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Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Info: 9886 words (40 pages) Example Dissertation Proposal
Published: 20th Feb 2025

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Tagged: Computer Science


In my task, I proposed a technique for identifying and perceiving the components of a Sudoku Puzzle and giving an advanced duplicate of the answer for it. The technique includes a dream based Sudoku solver. The solver is equipped for addressing a Sudoku straightforwardly from a picture caught from any advanced camera. In the wake of applying proper pre preparing to the gained picture I utilize effective territory estimation procedures to perceive the encasing box of the riddle. A virtual lattice is then made to recognize the digit positions. Tesseract OCR (Optical Character Recognition) motor is utilized as a strategy for digit acknowledgment. The real arrangement is processed utilizing a backtracking calculation. Trials led on different kinds of Sudoku questions show the productivity and heartiness of my proposed approaches in true situations. The calculation is discovered to be equipped for taking care of instances of interpretation, point of view, enlightenment inclination, scaling, and foundation mess.


  1. Introduction …................................................................................ 3
  2. Literature Review ........................................................................... 4
    1. Background History
    2. Objective
      1. Sudoku Image Processing and Machine Learning
      2. Waveguide Dispersion
    3. Pencil and paper calculation
    4. Novel missing up and comer
    5. Bare singles
    6. Secret singles
    7. Bolted up and comer
    8. Bare pairs, Triples
    9. Brute power calculation
  3. Problem Statement ..……………………........................................10
  4. Problem solution ...........................................................................10

4.1 Pencil and paper solver

4.2 Interesting missing up and comer

4.3 Exposed single technique

4.4 Backtracking (Speculating strategy)

4.5 Brute force solver

4.6 Contrasting

4.7 The difficulty level of Sudoku puzzles

4.8 Time intricacy

  1. Project plan ....................................................................................18

5.1 Image Processing approaches based Sudoku Solver application

5.2 Image processing vision helped approaches

5.3 Method of implementation

6 References..........................................................................................21


Among consistent games, Sudoku is an incredible mind game and quite possibly the most well known extraordinary riddle rounds ever to play in numerous nations, however its source is from Japan. Players should observe the standards to win. Settling Sudoku puzzles is a genuine test that utilizes quite a bit of legitimate reasoning and combinatorial number situation. Playing Sudoku every day through endless various stages will improve players focus, tolerance and creating sensible reasoning. This game doesn't request any estimation or uncommon maths abilities. Regardless of its advantages, Sudoku puzzles are as yet not available for everybody or simple to commit errors. At last, players may stall out some place in the troublesome levels. Hence, this examination expects to assemble a product apparatus which can assist players with creating the right answer for a specific Sudoku puzzle or to do a speedy check with their own answer or to give an idea (hint) whist playing it. To do that, various calculations have been considered and the limitation spread calculation is the choice for the Sudoku solver execution. The requirement spread is an astounding proficient technique to address this sort of puzzle. Furthermore, players can likewise save the Sudoku puzzle in the content arrangement to impart to different players.

Besides, picture handling and IMAGE PROCESSING vision calculations are used to accelerate the info interaction and give a quick method to enter Sudoku astounds by giving clear pictures or (physical) papers containing Sudoku puzzle, rather than physically composing number by number (up to 80 numbers) like other customary projects. This makes the communication among clients and the device agreeable and advantageous. The clients can look for helps or indicates any time and any stage during tackling the riddles. The clues or arrangements show up directly on the picture, caught by the instrument, and careful matrix areas which make clients simpler and more amicable to follow than existing apparatuses which just give arrangements in text.

This current paper's construction is coordinated as follow. Right off the bat, Section 2 examines momentarily calculations utilized by IMAGE PROCESSINGs to do the Sudoku solvers. This part additionally makes reference to IMAGE PROCESSING vision based techniques being utilized in this proposed device. Secondly, Section 3 talks about the proposed IMAGE PROCESSING vision helped structure with a learning calculation to take care of Sudoku issues. This shows why picture preparing effectively includes in our application.


2.1 Background

Sudoku is a rationale based riddle that is played by numbers from 1 to 9. The Puzzle first showed up in quite a while in November 1892 in France and afterward Howard Garns an American draftsman introduced it in its advanced structure. There are as of now numerous diaries, papers and expositions that explored about Sudoku Solvers and the vast majority of them present diverse sort of calculations. Sudoku's prominence depends on a few reasons. Most importantly it is fun and interesting, and extremely simple to learn on account of its straightforward standards. There are right now a wide range of kind of Sudoku puzzles, exemplary Sudoku that contains a 9X9 lattice with given pieces of information in different spots, small scale Sudoku that comprises of a network with 4X4 or 6X6 sizes. The other sort of Sudoku is Mega Sudoku that contains a matrix with 12X12 or 16X16 sizes. In this content, the emphasis is for the most part on the exemplary Sudoku, for example 9X9 matrix. Moreover, Sudoku has gotten so well known, contrasted with different games, everywhere on the world since its principles are straightforward and it can improve our cerebrum and furthermore it is enjoyable.

The construction of the riddle is extremely straightforward, particularly the exemplary riddle. This exposition is for the most part centred on exemplary riddle of a 9X9 lattice. There as of now exist various digits in the board that make the riddle resolvable. It implies that a few numbers are now positioned in the Sudoku board prior to beginning playing. The board comprises of 81 cells, which is partitioned into nine 3X3 sub sheets and each 3X3 sub board is classified "box" or "district". The principle idea of the game is to put numbers from 1 to 9 on a 9X9 board so that each line, segment and box contains any numbers however once. This implies that no number is rehashed more than once. An illustration of this game is represented. By and large, the riddle has an exceptional arrangement. There are sure procedures to tackle the riddle by hand and these guidelines can be carried out into Image Processing program.

2.2 Objective

The objective of this venture is to click an image from a cell phone and utilizing that picture we will clarify Sudoku with the usage of recursive backtracking calculation while keeping the standards.

The Constraints are according to the accompanying:

Sudoku puzzle can simply contain the numbers 1 through 9. A position prerequisite: Only 1 number can have a cell, in any case the yield will not be right and it is an unsolvable Sudoku

A push basic: Only 1 illustration of a number can be in the segment

A fragment prerequisite: Only 1 event of a number can be in a segment

An territory necessity: Only 1 event of a number can be around there

2.2.1 Sudoku Image Processing and Machine Learning

This current segment's key assignment is to empower getting Sudoku puzzles from the cam time. It has two principle steps: pre processing to upgrade and normalize input pictures permitting the data extraction step acquires information all the more precisely.

Pre processing is an essential and pivotal advance. In this progression, a caught puzzle picture is handled through a progression of pre processing techniques including greyscale, obscuring, There holding on the Sudoku network territory expected to filtrate. In the wake of pre processing, all the article forms in the picture are presently clearer and more precise. Also, it is necessary that the Sudoku lattice is at the focal point of the camera. Accordingly, discovering the Sudoku matrix in the picture should be possible by searching for the greatest shape which has 4 vertices, named as upper left, upper right, base right, base left. The upper left point has the littlest worth of x and y facilitate, while the base right point has the biggest one. These focuses are additionally used to draw all lattice cells 3.

After the entire Sudoku lattice is situated, the point of view change will be performed. A morphological change, with the circle piece (11x11), 3 All cells in the Sudoku lattice must be drawn out precisely. The Sudoku matrix has 81 cells shaped by 9 lines and 9 segments. They are comparable to 10 level and 10 vertical lines. Hence, deciding every one of the cells in Sudoku network is very basic since 4 central issues have been resolved.

To begin with, the directions of focuses in vertical line are determined by the upper left and base left focuses, so 8 focuses are relied upon to be resolved. The stretch between 2 focuses is the distance between upper left and base left separated by 9. It is also for the focuses in last vertical line. At that point the directions of each point in all even lines are handily characterized.

Solving Sudoku Puzzles Through Machine Learning Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

(a)Pre processing image (b) Process of creating (c) Grid with

Containing Sudoku grid .cells of Sudoku grid Perspective transformation

2.3 Pencil and paper calculation

In this work, we carry out an answer dependent on certain methodologies utilized by people when settling the riddle, subsequently, it is called pencil and paper calculation. The paper and pencil calculation contains human techniques. These techniques have been inspected underneath in more subtleties.

These procedures are practically straightforward by human players, however it very well may be difficult to look in the riddle, since there are a few things to search for simultaneously.

As there are puzzles with various kinds of trouble, the simple and medium riddles can be settled utilizing some straightforward strategies like special missing technique, stripped singles. Anyway to tackle troublesome issues we may inspect different procedures too (bolted competitors, stripped and covered up sets, trios and so on).

2.4. Novel missing up and comer

The exceptional missing competitor is utilized when any line, segment or box is missing just one single digit.

2.5 Bare Singles

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine LearningSolving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine LearningSolving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

























































































































































It is feasible to list every one of the competitors from 1 to 9 in each unfilled square, for example square 4b can just hold number 2 since it is the solitary contender for This position. The main viewpoint is that when an up and comer is found for a specific position then it very well may be taken out from the rundown as a potential competitor in the line, section and box. The explanation that it is known as the "stripped single" strategy is that this sort of square contains just a single conceivable up and comer.

2.5 Secret Singles

The secret single technique is like the stripped single strategy however the best approach to discover the best approach to track down the unfilled square is unique. When there is just a single square in the line, segment or box that can take a specific number, at that point the square should take that number. For instance, we can see that both row2 and row3 contain the digit 9 so as indicated by the standards, row1 should likewise hold number 9. In the correct side of figure 3 beneath, number 9 is embedded by utilizing the secret singles technique.




































































































These two figures show how the hidden single technique can be used.


















































2.6 Bolted up and comer

Tom Davis has expressed that it is feasible to discover a case where the lone spot for an applicant would be a line or segment inside that case. Assuming an up and comer has a place with a line or segment, we can eliminate this applicant as a potential one with other boxes that the line (or section) associated with them. This condition is appeared in figure 3. The container 456abc should stand firm on a 9 and the solitary footholds the number can be set are in squares 5a or 5c and both in a similar column. This implies that the number 9 is dispensed with in column 5 from other boxes that incorporate line 5.

2.7 Bare Pairs, Triplets

These procedures are basically the same as the bare single strategy, yet in this technique we track down similar two up and comers in two squares. By utilizing this data we can track down a potential possibility to different squares. For instance, squares 9d and 9f can just contain values 2 and 7. By having this information, clearly square 9d and 9f can't contain 1 or 6 so those applicants are eliminated. The lone competitors are 2 and 7 in squares 9d and 9f.











































































2 7


2 7




2.8 Brute power calculation

Kovacs depict a portion of the animal power techniques utilized for addressing Sudoku puzzles. The least difficult strategy haphazardly delivers an answer for the riddle called "unconstrained matrix", after that the program checks whether it is a legitimate arrangement. If not, the cycle is rehashed until an answer is found. This calculation can be applied basically and will track down a substantial answer for any issues since it will go through all chance arrangements. Be that as it may, this strategy can be tedious yet as indicated by Kovacs the calculation can be enhanced.

By and large, the beast power calculation goes through the unfilled squares, filling in numbers from the current decisions, or eliminating bombed decisions if a "impasse" is reached. For instance, Brute power settle a riddle by embedding’s the digit "1" in the main square. In the event that the digit is permitted to be there by checking line, segment and box then the program go to the following square, and put the digit "1" around there. The program finds that the "1" isn't permitted, at that point the digit increases by one for example it has gotten 2. At the point when a square is seen where none of the digits (1 to 9) is allowed, at that point the program backtracks and returns to the earlier square. The worth in that square increments by 1. The cycle is rehashed until the right digits fill each of the 81 squares.


The task is to handle the Sudoku matrix in as less time as could really be expected. It ought to be conceivable by investigating different strategies for Sudoku tackling and differentiating them for the most gainful game plan. Sudoku itself can be handled using beast power approach in a reasonable proportion of time when in doubt, yet there are remarkable circumstances where it requires a long speculation to the animal power technique. Thusly our thought is to endeavour to find proficient computations for all instances of the issue and evaluate them while using the ideal solver to find the solution for the Sudoku puzzle.

There are two essential impediments that choose the efficiency of an ideal solver. They are Time use and Memory use whose degree of satisfaction chooses the idea of an ideal Sudoku solver. These objectives generally speaking change from one estimation to another.

To comprehend the Sudoku puzzle in whatever amount of less time as could be anticipated. It ought to be conceivable by investigating unmistakable techniques for getting Sudoku and taking a gander at them for the most gainful course of action. Thusly our task is to endeavour to find compelling estimations for all events of the issue and evaluate them while using the ideal solver to find the solution for the Sudoku framework in as less time as could really be expected and taking as less memory as could really be expected.


Here we completed an examination on the most proficient method to settle Sudoku puzzle dependent on the pencil and paper calculation. The idea of this work is to execute an answer for address the riddle dependent on human systems. The acquired outcomes are contrasted and a notable calculation called Brute power calculation that are introduced in section 3. The eventual outcome and ends are introduced.

Analysis and Results

This segment begins with examination and conversations around two referenced calculations. An examination is completed between two calculations to discover which calculation is more effective. Toward the finish of the part, there are conversations on trouble level of the riddles and time intricacy.

4.1 Pencil And Paper Solver

There are a few techniques that are utilized by human players when playing Sudoku. Notwithstanding, it very well might be difficult to execute every one of these techniques. It is tracked down that the secret single technique or pair strategy are hard to be applied in IMAGE PROCESSING programming, since a human player has a superior outline over the entire Sudoku board than the IMAGE PROCESSING programming does. This is because of the way that a human player can filter two lines or two segments to check whether a specific digit is permitted to be in a vacant square in the container that should be topped off. Carrying out the above task in IMAGE PROCESSING programming causes critical time utilization. The techniques that are utilized in this calculation are the accompanying:

  • Unique missing up and comer
  • Naked single strategy
  • Backtracking

4.2 Interesting missing up and comer

This strategy is valuable when there is simply just one void square in succession, segment or box. The digit that is missing can be set in that vacant square. A comparable definition is that if eight of nine void squares are filled in any line, section or box, at that point the digit that is missing can fill the solitary void square. This technique can be valuable when the vast majority of the squares are filled, particularly toward the finish of an answer. It can likewise be appropriate when addressing simple riddle and this technique is proficient to discover arrangement for this situation. In this calculation, the technique goes through all lines, sections and boxes independently. The strategy at that point checks if a solitary worth has missed in any line, section or box and spot the single digit in that particular square.

4.3 Exposed single technique

The second strategy that is utilized in the pencil and paper calculation is the Naked single technique. This technique checks each unfilled square in the Sudoku board and tracks down the square that can just take one single digits and the missing digit at that point is alloted to that square. Note that once the squares are filled by exposed single digits other bare singles will show up. This interaction is rehashed until the technique has tracked down all unfilled squares with the required comparing one single worth and complete the board.

This technique is a helpful strategy when a human player tackles the game. Nonetheless in the event that the relating strategy is joined with the remarkable missing up and comer technique, both the strategies can tackle the riddles both in simple and medium levels rapidly and all the more productively.

4.4 Backtracking (speculating strategy)

The exceptional missing strategy and the exposed single technique can settle all riddles with simple and medium degree of troubles. To address puzzles with significantly more troublesome levels, for example, hard and malicious the backtracking technique has been utilized to finish the calculation. A human player addresses the riddle by utilizing basic methods. Assuming the riddle isn't reasonable by utilizing the strategies the player, attempts to fill the remainder of the vacant squares by speculating.

The backtracking technique, which is like the human system (speculating), is utilized as an assistance strategy to the pencil and paper calculation. All in all, if the riddle can't be filled when utilizing the one of a kind missing technique and the exposed single strategy, the backtracking strategy will take the riddle and fill the remainder of void squares. By and large, the backtracking technique discover void square and dole out the most reduced legitimate number in the square once the substance of different squares in a similar line, segment and box are thought of. Be that as it may, if none of the numbers from 1 to 9 are substantial in a specific square, the calculation backtracks to the past square, which was filled as of late.

The previously mentioned strategies are a proper mix to settle any Sudoku puzzles. The exposed single strategy can discover rapidly single possibility to the unfilled squares that required just one single worth. Since the riddle arrives at its end arrangement the novel missing technique can be utilized to fill rest of the riddles. At long last, if either strategy fills the board the calculation calls the backtracking technique to fill the remainder of the board.

4.5 Brute Force Solver

The second calculation that is analysed in this work is Brute power calculation. Normally, the beast power calculation can be applied to any conceivable calculation. For instance when discovering secret phrase, the calculation produces any conceivable secret key until the correct one is found. For this situation the calculation goes through each vacant square and places a substantial digit around there. On the off chance that no legitimate number is discovered the calculation returns to the past square and change the worth around there. The cycle is rehashed until the board is loaded up with numbers from 1 to 9.

The upside of the savage power calculation is that the calculation can ensure an answer for any riddles since it produces all potential answers until the correct answer is found if the riddles are substantial. Moreover, the running time can be disconnected to even out of trouble, on the grounds that the calculation looks for each conceivable arrangement.

To contrast the pencil and paper calculation and the animal power calculation a (pre executed) beast power calculation has been utilized during testing.

4.6 Contrasting

In this part we present the consequence of the testing and furthermore analyse the contrasts between the pencil and paper calculation and the animal power calculation. The proposed calculation has demonstrated that can settle Sudoku puzzle with any degrees of trouble. We have expected to have four degrees of trouble during testing.

These levels are; simple, medium, hard and evil (testing). This calculation can settle the simple and medium riddle without utilizing backtracking strategy (under 20.ms). To tackle the riddles with more troublesome level, for example, hard or detestable the calculation utilizes the backtracking technique too. During testing we have seen that the given calculation performs better compared to the animal power calculation in the term of the runtime (the time the calculation takes to be executed)..

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

A comparison between the pencil and paper algorithm and brute force algorithm.

This outline portrays the contrasts between the pencil and paper calculation and the animal power calculation dependent on what amount of time it requires to settle the riddles by a IMAGE PROCESSING. The pencil and paper calculation settles the riddle speedier than the beast power calculation. The given information depends on the averaging of the processing time for a few riddles that have been tried with a similar trouble levels like simple, medium, hard, and evil individually. For example the time acquired for the simple level is the consequence of averaging a few processing times with simple level. In the given chart the vertical hub addresses running season of the riddles in milliseconds and the flat pivot the trouble levels.

For the most part, the backtracking strategy, which is like the savage power calculation, can address the riddles faster than the pencil and paper calculation. The inquiry presently is the reason would it be a good idea for us to utilize backtracking and human strategies together? There are three motivations to do as such. Right off the bat, the reason for this work is to carry out a calculation applying human systems.

Furthermore, human players likewise utilize the backtracking strategy when they stall out. It implies that players check various other options and spot the numbers in the unfilled squares by think about when there are no alternatives left. At long last, utilizing the human methodologies make the calculation more proficient dependent on the quantity of correlations. All in all, the stripped single strategy fills the vacant squares by performing less correlations in brief timeframe as it utilizes a superior method. Be that as it may, the backtracking technique runs more number of insightful flow while settling the riddles coming about utilization of memory space. This can obviously be appeared in the graph.

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Comparing the pencil and paper algorithm and the backtracking method.

4.7 The Difficulty Level of Sudoku Puzzles

The trouble level of Sudoku puzzles relies upon how the given numbers are set in the Sudoku board and furthermore the number of numbers (pieces of information) are given. By and large, the main part of trouble appraisals of Sudoku puzzles is what strategies are needed to settle the riddles. As such, it is significant where the given numbers are set coherently.

The Puzzles, which needs more procedures to settle, can be named as troublesome one. On the opposite side there are puzzles that can be addressed by utilizing straightforward strategies and this sort of riddles can be characterized as simple or medium level. As referenced above, there are four trouble levels that are utilized in testing (simple, medium, hard and evil). We have found during testing that the groupings of trouble levels isn't simple as it is expressed. This is because of the way that there have been puzzles which set apart as hard level however they had been addressed utilizing basic strategies and the other way around.

There are individuals who accept that the trouble appraisals have to do with the quantity of uncovered numbers on the riddle board. By and large, a Sudoku puzzle needs in any event 17 pieces of information to be resolvable. It implies that settling a Sudoku puzzle with 17 pieces of information is more troublesome than a riddle with 30 signs. More given numbers, the simpler and speedier the arrangement is. This assertion may not be consistently truth, since the testing has shown that the riddles with less hints could be tackled in more limited time than the riddles with more pieces of information. The chart 3 underneath portrays the connection between the quantity of signs in the riddles and their run time. It is

may be normal that if the quantity of hints become more the run season of tackling the riddle would be more limited. For example, when tackling the riddle with 28 pieces of information the addressing time increments quickly. The explanation is that the riddle needs more strategies to settle it or the calculation expected to repeat as long as the arrangement is found.

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

This chart shows the connection between the quantity of hints (in the flat hub) and the run season of the riddles (in the vertical pivot)..

4.8 Time intricacy

Time intricacy of a calculation portrays the time that is expected to run on a IMAGE PROCESSING and it is ordinarily communicated utilizing with O documentation. One approach to appraise time intricacy is to check the quantity of tasks accomplished by the calculation. Since the presentation time can be changed with various contributions of a similar size we utilize the most pessimistic scenario season of intricacy, meant as T(n). A new report by Kovacs showed that the most pessimistic scenario intricacy is identified with the trouble of the hardest riddle.

We will inspect the time intricacy of Sudoku solver. The contribution to a Sudoku solver is a Sudoku board. The standard board is a 9X9 lattice and both more modest and bigger sheets are utilized. Theories kinds of riddles with little sizes can be settled rapidly and quicker by IMAGE PROCESSING, however simply because this is little for a IMAGE PROCESSING. Settling Sudoku is one of NP complete issues and it says that Sudoku calculations don't scale well to bigger sheets and riddles, for instance 10000X10000 matrices isn't attainable. On the off chance that the size of contribution to Sudoku solver goes to vastness the hour of intricacy will increment dramatically. Notwithstanding, when tackling the riddles with restricted information size, for example, 9X9 frameworks it is doable in light of the fact that they can be addressed in polynomial time..


5.1 Image Processing Approaches based Sudoku Solver Application

In my project basically I have planned to make an application in JAVA language to solve Sudoku using image processing. In IMAGE PROCESSING programming, there are an assortment of techniques to settle Sudoku puzzles and some are momentarily portrayed as follows:

  • Backtracking: utilized in numerous applications, for example, eight sovereign riddles. It visits unfilled cells in subjective request at that point fills in digits successively from potential decisions, and backtrack (for example dispose of ineffective decisions) when stops are met. At each backtracking time, it changes the digit in the cell most as of late filled before the halt occurred. In the event that that particular cell is endeavored with each and every conceivable digit, the calculation returns to the second earlier cell filled before the last gridlock and repeats that cell's digit. Backtrack ing calculation is easy to execute, in any case, it needs a lot of memory space as a result of the recursive procedure.
  • Brute Force calculation: The fundamental thought is to go through all potential arrangements broadly. It does numerous cycles to search for all potential answers for Sudoku puzzles. Whenever discovered arrangements can't tackle the issue, the calculation eliminates them and move backs to the first arrangements at that point attempt once more. It doesn't need an immense of memory space, however it requires a great deal of preparing time.
  • Stochastic inquiry: this methodology initially appoints haphazardly digits to the vacant cells in the framework. At that point, it computes the quantity of mistakes, and back ranges these filled digits around the network until the quantity of blunders is diminished to nothing. At long last, the answer for the Sudoku puzzle is found. The interaction of stochastic inquiry is quite fast and devours less memory space, however it is hard to execute.
  • Constraint spread: this strategy applies a bunch of rules to the potential possibility to discover the arrangement. An up and comer that fulfills every one of the models will be the answer for the riddle. This commonplace calculation is applied in this investigation to assemble the application due to its quick and proficiency. Some proper requirements are utilized to take out the possibility to decrease the intricacy while discovering arrangements.

5.2 IMAGE PROCESSING Vision helped Approaches

k Nearest Neighbors (kNN) calculation is one of the Straight forward grouping algorithms however profoundly cutthroat. Giving another information, the calculation attempts to foresee its mark via looking for the closest match (nearest distance) among the predefined classes, i.e., disclose to me who your neighbors are, and I will reveal to you what your identity is. The distance measure can be any measurement work and Euclidean distance is the most well known use. The kNN arrangement calculation is utilized to carry out Optimal Character Recognition (OCR), which performs perusing characters in the caught picture. An epic methodology in this investigation is to utilize IMAGE PROCESSING vision strategies to help players much when they just have papers based Sudoku perplexes and don't have the foggiest idea or have a less involvement with Sudoku. Instructions to apply kNN to do OCR will be examined in the accompanying areas.

5.3 Method and Implementation

To construct the Sudoku solver application in this examination, a IMAGE PROCESSING vision supported structure is proposed with two primary parts:

(1) Sudoku picture handling

(2) AI to take care of Sudoku Issues


Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning


Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine LearningPaper based



Sudoku Puzzle

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning Extracted Sudoku Grid HINT

Constraint Propagation

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine LearningSolving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Generate hints or the solution displayed on the image

Search For a Solution

Solving Sudoku Puzzle by Machine Learning

Machine Learning To. Solve Sudoku Problem Full Solution

At first giving a paper based Sudoku puzzle, the apparatus consequently catches, by a connected camera, its picture. Then, a progression of picture supportive of cessing and AI strategies are used to separate all important data, for example the digits and their reporter cells to shape a Sudoku puzzle prepared to tackle. These cycles lessen extensively measure of time, contrasting with physically input digits into the Sudoku lattice. At that point, the riddle is gone through the solver to track down an extraordinary arrangement or produce hints for clients when they counsel the device. The accompanying areas give each progression in subtleties of the structure.


  1. https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2020/08/10/opencv-sudoku-solver-and-ocr/
  2. https://becominghuman.ai/image-processing-sudokuai-opencv-45380715a629
  3. https://towardsdatascience.com/building-a-sudoku-solving-application-with-computer-vision-and-backtracking-19668d0a1e2
  4. https://blogs.mathworks.com/deep-learning/2018/11/15/sudoku-solver-image-processing-and-deep-learning/
  5. https://analyticsindiamag.com/solve-sudoku-puzzle-using-deep-learning-opencv-and-backtracking/
  6. https://www.ivlabs.in/real-time-sudoku-solver.html
  7. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7414762
  8. https://stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:my512gb2187/Agarwal_Kamat_Kurian_Smart_Sudoku_Solver.pdf
  9. https://github.com/AyushiTiwari/Real-Time-Sudoku-Solver
  10. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304414609_Detection_of_Sudoku_puzzle_using_image_processing_and_solving_by_Backtracking_Simulated_Annealing_and_Genetic_Algorithms_A_comparative_analysis
  11. https://project-archive.inf.ed.ac.uk/ug4/20201867/ug4_proj.pdf

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