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Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry

Info: 15044 words (60 pages) Dissertation
Published: 22nd Feb 2025

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Tagged: EmploymentHuman Resources

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the research

Strategic human resource management has been introduced as an important approach within organization for managing the human resource that helps in achieving long term goals with the help of strategic framework. The concept of strategic human resource management is closely integrated with the traditional approach of human resource management for achieving various kinds of strategic planning and implementation of the strategy (Domsch and Hristozova, 2006). In order to solve the different complex problems within organization, the SHRM integrates with different aspects of human resources such as financial resources, physical resources and the technological resources within organization. The SHRM also focuses on a set of practices and policies for enhancing skills, knowledge and ability of the employees within workplace. The SHRM also helps in developing strong relationship between the various levels of workers and managers within organization. According to Daft, (2003) the strategic human resource management can be considered as an area of human resource management that consists of various activities of a firm regarding developing of overall strategic planning and implementation of the organization that could be beneficial for achieving competitive advantages over the other firms within same industry. The strategic human resource mainly concerns with the long term human capital issues within organization such as culture, structure, quality, commitment, values and managing needs of the human resources.

In the leisure industry, sometimes the organizations and managers may face various challenges regarding recruitment, employee motivation, managing workforce and maintaining commitment that may impact on customers. In order to improve the product line for maintaining strong relationship with the customers, effective strategic human resource management is very important that can improve the employee retention within workplace (Kaufman and Scantlebury, 2007). Retention of the valuable employee within leisure industry is very important for maintaining sustainable growth of the organization. Effective implementation of strategic human resource management can help to improve employee retention within the leisure industry. The strategic human resource management helps the traditional human resource for managing and implementation various long term objectives that are very important for achieving competitive advantages over the other firms within leisure industry. This particular study mainly emphasizes on the implementation of effective strategic human resource management for improving employee retention within the leisure industry.

1.2 Problem statement

Human resource management of any organization plays as the backbone of developing growth of the organization. Strategic human resource management is an important aspect for managing human resource and ensuring solutions of different complex problems within the organization. Like other industries, leisure industries are also facing several troubles for managing and retention of its valuable employees because of rapid increasing of globalization.

Employee turnover has been considered as a common problem within leisure industry. The manager or leaders of the leisure industries are facing problems regarding employee motivation, employee recruitment and workforce development within organization that leads to increasing of employee turnover (Mintel, 2010). The prime focus of the leisure industry is to create memorable experience for the valuable customers with the help of various strategic initiatives. The management authority of leisure industry mainly faces two types of problem such as to create value for the human resources of the organization and to manage the investment for the human capital within the leisure industry. With the help of effective strategic human resource management these problems can be properly mitigated in leisure industry (Schuler and Jackson, 2007). This particular research study thus evaluates the effective implementation of the strategic human resource for improving the employee retention within the leisure industry.

1.3 Research aims and objectives

Research aims and objectives are very important part of research which mainly reflects upon throughout the research paper. In order to successfully complete this research study the prime aim and various objectives of this research study has been given in this section.

1.3.1 Research aim

The prime purpose of this research study is to investigate the effective implementation of strategic human resource management on improving the employee retention within the leisure industry.

1.3.2 Research objectives

The various objectives of this research study for supporting the purpose of the research are as summarized below;

  • To identify the approaches of strategic human resource management for improving employee retention within the leisure industry
  • To investigate the impacts of strategic human resource management on employee retention
  • To build to the relationship between strategic planning and employee retention within the leisure industry

1.4 Research questions

Research questions are other important part of any research study which helps in conducting the overall study in an efficient manner. The research questions are analyzed throughput the research study for identifying the purpose of the research. For efficiently carrying out this particular research study, the various questions are as listed below;

  • What are the approaches of strategic human resource management for improving employee retention in the leisure industry?
  • How strategic human resource management impacts on retention of employees within leisure industry?
  • What is the relationship between strategic planning and employee retention within the leisure industry?

1.5 Rationale of the research

This particular research study mainly deals with the challenges regarding employee retention in the leisure industry. This research provides a real world solution for this problem that would be helpful for different kinds of organizations especially in the leisure industry. Throughout the entire research study, the various kinds of implementation, planning and motivation for the employees through effective strategic HRM has been investigated which will be helpful for different HR managers of leisure industries. The different approaches and practices for managing valuable employees within workplace also have been addressed in this paper. This particular research study also helps to analyze the strong relationship between the strategic planning and employee retention within the leisure industry (Stone, 2002). With the help of this research study, the HR managers of different leisure organizations can understand various policies for maintaining HR practices within the organization. This research study also helps to identify how the different complex problems of managing human resource can be solved through effective implementation of strategic human resource management. Various previous studies on this topic have been analyzed in this research for identifying the best practices and policies of human resource management for improving the employee retention within leisure industry (Swanson and Holton, 2001). Though the help of this particular research study, various significance of the strategic human resource management within organization also can be identified.

1.6 Significance of the study

This particular research study provides an in depth analysis of the importance of strategic human resource management on improving the employee retention in leisure industry. This particular research study is quite important for managing human capital workforce within workplace of the leisure industry. With the help of this research study, the HR managers of leisure industries can identify the various possible solutions for handling complex problem regarding managing human resource in workplace. This research study also plays a significant role for investigating the comprehensive practices of human resource management within the organization (Domsch and Hristozova, 2006). The various policies and regulations of HRM practices for improving better relationship with the employees in organization also have been evaluated throughout this research paper that are quite important for HR managers of leisure industries for improving employee retention within the industry. This particular study is also important for improving the HR strategy in order to achieve long term sustainability with the help of valuable employees and workers in leisure industry. With the help of this particular research study, key stakeholders associated with the leisure industries also can be managed that can help to maintain strong bonding between the different stakeholders. Different policies and strategies of the human resource management can be shaped with this particular study.

1.7 Structure of the research

The entire research study has been categorized into five different chapters which are:

  • Chapter 1: introduction
  • Chapter 2: literature review
  • Chapter 3: methodology
  • Chapter 4: Data analysis and
  • Chapter 5: conclusion and recommendations.

The structure and summary of the chapters are as summarized below;

  • Chapter 1: Introduction: This chapter focuses on the overview of the research study. This chapter highlights the aims and objectives and research questions that have been reflected throughout the research paper.
  • Chapter 2: Literature review: This chapter focuses on the different reviews and arguments of the past research studies on this particular research topic. This chapter also highlights the various objectives of the research study with the help of different secondary sources such as books, articles, magazines, journals and website sources.
  • Chapter 3: Research methodology: This particular chapter focuses on the different techniques and methods of data collection from the respondents. This chapter also focuses on the research design and sampling technique for analyzing of this research.
  • Chapter 4: Data analysis and findings: This chapter showcases the various results and findings from the collected data and information of various respondents. With the help of different statistical tools and techniques such as IBM SPSS, regression, frequency analysis, ANOVA and graph chart the findings have been analyzed.
  • Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations: This chapter focuses on the summary and findings of the entire study. This chapter also highlights the various recommendations for further improvement of this study.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This section of the study will portray the importance and need for the implementation for strategic human resource management in organizations namely Lucozade Powerleague. The effect of the application of strategic human resource management can help in the retention of the employees and thereby it will also have a direct impact on the overall success of the organization by maximising their performance level in the business activities. Moreover, an in depth analysis of the employee retention strategies that are commonly used by most of the organizations and their respective effects will also be done in this particular section based on evidences from several researches done earlier in this field.

2.2 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework can be regarded as an analytical tool which helps in supporting the theory of the particular study and it also is useful in dealing with the different types of variables depending on a particular context. With the conceptual framework of strategic human resource management, a proper and distinct concept can be developed along with organized ideas. The conceptual framework of this research is described below:

Monetary Rewards

Non – monetary Rewards

Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.

  • Training & Development
  • Employee Recognition
  • Fringe Benefits
  • Remuneration & salary

Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.

Employee Retention

Fig: Conceptual Framework of Strategic Human Resource Management

As it can be seen in the above framework, there are different variables upon which employee retention of a particular organization actually depends. The variables that are used in this study are monetary rewards like training and development of the employees and employee recognition and the non – monetary rewards like remuneration & salary as well as fringe benefits can directly affect employee retention in an organization. All these variables can serve as an important analytical tool to analyse different factors affecting strategic human resource management.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of the study can help in supporting the theory of this particular study by describing and explaining different theories and analysing the reasons and the necessary solutions for the existence of the research problems in this particular topic.

2.3.1 Employee Retention Strategies Used by different Organisations

The human resource management department is the most vital part of any organisation nowadays, starting from the start-ups to the well established companies. At anytime the employees are the most essential part of an organisation, which are the indispensible part of the company. Therefore it is the responsibility of the company to take care of the employees and their interests. Here is where the human resource department comes to play their part. To manage their work skilfully and adeptly the department needs to implement some strategic moves to ensure fruitful outcomes.

One of the primary duties of the strategic human resource management is to retain the human capital of an organisation. The HR department of every organisation needs to be involved with each and every department of that organisation to prepare a strategic approach for the long-term growth of the company as a whole (Sheridan, 2012). Therefore its function begins right from the recruitment procedures. And once the advertisements and job vacancies are circulated it’s a huge task to screen the correct candidates for the productive outcome. Recruitment of an employee involves a lot of cost on the part of the company and so the selection of the proper candidate is extremely necessary. And once the final selection is done, it is a constant responsibility and effort of the organisation to retain that employee for the long-term benefit of the company.

This recruitment and selection of employees to run a successful company can be compared with a successful presentation of a dance show. In a group dance performance it is very necessary that each of the dancers are chosen very carefully according to their talent so that they can deliver a successful performance. Their commitment and skill are extremely important for the whole programme. Likewise the commitment and talent of the employees of any organisation are equally vital points of considerations.

Among the various employee retention strategies few can be implemented very easily as discussed below:

  • Involvement with the employee: It is very essential for any company to break the ice between the employee and the employer, and it starts right from the stage of selection and continues throughout the working tenure of the employee by looking into the comforts and discomforts of the employees.
  • Conducting induction and other events: Every employee wants to know the details of the company where he or she is going to work in. The induction provides an idea of the company and its work culture to the employee, and if it is impressive enough, the employee will likely feel comfortable to work in it. Apart from these other events and parties involving the employee and their family members will also help them to maintain a balance between work and family.
  • Providing training for better opportunities: The employees should be given proper training to work skilfully in their designations. Employees should feel that they have the scope for betterment and growth in the organisation where they can showcase their talent and hard work.
  • Providing good and friendly management: According to the MD of the Centre of Advanced HR studies, Cornell University, Steve Miranda, the employees do not quit their jobs in a particular company. They quit their managers.Therefore it is very essential for the organisation to train their managers to have a friendly approach towards their team, besides having the capability of conducting various projects. It is the skill of the manager that can retain the employees from quitting their jobs.
  • Hiring efficient employees: As discussed earlier the employee retention begins at the stage of recruitment. Therefore it is the job of the human resource department to hire efficient employees as per their qualification and experience, suitable for the required jobs. If the employees are not efficient enough the company would not be able to retain them.
  • Motivating the employees: Motivation is the key component in the process of employee retention. This motivation can be of various sorts like monetary, security, emotional, etc. Everyone likes to be appreciated, therefore if an employee receives appreciation for his hard-work, he will likely be more involved with the organisation and want to deliver inputs from his end to make the company a successful and prosperous one. On the other hand if the interests and benefits of the employees are looked after, it also boosts them to work diligently for the organisation.

Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.

2.3.2 Meaning of Employee retention and its importance in the context of leisure industry in UK

When an organisation hires an employee, the selection of the appropriate candidate is extremely necessary. The selection of a candidate is done with a futuristic long-term view. Hence an employee is given proper training to deliver the desired result and to make him or her at par with the existing experienced colleagues. It involves a lot of money and time of the organisation behind each of its employee. Therefore resignation of a single employee incurs huge loss on the part of the organisation as it has groomed the new joiner to become ready for the real corporate world. Thus it cannot afford to lose a well-trained employee and thus comes the necessity of employee retention. Employee retention is the process of keeping an employee within an organisation for a longer period of time. This involves different strategies and policies of the company which takes care of the interests of its employees (Eisenberger et al, 2012). This retention of employees are important to each and every organisation. Once the employee is accustomed to the work environment and delivers a quality work, the company will never want to lose the person. And this involvement and committed attitude of an employee is greatly required in the hospitality and leisure industry among other industries. The leisure industry is a huge business in today’s world and hospitality and politeness are the key components of this industry. Various branded organisations that hold a goodwill in the market depends hugely on their efficient employees for running a successful and prosperous business.

The leisure industry holds a good market in UK, with an annual revenue of 200 billion dollars according to the July 2013 report of Business in Sport and Leisure. According to this report this industry has provided more employment opportunities than that provided by the manufacturing, finance, construction or transport industries. It has provided 2.6 million job offers to people according to the survey of BISL. Now if the industry is generating such a huge amount of revenue per year, it has the support of the customers, which is again dependant on the satisfaction provided to them through the service of the employees. If the customers are not contented with the service of the employees it could lead to brand dilution. Therefore the employee who has gained experience in an organisation of this competitive industry will be in huge demand in the other relevant companies as well. To retain the standard of their service it is extremely required to retain the employees in a company. If the company loses the skilful workers it would again cost them a lot to train and prepare someone new.

2.3.3 Analysis of the impact of Strategic Human Resource Management for motivation of employees

Human resource nowadays is the most vital resource of any organisation. It enables a company to develop an effective work culture that will ensure a brighter and prospective future. Strategic human resource management is a new development in the world of HR management and focuses on the various ways of acquiring competitive advantage in the world of rat race. Though concerned about the overall betterment of an organisation, the SHRM has to motivate the employees to hold their interest in the company. Now if the employees are contented in the organisation, they will give their best shot to maintain the name of their company at the top of the charts.

Now motivation can be of various types, but the main objective of it is to inspire the person it is aimed at. An employee resigns from a company when he or she experiences any sort of discomfort in his job, it may be due to the work culture, due to a non-cooperative manager, lack of growth, low salary hikes, etc. but if such a situation arises the SHRM has to intervene and find a solution to the problem.

Different strategies should be implemented right from the hiring of a candidate so that the person remains motivated to work under the same organisation for a long period of time. The HR department of an organisation should be aware of the competitive nature and the innovative strategies of its rival companies so that its employees are not lured by other companies, which again leads to the danger of leaking the trade secrets (Ramlall, 2014). In order to retain the employee in an organisation, the management should have a discussion with the same in order to understand his view point and take some actions to solve the inconvenience experienced by him in the organisation. But as the management cannot look after a single individual only, it has to maintain a balance in the work culture of the company so that everyone’s requirements are more or less satisfied.

2.3.4 Motivation as a tool for employee retention

It is an inner desire of every human being to get a little importance or recognition from the others. And this is a major truth in the environment of any work culture or organisation. The employees feel motivated if they receive recognition in the company. Motivation is a great tool that can be implemented in retaining the employees in an organisation.

  • Working in the best organisation: When a person joins a new organisation with a desire of working in the best company of the relevant industry. Thus a company needs to be the best in the business to attract more efficient employees and to retain them. And to compete in the rat race every organisation needs to implement innovative ideas as nowadays new ideas and approaches are hugely welcomed in business.
  • The feeling of importance: it is a well-known fact that a person always wants to be successful in life, and it gives him immense pleasure to know that their ideas and talents are being used in a way that can cause any positive difference to the business of the organisation. They automatically gets involved with the company and do not want to leave their jobs.
  • Personal benefits: Anyone who is working in an organisation would want to earn a good living for him and his family. Therefore if the employee will get a good salary, impressive hikes according to his performance, it will keep them motivated to stay in the same company for a longer time.
  • Emotional attachments: if the employees are treated in a friendly and cooperative way, they also tend to get emotionally involved with their seniors and colleagues creating a comfort zone for them and it is unlikely that any one would like to come out of their comfort zone.

2.3.5 Types of Motivation

No work can be accomplished without proper dedication and commitment, and these two factors are hugely dependant on one condition – motivation. Well having said that, it should be mentioned that there are different types of motivations that can act as a driving force in accomplishing any given task. According to Deery, (2008) the work in a leisure industry, like many other industries, may seem to be easy enough, but actually is quite difficult for the employees who have to deal with it daily. Working within a confined area and going out and interacting with people are two widely different things. Working in a leisure industry essentially requires the talent of communication and persuasion. If somebody has to convince others about a project, he needs to believe in it first and has to present that in a lively and persuasive manner. Again for doing so the person will in turn need a lot of motivation from his organisation. Now returning back to the types of motivation, there are broadly three types of motivations —- intrinsic, extrinsic and sub conscious motivation.

To have a better understanding of all these three types of motivation, a detailed discussion is presented below:

  • Intrinsic motivation: The intrinsic motivation is something that is triggered from within an individual. The inner desires of a person act as the driving force for doing a work.Such desires include :
  • Curiosity: The desire to know something new is the key aspect that enables an individual to learn that particular thing properly. Curiosity enables a person to ascertain innovative ideas needed for accomplishing the task and also provides scopes for improvement.
  • Acceptance: Everyone wants to get accepted as an employee in the organisation where he or she is working. Acceptance of that individual is reflected if his performance is appreciated and his decisions are given importance to.
  • Respect: When working for an organisation, an employee will expect respect and honour from his colleagues and senior, that drives him more to work for the institution.
  • Liberty: Though not the permission to set a new set of rules altogether, but a certain amount of liberty allows the employee to love his profession and the organisation. In today’s era, the bossy attitude is a backdated concept, as the new joiners enjoy working in a friendly atmosphere.
  • Extrinsic motivation: The extrinsic motivation is something that comes from the outer world. An outside force controls the desire of a person to complete a given task. These motivations include both monetary and non-monetary motivations. Few of such motivations are:
  • Prizes and rewards: every person feels motivated if he gets appreciated for his work. But that motivation goes one step beyond if he receives some award for the same. The physical presence of a medal or a shield or a memento reminds the employee his own hard work and triggers him to perform better.
  • Bonus and allowances: Salary is the most important factor in the mind of an employee when he decides to apply for a job. The performance based and other allowance and the bonus given by the organisation in addition to the salary definitely act as the extra motivation that anchors the employee to the organisation.
  • Hikes and promotions: appreciation of an employee needs to be manifested by the organisation in the form of promotion and hike in the salary. If the organisation is satisfied with its employees and want to retain them, it should give adequate promotions and hikes to the deserving candidates, to show its dependency and requirement of them.
  • Outings and picnics: As the proverb goes, ‘ all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, the employees of an organisation also appreciate a sort of change in their daily routine and feels motivated if they are taken for an outing from their organisation.it helps to break the monotony of the work and also rejuvenate the employees.
  • Sub-conscious motivation: Motivation can at times be negative also. For example, if an employee loves his work too much, he is likely to become a workaholic. It is good to love the work but not to the extent where work becomes the centre of one’s life. In that case the other duties of the individual get neglected. It is a responsibility of the organisation, besides the employee to strike a balance in his work. The inner desire of achieving success should not dominate the individual.

Strategic HRM to Improve Employee Retention in the Leisure Industry.

Figure: Types of Motivation

2.4 Effect of employee retention strategies apart from motivation

In the world of high competition there is a huge demand of jobs. People wait for suitable opportunities. But this is only one side of the coin. As the qualified people search for a reputed and suitable job, the employers need efficient employees as well. It is always a mutual demand. Therefore in the leisure industry also this kind of equation exists like in the other industries. Hence it is extremely important for the companies to retain their efficient employees, as if they get better opportunities in any other organisation, the current company will lose the efficient service of that employee. The organisation has to implement various strategies for retaining its human capital. Motivation being one of them, there are other strategies as well, like proper screening of candidates, proper distribution of work, correct assessment of the potentials of the employees, involvement of the top level management with the ground level executives and like.

Screening involves the selection of proper talents as per the requirement of a given job vacancy. This is a vital task which requires proper understanding of the requirement of the organisation as well as that of the calibre of the individual to be hired for that particular post. If not selected carefully the employee may incur unnecessary cost to the organisation (Bansal, 2014).

In the leisure industry, e.g. hotel industry, there are different kinds of works and different level of efficiency is required to perform those different things. Therefore the work needs to be distributed correctly so as to be done with precision. It is not possible for somebody to do various kinds of work simultaneously. Therefore if the employees are not retained, a chaotic situation can emerge due to lack of adequate employees.

The topmost executives of any organisation generally do not get involved with the new joinees or the ground level executives. But if the new employees also get the chance to interact with the top management at times, a sense of importance can be conveyed to them. They will feel their presence in the company to be important enough to be recognised by the top management.

2.5 Recruitment and selection – the primary pillars of employee retention

The employee retention in an organisation is a lengthy process which starts even before a new candidate is hired by the company. The hiring of a candidate for a job requires to circulate advertisement and vacancy related to the job. After that when all the application profiles are submitted then a thorough screening process undertakes. After several stages of interview and tests, when a candidate is ultimately hired for the related job, then also the selection process doesn’t get over. The new joiner still remains under surveillance and has to go through the induction phase and also the probation period. In fact the probation period is the vital time for the candidate where his true potential and capabilities get magnified under the observation of the management. In an industry like hotel, the demeanour of a person is of great importance. It is based on this and the disposition a person is likely to bag a decent job in the leisure industry (Samuel and Chipunza, 2009). After the probation period if the candidate is well deserved then he finally could have a breath of relief as the company would willingly make him a part of the organisation.

But this whole process of screening and testing could result in vain if the company is not careful and observant about its employees enough as this could lead an employee to resign from his current job. And if the person is going to any other firm of the same industry, then there is always a risk of the leakage of the trade secrets of the company, if essentially the employee resigning is an integral part of the management.

2.6 Need of strategic approach in human resource management nowadays

The present age is the era of innovation and competition. The huge competition among various companies within the same industry is compelling the HR management departments to innovate new ideas to be the best in the business. The human resource management has to keep an eye in all the other departments of the organisation to ensure a profitable business and a prosperous future of the organisation. Therefore the requirement of new strategies has become very important, without which the HR department will fail to plan its moves to compete in the market.

2.7 Training and development as an important tool for employee retention

Employees always want to enjoy the work they do in the organization and they always feel good when they realize that they are valued assets of the organization. The main focus of the employees in a company is always to perform well in their work field and earn recognition for their successful contribution to the company. Training and development programs can especially help in reinforcement of the employee values thereby helping in the retention of the employees in the organization. Moreover, these programs can also help in the nurturing of the psychological conditions of the employees by making them feel that they are an integral part of the organization and their part of contribution is very important for the overall success of the business and the organization they are working for (Ramlall, 2013). They are also getting proper salary and reward by the employer by performing their assigned jobs properly with high technical skills. Training and development can also help the employees in acquiring all new skills and knowledge in their respective technical fields as well as more and more practising of the existing skills can improve them at a huge extent. Thus, it is evident that a sense of self – worth in the employees can be developed since by implementing their acquired skills in the daily business activities they can feel themselves to be a valued member of the company. The ability of developing oneself in a particular position and the feeling of goodness about the job can surely be reinforced with the help of training and development programs. It is also obvious that the organization can also get advantages from the provision of training programs so that the employees can develop themselves in the technical field thereby helping in increasing the business productivity, decreased turnover of the employees and also there will be much lesser need for the supervision of managers for monitoring the work of the different employees. According to Monsen and Wayne Boss, (2009), the training and development programs serve as a bridge resulting in the increased satisfaction of the employees and thereby ensuring an increased rate of employee retention in the company. The employees can also get motivated by getting the training from the seniors and they can also learn a lot more from these programs arranged by the organization. It is important for each of the organizations to support the matter of continuous development of the employees which can ultimately lead to the overall success of the organization. Without proper development of the employees, they cannot perform well in the work since they would not be able to implement the required technical skills in the professional field wherever necessary and thus not being able to perform well in the work, the employees will obviously lose the interest in their work and they would not be able to give their hundred percent effort in their work. By this, they would feel that they are not valued in this organization and they cannot contribute properly in their work they would start to leave the job. Thus, in order to prevent this, every organization must aim at providing necessary training and development programs to the employees since they are the most valued resource of an organization and by retaining the employees, the company can surely be successful in the market. Employee retention can help in retaining the skilled employees and as a result increasing the overall organizational performance thereby benefiting both the employer and the employees.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

Research methodology is said to be a crucial and vital section of the research on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market. The chapter of research methodology widely identifies and provide a comprehensive explanation and assessment of the diverse research procedures which have been included during the general course of research project. Lacking a well planned and definite research methodology it is considerably complicated to carry out the undertaken research project on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market. The chapter of the research methodology has offered a comprehensive design concerning the diverse kinds of procedures and research techniques that has been included for fulfilling the purpose of collecting research relevant data and information from a variety of genuine and dependable data sources. The research methodology has also considerably highlighted and showcased the general process which has been used for formulation and structuring of valuable questions that are to be used for gathering research relevant data and information from the research respondents and participants. In addition towards the end of the research methodology chapter, the research reliability and validity has also been explained.

3.2 Research Design and Approach

The overall research procedures have been designed effectively and efficiently for the purpose of facilitating the collection of valid research data and information, which has been later used for the purpose of the data analysis (Booth, 2012).. In this context, it can be said that the undertaken research on of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market have incorporated the implementation of both inductive as well as deductive research approaches. In the context of inductive research approach, the mode of primary data collection has been incorporated for the research purpose. For this specific purpose a detailed research survey has been conducted among a sampled group of nearly 100 respondents. The respondents have been effectively sampled from the staffs and employees working for the organization of Lucozade Powerleague (Sheffield) and Total fitness (Lincoln). The overall survey has been based upon a well developed and designed questionnaire comprising of close ended questions. The overall feedbacks or responses which have been gathered from the survey have been then statistically analyzed for the purpose of obtaining valid and reliable research findings and results. In this respect, the software package of IBM SPSS has been implemented. Statistical techniques such as correlation and regression analysis, descriptive analysis, t test, ANOVA and z test have been implemented. The overall results have been displayed in form of graphs and charts.

3.3 Research Philosophy

The use of a suitable research philosophy can be said to hold a high level of significance in the respective research study. By use and implementation of correct research philosophy the undertaken research project on analysis of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market have been successfully completed. In general, there are some specific research philosophies that are used or implemented in a research. These philosophies include the philosophy of realism, positivism, subjective and interpretive. In order to analyze the implementation of strategic human resource management (HRM) policies and strategies in the context of facilitating employee retention, the research philosophy of positivism have been implemented or used (Denzin, 2010). The use of this specific philosophy can be said to be well justified in relation to the undertaken research project or study. By proper use and implementation of the positivist philosophical approach, it has been possible to gather proper and accurate or real time data and information from different primary and secondary data sources which in turn significantly enhanced the overall accuracy of the data analysis. In addition the use and implementation of the positivist philosophical approach has also facilitated the mitigation of gathering of vague, invalid or inappropriate data and information in the context of the research.

3.4 Data Collection

The term data collection can be used to define that specific technique or procedure which is generally used for the purpose of gathering and collection of research relevant data and information from different reliable and valid sources which are later used for the data analysis, in yielding of valid research findings and results. The research on analysis of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market have emphasized upon implementation of both primary and secondary data collection methods and techniques. The use of the above mentioned data collection processes or techniques are highly justified as it has facilitated the collection of highly valid and reliable data and information for purpose of the data analysis. The use of the data collection techniques can be briefly outlined as below;

3.4.1 Primary Data Collection

Primary data collection is that specific data collection process or technique in which the research relevant information is usually collected or gathered from primary data sources. In this respect, a detailed research survey has been conducted among a sampled group of respondents of nearly 20. The sampled respondents are the staffs and employees of the organization of Lucozade Powerleague (Sheffield). The overall survey has been based upon the well designed and structured sets of questionnaire consisting of questions that are open ended and mailed to the respondents. The designing of the questionnaire holds a high significance in context of primary data collection (Jha, 2010). The questionnaire was segmented into two different divisions. One division comprised of the close ended questions and the second division held the variables. The respective variables have further been segmented under three sections with each section holding five separate categories. The responses obtained from the questionnaire have been evaluated by a likert scale which had a rating of one till five. The numerical data thereby obtained has been analyzed statistically for obtaining of the desired results and outcomes. The results of the analysis have been presented in graphical format.

3.4.2 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data collection is that specific data collection process or technique in which the research relevant information is usually collected or gathered from secondary data sources. In the context of the undertaken research, a deductive methodological approach has been undertaken for the purpose of making references from relevant secondary data sources so as to gather valuable information and data relating to the use of strategic human resource management (HRM) for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market. The secondary sources which have considered for this specific purpose includes the past journals, researches and observations or articles conducted previously on a similar research area and are widely available over the internet. The overall data and information gathered have been qualitatively analyzed for the purpose of obtaining of the desired research results or outcomes.

3.5 Data Sampling

Data sampling is that specific procedure which is usually implemented for the purpose of sampling of proper respondents or participants for the research survey. Therefore the use of correct and suitable data sampling technique holds a high significance in terms of facilitating the gathering of relevant data and information, which in turn leverages the accuracy of the data analysis. In this research on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market have significantly focused upon the use and implementation of simple random sampling technique for the purpose of sampling of proper respondents for the research survey. Simple random sampling is that specific sampling technique or process in which specific samples or group subjects are selected from a larger population or sap le size. In this context, it can be said that the individual respondents sampled through the process of random sampling gets equal chances in context of being selected in the sample (Muijs, 2013). The benefits of the use of simple random sampling lies in the fact it proficiently enables easy sampling of the respondents for the research survey, along with facilitating the gathering of mixed or varied response and feedbacks through the survey, which in turn essentially leverages up the accuracy of the data analysis and hence the research findings and results. In the research on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market, random sampling technique has been implemented for selection of 20 respondents for the research survey. The sampled respondents are seen to be the employees and staffs of the organization of Lucozade Powerleague (Sheffield).

3.6 Pilot Study

Pilot study is basically a small scale research survey that is usually conducted prior to the initiation of the research survey for the purpose of testing the overall validity and reliability of the designed questionnaire. Thereby in respect to the research on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market, a pilot study was conducted among a sampled group of nearly 10 respondents. The sampled respondents are the employees and staffs working in the organizations of Lucozade Powerleague (Sheffield). The pilot significantly generated valid and reliable research findings and results, which in turn proves the overall reliability and validity of the designed and structured questionnaire. Based upon the results of the pilot study, the actual research survey has been initiated.

3.7 Research Reliability and Validity

Necessary steps and approaches have been properly implemented in order to make the undertaken research on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market, highly reliable and valid. The data sources, both primary as well as secondary has been repeatedly checked to minimize or mitigate the gathering of vague or unreliable data or information in the context of the chosen research field or area. In this context the sample population for the survey has been carefully chosen and the secondary data sources have been repeatedly checked in terms of their accuracy and authenticity. In addition the data analysis has been performed with high care and accuracy. The statistical methods and techniques have been properly checked and monitored for the purpose of obtaining of highly reliable and accurate research analysis and results.

3.8 Ethical Considerations

It is highly required for a research to follow certain guidelines and protocols for the purpose mitigating the occurrence of any specific ethical issues within the research context. The research on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market, have effectively and efficiently focused upon obliging by the all the ethical rules, protocols, regulations and guidelines as per the code of research ethics. Before initiating the research survey necessary permissions have been taken from the fellow respondents. None of the sampled respondents have been forced to participate actively in the research survey and no personal questions have been asked. In addition none of the sampled respondents have been harmed during the overall research survey course (Smith Iltis, 2013). The identity of the respondents has been made secret and not leaked. High data privacy and confidentiality has been maintained throughout the research. All the primary as well as the secondary data and information have been highly confidential and have been only used to serve the undertaken research purpose. In this context, it can be widely said that none of the research data has been leaked without the permission of the respective authority. In addition, the research on analysis of the implementation of strategic HRM for enhancing the employee retention in the leisure industry market, have also complied with ethics approval committee’s norms and regulations for making the research strictly ethical and valid.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Introduction

This section of data analysis will focus on carrying out effective evaluation of the impact of strategic human resource management in organizations like Lucozade Powerleague (Sheffield) on employee retention within the leisure industry. In order to carry out the accurate analysis of this topic and also for having a proper concept about strategic human resource management, 20 respondents were selected who were the management and the employees of this organization and the analysis was done with the help of different statistical tools like frequency analysis, correlations etc. So, the questions that were asked in the survey were all based on these quantitative methods and the framing of the options of the questions asked in the survey were done with the help of Likert scale scaling method for helping in the transformation of the responses to respective data points for the purpose of analysis.

4.2 Survey Analysis of the Demographic Profile of the respondents

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Female 47 47.0 47.0 47.0
Male 53 53.0 53.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

It can be observed from the above frequency distribution table that among the different respondents of the organizations including the management and the employees, 53% of them were male and the remaining 47% was female.

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Management 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
Senior Executives 13 13.0 13.0 17.0
Managers 36 36.0 36.0 53.0
Supervisors 34 34.0 34.0 87.0
Ground Level Employees 13 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

It can be asserted from the above mentioned table that out of 100 respondents who were selected for this survey, different employees belonged to various levels of employment like most of the respondents which was 36% of the total belonged to the manager level, 34% of them were supervisors of work. The percentage of respondents belonging to the level of senior executives and ground level employees were similar and was 13% whereas the minimum percentage that is only 4% of the total worked in the management level of both the organizations namely Lucozade Powerleague (Sheffield) and Total fitness (Lincoln).

Non – Monetary Rewards for Employee retention:

1) To what extent do you agree that training and development help you to gain substantial knowledge which in turn motivates you to work with the company?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disagree 12 12.0 12.0 15.0
Neutral 31 31.0 31.0 46.0
Agree 42 42.0 42.0 88.0
Strongly Agree 12 12.0 12.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

When the respondents were asked about the impact of training and development on gaining substantial knowledge of work helping in employee motivation within the company, it was observed from the analysis that 54% of the total respondents agreed to this fact and only 15% disagreed in this viewpoint whereas 31% of the total respondents gave a neutral viewpoint regarding this fact.

Thus, it can be evaluated that most of the employees believed that they can be motivated by getting training and development and getting proper knowledge on their technical field and so it is very important for the organisations to carry out regular training programs for the employees.

2) Did you agree that period conduct of training and development will help you to be competitive in changing dynamics of the work requirement?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disagree 18 18.0 18.0 21.0
Neutral 31 31.0 31.0 52.0
Agree 37 37.0 37.0 89.0
Strongly Agree 11 11.0 11.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

The aim of this survey question was to find out the fact that whether the employees believe that period conduction of training and development can help them in becoming competitive based on the changing aspects of the working environment. As per the survey, as many as 48% of the employees and management became competitive by getting help from the period conduct of training and development and only 21 % of them did not see any sort of help that can be provided by period training and development. Around 31% of the employees were neutral about this particular fact.

Thus, it can be analysed that most of the employees felt the need for periodical conduct of training programs as they get benefited from to become competitive in the changing work dynamics.

3) Do you feel that employee recognition for good performance at work will surely motivate you to perform better?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 4 4.0 4.0 4.0
Disagree 12 12.0 12.0 16.0
Neutral 28 28.0 28.0 44.0
Agree 42 42.0 42.0 86.0
Strongly Agree 14 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

From this table, it can be observed that when the employees and the management were asked about the effect of employee recognition on motivation of the employees to improve in their work, 56% gave positive answers and agreed to this whereas 16% of the total respondents did not believe that employee recognition can motivate them in the work. Around 29% of them remained neutral in this respect.

Thus, it can be said that the organizations must devise necessary strategies to motivate the employees by employee recognition since most of the employees felt that they are highly motivated by being recognised in their work.

4) How far do you agree that if you are given an chance to take critical decisions at work place will motivate you immensely?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 6.0
Neutral 31 31.0 31.0 37.0
Agree 42 42.0 42.0 79.0
Strongly Agree 21 21.0 21.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

As per the data of this frequency distribution table, out of the 100 employees, 63% of them were positive about the fact that they get immense motivation if they are given a chance to take critical decisions in work whereas 6% of them were negative in this regard. 31% of the total respondents were indifferent to this fact.

Thus, it can be analysed that employees get highly motivated if they are given a chance to take critical decisions in their work because they can feel that they are an integral part of the organization.

5) Do you agree that fringe benefits like leave travel allowances, period holidays and understanding the personal requirements of the employees by the organization would significantly help in employee retention?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disagree 15 15.0 15.0 16.0
Neutral 21 21.0 21.0 37.0
Agree 40 40.0 40.0 77.0
Strongly Agree 23 23.0 23.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

It can be analysed from the data of the frequency table that when the respondents were asked about the effect of fringe benefits on employee retention, 63% of the employees believed and agreed to the fact that if they got the fringe benefits they can get motivated thereby helping in employee motivation. On the other hand, 16% of the respondents disagreed in this respect and 21% of them had neutral responses to this question.

It can be analysed that most of employees were of the viewpoint that fringe benefits can help in motivating them and with the help of getting fringe benefits they can be retained in the organizations in this regard and the employers must provide the employees with the necessary fringe benefits so that they can retain the employees in the organization.

Monetary Rewards for Employee motivation:

6) How far do you agree that you stay with the company because you are paid as per the industry standard?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 3 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disagree 15 15.0 15.0 18.0
Neutral 30 30.0 30.0 48.0
Agree 38 38.0 38.0 86.0
Strongly Agree 14 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

It can be analysed from this data that 52% of the total respondents agreed to the fact that because of getting proper payments based on the industry standard, the employees stay within the organization whereas only 18% disagreed to this fact and were of the opinion that only money cannot make them stay in the organization and 30% were of neutral viewpoint in this question.

It can be said that remuneration and salary is one of the most important monetary rewards that can help in motivating the employees and the organizations must provide the employees with standard salary so that they can retain the employees within the organization.

7) The fringe offered to you really helps to stay motivated and work with the organization?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 5 5.0 5.0 5.0
Disagree 16 16.0 16.0 21.0
Neutral 37 37.0 37.0 58.0
Agree 29 29.0 29.0 87.0
Strongly Agree 13 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

It can be observed from this frequency table that out of the total 100 employees of the two organizations, 42% of them agreed that the fringe benefits can help them in staying motivated in the work place whereas 21% disagreed in this respect. Moreover, 37% were neutral about this and were not positive or negative about this.

It can be analysed that it is important to provide fringe benefits since they can help in employee motivation and hep in improving their work so that the organization can be benefited as a result.

8) Did you agree that strong performance bonus that is offered to employees for good organizational performance help in employee retention?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disagree 17 17.0 17.0 18.0
Neutral 33 33.0 33.0 51.0
Agree 33 33.0 33.0 84.0
Strongly Agree 16 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

When this question was asked to the respondents, 49% of the respondents were positive about the fact that getting bonus based on their good performance in work can help in employee retention and in contrary 18% gave negative responses. 33% of the employees stayed neutral for this.

It can be evaluated from this that the organizations must continue to provide incentives and performance bonuses for the good performance of the employees so that they are encouraged in their work and thus it can help in overall employee retention in the organizations.

Strategic Decision for Employee Retention:

9) How far do you agree that a good recruitment and selection will certainly improve the retention rate among the employees of the organization?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Disagree 12 12.0 12.0 12.0
Neutral 28 28.0 28.0 40.0
Agree 47 47.0 47.0 87.0
Strongly Agree 13 13.0 13.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

Here the analysis of survey was based on the strategic decisions that are taken by the organizations for employee retention and it can be observed that 60% of the respondents believed that a proper recruitment process can certainly increase the rate of employee retention and 12% of them did not agree about this fact. Around 28% of the employees of both the organizations gave neutral responses when they were asked about this question.

Thus, it can be said that proper recruitment process in an organization is very essential for improving the employee retention rate and thus the organizations need to strategically plan the recruitment process for this purpose.

10) Do you agree with the fact that employees are retained better with a good job design and better person specification during the time of recruitment and selection?

  Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Strongly Disagree 2 2.0 2.0 2.0
Disagree 10 10.0 10.0 12.0
Neutral 37 37.0 37.0 49.0
Agree 35 35.0 35.0 84.0
Strongly Agree 16 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0  

As per the analysed data, it can be seen that out of total respondents, 51% of them had positive outlook and they felt that a good job design and proper person specification can certainly help in retention of employees at the time of employee recruitment and selection process and only 12% of them had negative outlook and they did not feel that job design or person specification can ever have any effect on employee retention. 37% of them stayed neutral to this.

Thus, it can be analysed that good job design and person specification at the time of employee recruitment certainly help in employee retention and the organizations must apply these strategies in order to improve employee retention within the organization.

4.3 Discussion

From the analysis of the survey and the responses that the employees and management gave, it can be asserted that proper training and development can effectively motivate the employees since they can acquire proper skills which they can implement in the work and feel that their contribution is important to the organization. By delivering good performance in the work, they can also get proper recognition which can further motivate them to perform well in their work. Thus, all these non – monetary reward can help in motivating the employees by which they can perform well and also this can help in retention of the skilled employees in the organization. Moreover, monetary rewards like remunerations and salaries and also the fringe benefits that the employees get from their organizations also act as a drive or need for them which are needed to be satisfied. In order to get them fulfilled, the employees can surely work hard thereby helping in the overall betterment of the organizations. Both the monetary and the non – monetary rewards can help in the employee motivation thereby helping in the employee retention for a long period of time since employees are valuable resource of an organization. Both the chosen organizations in this study must follow and implement proper strategic human resource management in order to retain their valuable employees in the organization.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion

The leisure industry has a big market in all over the world. This industry includes tourism, hotel business, entertainment, recreation, sports, etc. Now every business has to depend on its customer strength and has to draw the attention of the huge number of customers to inflate its territory. Therefore customer satisfaction is a thumb rule for all sorts of business, as they are to decide the future of that relevant organisation. In case of the leisure industry, customer satisfaction tops the list of their priorities. As the name suggests, this industry is all about providing a wholesome and comfortable experience to the people. If a customer is satisfied with the service of any hotel, he will recommend that to his friends and families, thus enhancing the business of the organisation (SPENCE LASCHINGER et al, 2009).

Given at any point of time, employees are the assets of an enterprise, which hugely relies on the work force of its efficient workers. To run a business satisfactorily it is highly important to retain these efficient employees.

The leisure industry of UK is famous for its services and reputation. And this level of customer satisfaction is only possible due to the presence of a dedicated team of employees. Therefore it is important to retain these talented people in the organisation for the betterment of the company and the prospective future of its business. The strategic human resource management helps in building the good will of the company in the market and thus is highly recommended to implement. The contentment of the employees helps the industry to run smoothly, for if these employees do not perform with full dedication it will affect the goodwill of the company in the market.

Every business organisation wants to retain its efficient employees as the loss of any one of them will cost them a huge amount. When a company hires someone, it hires the person for a long term. Therefore it trains and grooms that individual and makes him capable enough to fulfil his duty properly. That is to say though a company utilise the talents of its employees for the benefit of the business, it also invests a lot behind each of its employees so as to get the result out of him. Thus besides risking its reputation, an organisation will also lose a huge amount if it is unable to retain its employees.

At the end of the day every person works to earn a good living and a reputation in the society. Therefore every person’s focus is likely to be a good and secured job. If an organisation is capable enough to build an excellent infrastructure and a hold in the market, then it will not have to fear of losing its employees, for it will become a brand itself after a certain time. And in this reputation and infrastructure building also human resource management plays a vital role (Hausknecht et al, 2009). Moreover the success of the leisure industry could be ascertained from the yearly turnovers and the revenue it generates as compared to the other industries. The travel and tourism industry has turned out to be a really successful one making an annual economic impact of around 6.5 trillion US dollars all over the globe.The hotel business as a whole has a turnover of around 400 to 500 billion US dollars approximately, per year, from all over the world.

5.2 Recommendations

It is derived from the above discussion that strategic human resource management is a tool that should be implemented essentially from the very beginning of a business to ensure its human population to be intact. There are different ways through which SHRM could accomplish its motive (Milman, 2013). The main reason for this being is customer satisfaction. In the business world, leisure industry hugely demands the requirement of fulfilment of customer satisfaction and for that retention of the employees is very necessary which could be achieved by following the recommended factors:

  • Retention of efficient employees who deliver their best in their work. They should be able to understand the needs of the customers and meet their requirement in every possible ways.
  • Good service should be ensured by the staffs in the leisure industry, and this could not be done in absence of the experienced candidates.
  • Recommended candidates should be treated with care as their performance will only ensure profit to the business.
  • Comfortable work environment can create interest in the employees to continue in the same organisation for a long time.
  • By motivating the employees the company can get their loyalty and dedication for work. The strategies of human resource management start from the very beginning, i.e. from hiring a deserving candidate and continue to exist throughout the tenure of that employee in that company.
  • Motivation is the essential tool of strategic human resource management, as it can utilise the inner emotions of a human being in driving him to do something. Many people, who are highly emotional get inspired by the speeches of their seniors and agrees to stay in the same company.
  • Not only convincing the employees to stay in the company, the strategic human resource management should also be concerned of the attitudes of the managers in an organisation. It is seen in a survey that the managers with a friendly attitude can manage the team better than a manager possessing a bossy attitude.
  • The strategic human resource management must coordinate with all the departments of an organisation, unlike the old school human resource management department that was concerned with the task given to that department only. The SHRM is a new age concept, where it is believed that all the departments are inter related and success in business can only be achieved by working in cooperation with all the departments.
  • The concerned organisation must also be aware that it must hold a good reputation in the market so that the relevant candidates would be inspired to join it and increase its human capital.


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  • Female
  • Male


  • Management
  • Senior Executives
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Ground level staffs

Non Monetary Rewards for Employee Retention:

1) To what extent do you agree that training and development help you to gain substantial knowledge which in turn motivates you to work with the company?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

2) Did you agree that period conduct of training and development will help you to be competitive in changing dynamics of the work requirement?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

3) Do you feel that employee recognition for good performance at work will surely motivate you to perform better?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

4) How far do you agree that if you are given an chance to take critical decisions at work place will motivate you immensely?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

5) Do you agree that fringe benefits like leave travel allowances, period holidays and understanding the personal requirements of the employees by the organization would significantly help in employee retention?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

Monetary Rewards for Employee motivation:

6) How far do you agree that you stay with the company because you are paid as per the industry standard?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

7) The fringe offered to you really helps to stay motivated and work with the organization?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

8) Did you agree that strong performance bonus that are offered to employees for good organizational performance help in employee retention?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

Strategic Decision for Employee Retention:

9) How far do you agree that a good recruitment and selection will certainly improve the retention rate among the employees of the organization?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

10) Do you agree with the fact that employees are retained better with a good job design and better person specification during the time of recruitment and selection?

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

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Human Resources is the aspect of a business that handles employee relations, recruitment, training and other employee elements of the business. An effective Human Resources team can contribute to the successful running of a business.

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