administration of good quality at reasonable costs. They can’t charge better rate similar than the nature of item and administration gave by them (Day, and Kelton, 2007).  When misconduct occurred in their premise, negligently or deliberately, employers will be held liable. They should provide proper information to the customers such as quantity, statutory warning and ingredients.

Under the consumer protection Act, all employer of licensed premise is liable to provide hygiene and safe environment to all customers (Wallin, Norstrom and Andreasson, 2003). In addition to this, managers should take care of the move of their representative to counteract careless activity which can hurt clients. On the off chance that they neglect to do as such, the association will be held liable and they will be obliged to pay damages. Employer will be obliged to pay penalty if they are held responsible for the misconduct according to the effect of European Union directives.

All businesses are subject to keep up provision of classification and protection in the premises. They can’t uncover data of the clients for unjustified advantage. This obligation is forced through Data Protection Act 1989).

Positive bite of employer liability Negative bit of employer liability
The positive aspects are that it protects their owners from the lawsuits and actions against their businesses. If anything happens you are cover if you are doing the right thing. It also put measures in place and minimise accident. The negative aspect is the employer may be held responsible and liable for the costs involved in a law suit as a result of their employee’s   conduct.
It put measures in place
It minimise accident It is very expensive as you will be paying insurances,
If anything happened you are cover High maintenance
A lot of berocracy.


Weights: and measures: can be both the accuracy of the equipment (weight and measuring equipment) used in transactions and the way in which the equipment is used is controlled.( Dudley.gov.uk).

The Weight and Measure Act 1985 was by 25ml and 35ml for single measures, with double measures of 50 ml or 70ml being permitted in 2001. It is very important because it is illegal in UK for businesses to give short weights or short measures to consumers (legislation.gov.uk).

They have a lot of policies presented by law for confirmation that all parts of weights and measures enactment are executed in authorized start. The provisions in regards to these approaches are secured under Weights and Measures (Packaged Goods) Regulations Act 2006 and HM income and traditions. According to the arrangements of this Act, alcohol ought to be provided or served in appropriate amount which ought not to be damaging to the strength of clients. Substance is obliged to pay particular rates on the generation or offer of brew and juice; spirits; wines according to HM Customs and Extract.

The Weights and Measures Act 1985

25 ml and 35ml for single measures, with double measures of 50ml or 70ml being permitted in 2001

Wine by glass must be sold in the following quantities: 125 ml; 175 ml. Multiples of 125 ml or 175 ml.

Wine sold quantities of less than 75 or mixed with other drinks is exempt from these requirements.


There are different rules depending on whether you’re selling by the glass or bottle.

By the glass

Type Measures
Still wine 125ml, 175ml, multiples of 125ml and 175ml
Port, sherry or other fortified wine 50ml, 70ml, multiples of 50ml or 70ml
Gin, rum, vodka and whisky Either 25ml and multiples of 25ml, or 35ml and multiples of 35ml (not both on the same premises)
Draught beer and cider Third, half, two-thirds of a pint and multiples of half a pint

Packaged in bottles, boxes or similar

Type Volume by millilitre (ml)
Still wine 100, 187, 250, 375, 500, 750, 1000, 1500
Yellow wine 620
Sparkling wine 125, 200, 375, 750, 1500
Fortified wine 100, 200, 375, 500, 750, 1000, 1500
Spirit drinks 100, 200, 350, 500, 700, 1000, 1500, 1750, 2000

You can sell packaged alcohol in any volume if it’s below the minimum or above the maximum allowed for specified quantities.

Type Minimum (ml) Maximum (ml)
Still wine 100 1500
Yellow wine 100 1500
Sparkling wine 125 1500
Fortified wine 100 1500
Spirit drinks 100 2000

Fabric club use all these weights and measure to serve different types of beverages to their clients (Fabric.com).


  1. General Food Law Regulation:

This regulation forbids the putting of hazardous food in advertise in light of the fact that they are harmful to wellbeing and are unfit for utilization. This control covers that organizations identifying with the overhauling of sustenance ought to be named and the notice of the food and the showcasing of the food ought not be all things considered that the general population is deluded. This direction additionally expresses that the reason of the traceability wherein the stipulation is to assist the under flame withdrawals and to outfitting request to the gifted forces that be in a bad position regarding the matter of the insurance of the food. The General Food Law Control additionally implements impulse on the organizations identifying with the overhauling of nourishment in taking out and bring out on the off chance that it doesn’t act as per the article 14 regarding the matter of the necessities of the wellbeing of the foods. Article 14, 16, 18, and 19 of the General Sustenance Law Direction must agree to the Nourishment Wellbeing Act 1990, and the General Food Regulations 2004(Food Standards Agency, 2007).

  1.                The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 :

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 came into compel on April 6 2006. It expects to guarantee that the staffs at the working spots ought to be shielded from intemperate commotion that may cause them from losing their listening ability and thus experience the ill effects of changeless ringing in the ears. The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 has supplanted the Noise at Work Regulations 1989. The level at which the business is required to give the insurance to hearing to its representatives is 85 decibels. The level at which businesses must survey the hazard to the wellbeing of the staffs and furthermore give its specialists the data and training is 87 decibels (legislation.gov.uk, n.d).

  1.                Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSW Act):

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is a law in the UK under which the organizations are at risk to guarantee that there is assurance in the wellbeing and insurance of the workers and in addition general society which additionally incorporates the security of the electrical. The electrical investigators point in dropping the mechanical mischance that happens because of electrics. They trim down the industrial accident by put into effect the law, by open-handed guidance on operational practices and directing them on the subject of the technological transfigure in tools and working methods (legislation.gov.uk, n.d). Fabric had a policy that is put in place regarding his employees, public and electrical. They have someone in charge of making sure that this policy are followed and trained staff on this policy (fabricclub.com).

4 Emergency Service- Organisation should check in standard time interims that emergency safeguards are in great condition. For instance, all emergency entryways are opening unreservedly and completely, fire alert is working or not, fire douser is on legitimate place or not. Fabric club, every day before they start the day program, one staff is in charge to check all the exit doors and fire extinguisher are in place.


Administration is likewise mindful to give safe condition to secure enthusiasm of open and authorized start (Donohue, 2001).

Staff should be trained on accident prevent.

They ought not to give deluding data or certainties which are partiality to the enthusiasm of organization.

Management should assess hazards around the premise or risk and implement procedures to deal with any accidents.

Disorder and Crime should be prevented by the management.

Public safety must be ensured by the management and used safety signs to tell the customer that are using the premise so that they know what to do during accident and to prevent it..

They ought to evaluate hazard legitimately to counteract danger of damage in future operations.

Management should prevent risk of injury by assessing the risk in the operation.

Management has a duty of care to provide safe environment to protect the customers and the licensed premise.

Misleading information should not be giving to the public which are prejudice to the interest of the organisation.

Kids should be protected from harm by the management.

It is liability of employer to monitor act of subordinate to avoid misconduct.

Administration should act according to the course of the business or Assigned Premises Manager for legitimate direct (Briscoe and Donnelly, 2001).

Businesses must comply with the Licensing Act 2003.

They ought to take after all the arrangement of the custom-based law. For say they should work for the advantage of association and clients

3.3 already submitted                                                                                                          


Food standards Agency makes sure that hygiene and safety is put in place In the UK. Food Standards Agency is the one that work with food related business in helping the business to produce quality and safe food. It likewise work with nearby authorities to guarantee that the food they create is in accordance with the safety directions. The laws are directly for the operation of the authorized premise as they are obliged to go along legitimate standards to anticipate punishments and claims. It is likewise a thing on management to offer direction to staff employee for appropriate code of conduct (Hygiene and food safety guidance .2014).  Licensed premises have the right to serve quality food with proper safety measures. Food hygiene guidelines regulations motivate businesses to provide safe working environment.  Regular check on the operations of the organisation is conduct by the safety audit.  Alcohol item sold or provided by them has appropriate name with contains, cost and amount of it. The (HACCP), is also there to prevent injury and to reduce risk in work environment. Fabric has a food safety in place to prevent food contamination. Food related businesses were mandated to be recorded in Food Safety Management System to ensure that foods they produce are in line with the safety regulations.  . If they do not follow the policy, they are breaking the law and put public lives in danger.


Employment Law can be define as The body of law that governs the employer-employee relationship, including individual employment contracts, the application of TORT and contract doctrines, and a large group of statutory regulation on issues such as the right to organise and negotiate collective bargaining agreements, protection from discrimination, wages and hours and health and safety(legal-dictionary.com).

In regards of employment law, an individual’s work status decides their privilege and their boss’ duties. We have different employment status in tax law are worker directors, office holder, self-employed and contractor, employee. Employment responsibility is giving contract, working hours, pay, holiday, payslips, and deductions. They have different types of contract:

Fix-term contracts:  This last for a certain length of time; end when a specific task is completed and end when an event takes place specifically .Fixed- termemployee must get the same treatment as full-time permanent staff.

Part-time and part-time contracts: Is a written statement of contract or employment; with a minimum paid holiday; pay slip showing National Insurance contribution deductions. Sick pay, pay minimum wage, paternity and maternity leave. They should have employer liability insurance and provide a safe and secure working environment. Employer should avoid discrimination.

Freelancers, consultants, contracts : They are part of a companies or  are self- employed; They look after their own national Insurance contributions(NICs)  and tax; This type of employment they might not be entitled to the same rights as workers, e.g. minimum wage; The employer is responsible for the health And safety of them still.

Agency staff:  Some employers do employ temporary staff through agencies. Is the responsibility of the agency to ensure all the staffs get their rights under working time regulations? Organisation also pays the agency, pay the worker statutory Sick Pay (SSP) AND National Insurance contribution. Employer must give them information about the terms and conditions in the company so that they can make sure the staff gets same treatment after 12 weeks in the same job and you are in charge of the staff  health and safety..

Zero hour contracts: Is a casual contract, e.g. interpreters. They are only call when they are needed; they don’t have to do work when they are asked; you don’t have to give work. They are entitled to National Minimum Wage and statutory annual leave as the same way as regular workers and employer cannot stop  zero hour workers from doing or getting work from elsewhere. You are still responsible for their health and safety.

As per law of the Government, Employer gives contract to all employees because of the employment   law to protect the employee and for employer to take after the legitimate standards in better way by working with qualified staff as they don’t need to pay punishment or cases. Bosses has responsibility to disclose all information materials which is essential.


Discrimination legislation is one of the crucial laws in Wales and England that protect everybody from unfair biasness in your place of work and in the environment. Also very important all staff in the company shall be treated equally. All staff should have access to the employment irrespective of their age, disability and other discriminations. Aspects discrimination is covered in both Equality Act 2010 and Employment Act.

  • The Equality Act 2010: This Act came into force on 1 October2010. This Equality Acts add together over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one single Act which protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society. There are nine main pieces of legislation that have merged are:
  • The sex Discrimination Act 1975: Is an Act of parliament of the United Kingdom which protected men and woman from discrimination on the ground of sex or marital status. The Act concerned employment, training education, harassment, the provision of goods and services, and the disposal of premises (legislation.gov.uk)
  • Race Relations Acts 1976: Was built up by the Parliament of the UK to avert discrimination on the grounds of race. Things that are secured incorporate discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, race, ethnic and national cause in the fields of business, the arrangement of merchandise and ventures, training and public functions (legislation.gov.uk).
  • Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulation 2003: Is a plank of United kingdom labour law designed to combat discrimination in relation to people‘s religion or belief, or absence of religion or belief. They were introduced in order to comply with the European Union Directive 2000/78/EC and complement similar measures on sexuality, age, disability, race and gender discrimination (legislation.gov.uk). 
  • The Equal Pay Act 1970:  Is an Act of the U K Parliament which restricts any less good treatment amongst men and ladies as far as pay and conditions of employment. The Act has now been mostly superseded by Part 5, chapter 3, of the Equality Act 2010 (legislation.gov.uk).
  • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 :  (c 50 ) (informally, and hereafter, the DDA ) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which has now been repealed and replaced by the Equality Act 2010, except in Northern Ireland where the Act still applies. Formerly, it made unlawful to oppress individuals in regard of their handicaps in connection to employment, the arrangement of merchandise and ventures, training and transport (legislation.gov.uk).
  • Trade union membership:  A trade union is an organisation with members who are usually workers or employees. It looks after their interests at work by doing things like: negotiating agreements with employers on pay and conditions; discussing members’ concerns with employers (gov.uk).
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974: (c.53) of the UK Parliament empowers some criminal convictions to be overlooked after a recovery period. Its motivation is that individuals don’t have a long lasting smear on their records due to a generally minor offense in their past. The restoration time frame is naturally controlled by the sentence, and begins on the day the sentence has been served (legislation.gov.uk). 

All these Acts that is been introduced by the government are there for employees to be too protected from all discrimination made on the ground of sex, race, colour, disability (Legislation.gov.uk).

The organisation Fabric club have policy in place for all staff to follow and training is giving to all staff so a good practice can be put in place and to make sure that every individual is treated according to their needs and wants (Fabricclub.com).


There are many authorized premises which the restaurants ,hotels and bars are required to acquire and might likewise hold an individual permit to maintain their business in the predefined purview. A business managing the deal and supply of food must agree to Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 . In UK, the Food Standards Agency takes the charge of guaranteeing security and cleanliness in the entire of the UK. According to law a business should be lawfully in charge of the wellbeing and security of the employee at work environment. The Equality Act 2010 in the UK has shielded the employees from any segregation happened in either in the general public or in the association.


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Content relating to: "Public Law"

Public law is the area of law that governs the conduct of public bodies meant to ensure they act lawfully, rationally, and fairly and do not go against the human rights of citizens.

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