Johnson & Johnson Internship Self-Reflection
Info: 8047 words (32 pages) Dissertation
Published: 9th Dec 2019
Tagged: BusinessReflection
Executive Summary
This report will be focused on my year internship at Johnson & Johnson, touching upon my experiences within a multinational company as well as the skills I developed throughout the year. The report is structured using the CareerEdge model (Dacre Pool & Sewell, 2007) and outlines 7 key topics:
- Culture
- Ethics
- Organisational structure
- Managerial Style
- Generic Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Career Development
The aim of this report is analysing the gaps outlined in the NBS attribute matrix and how I will address them within my final year at university.
Executive Summary………………………………………………
1. Introduction………………………………………………..
2. Transferable learnings from Degree……………………………….
3. Placement Experience…………………………………………
4. Generic Skills………………………………………………..
5. Emotional Intelligence…………………………………………
6. Career Development…………………………………………..
7. Conclusion………………………………………………….
8. Reference…………………………………………………..
1. Introduction
This report will be based on a self-reflection of my year internship at The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson. Janssen is one of the world leaders in the pharmaceutical industry, placing for the 5th consecutive year as number 1 in Fortune Magazine’s Worlds most admired company list (Fortune, 2018). The company focuses on developing medicines to fight diseases in four key areas: Immunology, Infectious diseases, oncology and Neuroscience (Janssen 2018). Throughout this report I will be analysing and evaluating my experiences, touching upon theory I have learnt in modules undertaken in my first and second year at Nottingham Trent University.
Accompanied with 3 years at Nottingham Trent, for a student to be awarded a BA (Hons) International Business degree they must have completed either a year of studying abroad, or have worked in a professional field. Choosing the later, I was appointed as a Commercial Strategy Assistant, based within two Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) teams, Neuroscience and Value Optimisation. The reflective report will base itself on the CareerEDGE model (Dacre Pool & Sewell, 2007), linking in degree subjects, emotional intelligence, generic skills and experience. I have selected this model due to its lack of complexity in the area of employability, compared to some other models such as USEM model (Yorke and Knight, 2004)
The final aim of this report will be to create a structured professional development plan, which will act as a guide to what I plan to achieve in my final year and what continuing professional development (CPD) is required to achieve my long term career goals and becoming a more well-rounded graduate candidate.
2. Transferable learnings from Degree
- Culture
Working within a global business, challenges between managing different cultures and diversity can arise (J.Mole, 2003). Culture, distinguishes how a particular society or group views the world (Hofstede, 1984). Working within a regional team, I was subject to interactions with a large variety of colleagues from cultures different from my own. My initial thoughts were that this would be a challenge, as I would have to continuously adapt to best accommodate each co-worker. Despite this, I found that instead of a number of different cultures all trying to work in harmony, J&J had developed their own internal culture which employees collectively honoured.
Due to J&J being an American company, I saw a clear correlation between Hoftstede’s research into the United States and the culture instilled inside the organisation. America has a relatively low ‘power distance’ meaning they believe power is distributed equally (Hoftstede, 1984). Working within J&J, managers and employees had a high level of respect and communication with one another. My meetings with my superiors would support this research, as I often felt like a peer rather than a subordinate.
Although J&J is an American company, it’s characteristics aren’t completely aligned with the results from the cultural dimension’s study. America is seen to have a high degree of individualism within its society (Hofstede, 1984), however my experiences whilst at J&J would show that it is more collectivistic. I say this, because, J&J often emphasised a feeling of “we are all in this together” to their way of working, which I believed this improved companionship between colleagues within the company. This attitude is very similar to my time within sporting teams, as a collectivistic approach was often the key to our success when playing against an opposition.
- Ethics
The pharmaceutical industry is often subject to criticism regarding ethical issues. Different from most markets, the pharmaceutical industry produces medicine which in many cases can be life-saving. Like most businesses, the ultimate aim is to make a profit, however J&J as a pharmaceutical company has obligation to supply affordable drugs to those in need. During my internship, I became aware of the J&J credo which in their own words, “challenges us to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first” (Johnson & Johnson, 2011). This credo is used almost as a moral compass, with aim to provide high quality products, while keeping costs low, so prices are affordable.
J&J follows a teleological approach in their ethical decision making, in that they base their decisions on the consequences towards the doctors, patients and families they provide for (Daniels et al, 2o14). Corporate Social Responsibility plays a big part in why J&J is so admired. As part of my year, J&J put the placement students in charge of raising money for a local charity, this first hand showed me J&J initiatives on giving back to the community. On a global platform, they are often seen working in partnership with charities to help improve the life of their patients, an example of this is shown with their collaboration with the American Diabetes Association, giving kids a chance to go on summer camp who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (Johnson & Johnson, 2017).
3. Placement Experience
- Organisational Structure
Johnson & Johnson follow a “functional hierarchic” organisational structure (Johnson, 2015), commonly known as a matrix structure. A matrix structure is where there isn’t a single line of hierarchy, instead there is multiple chains of command (Stuckenbruck, 1979). From my time at J&J, I was able to assess the advantages and disadvantages of having a matrix structure. The common disadvantages found with a matrix structure can be tendencies towards anarchy, power struggles, decision strangulation and unclear roles and responsibilities (Davis & Lawrence, 1978). Throughout my internship I experienced supporting evidence for some of these disadvantages. ‘Decision Strangulation’, in preparing for an EMEA meeting in Barcelona, is one that arose. The matrix structure within J&J meant that at times, people felt they needed everyone to be in agreement which caused endless debates and delays in decision making. During this project, I felt our fast approaching deadlines caused stress within myself and the team. Initially I would have argued this was a bad experience, but looking back, I instead believe this was good learning experience, as it actually allowed me to understand the issues that can occur without a clear line of authority. I believe that an allocation of a single group lead would have increased efficiency in the decision making. This tactic is one often used during university group work, this technique has shown to support my claim on increased efficiency.
The common disadvantages explained by Davis & Lawrence, couldn’t always be linked to my time working within J&J. This might be due to the fact that the publication of the article was 40 years ago, so it could be seen as dated. A key advantage of an implemented matrix structure is that it improves communication cross functionally in the organisation (Ford & Randolph, 1992). During my internship, cross-functional communication had a huge influence on the success of projects. During my year I was involved in creating an online share-point to help with lateral communication. This project meant I had to work with people from multiple teams to collect the right information, so a matrix system was of great benefit.
My experiences of organisational structures had been limited to traditional functional structures, which was most prominent during my time at Marks & Spencer. Comparing the two structures, I personally felt a matrix benefits outweighed the negatives, compared to a traditional functional structure. Often when working in M&S, I sensed feeling just like a small cog in the machine, whilst at J&J my experience was completely different.
- Managerial style
My responsibilities within Janssen were split between two teams within the EMEA region, neuroscience and value optimisation. This meant I reported to one manager within each respective team, the benefit is that I was able to experience two completely different managerial styles, autocratic and democratic. Working under an autocratic managerial style proved to be the most challenging during my internship and in fact raised issues throughout my year until the manager’s departure in February. Disadvantages of autocratic leadership can be seen across a number pieces of literature (Eagly & Johnson, 1990, Khan et al, 2015) the recurring themes show that autocratic leadership can discourage communication, creativity, decrease employee morale and productivity, as well as cause friction between the workforce. Unfortunately, my experience resembled these drawbacks with my manager in the value optimisation team, however saying this, not all interactions between myself and my manager were negative. During our 7 months of working together, often I was subject to disagreements, and I felt I was unable to voice my views in meetings, which decreased my morale and personal development. Instead of feeling like an equal, I felt more inferior, which made me feel out of place in not being shown the same respect as others. There were clear drawbacks from this managerial style, but looking back on this I feel it was also one of greatest tests of my internship. I learnt how to address work conflict, and how to overcome workplace issues. How I went about this, was to first approach colleagues who I had built a strong relationship to ask their advice, and then confront the situation head on. Going to colleagues for advice was a good first initial step as they had years of experience behind them, it also settled my nerves before addressing how I felt with my manager. The advice they offered was to prepare a list of my expectations I looked for in a manager and ways the current situation could be improved. After a productive meeting, addressing the issue head on, my relationship with this manager improved greatly.
During my time working within the Neuroscience team, I was faced with a completely different managerial style, which resembled democratic. Democratic leaders, sometimes known as participative leaders, encourage participation in decision making, as well as develops plans to help employees achieve their goals (Khan et al, 2015). My relationship with this manager was extremely positive, not only in my morale, but also development as a graduate prospect. My manager took the time to assess my strengths and weaknesses using my Insights profile evaluation (see appendices 6), and adapted her way of managing to get the best out of me.
4. Generic Skills
Generic skills can be defined as “core skills” or “transferable skills” (Pool & Sewell, 2007). “Employers and their representatives consistently say that to succeed at work, most people in future must develop a range of personal and intellectual attributes” (Harvey, 2000, Pg 7-8). The aim of this report was to analyse my current attributes as well as link it to examples in where I had clearly demonstrated these skills in use. Using the NBSs attribute matrix, I rated my current ability in 7 “generic skills” that are seen to be commonly sought after by employers. From a critical evaluation of myself, I concluded that through my exposure to sport, academia, and employment I had built a strong foundation of skills that would put me in a good position in the graduate jobs market. Saying this, a clear gap was formed, which shows in areas such as analytical problem solving and organisation needed improvement. Justifying my skills can clearly be shown not only in my NBS Matrix, but within my CV and LinkedIn profile (appendix 4 + 5).
As a J&J employee you are subject to an ‘Insights Personal Profile evaluation’ (previously mentioned in section 3.2), the aim of this is to give the participant a good self-understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as helps employers create effective strategies to interact with that participant. Key highlights from this evaluation can be found in appendix 6. From this I was able to clearly understand my strengths and weaknesses e.g. ‘sometimes lacks attention to detail’ and ‘doesn’t always take time to listen to others views’.
5. Emotional Intelligence
“Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions” (Mayer & Salovey, 1990). The ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings is something I believe is learnt through trial and error, in the sense that through past experiences you are able to gauge how certain events will cause certain reactions. Linking back to section 3.2 of the report, in where I touched upon my dispute with my manager, I showed emotional intelligence, as I understood the best way to handle that situation, which ultimately minimised further conflict.
Emotional intelligence, has not always been my strongest attribute, but has definitely improved during my time at university and placement. I have found that on occasions I have struggled to control my emotions in certain situations, primarily in my sporting life due to my competitiveness, when things haven’t gone the way I had hoped. Through working in group tasks at university, as well as in a professional setting, I have been able to develop much more of an understanding of people’s emotions. I think this is a skill that will only continue to develop more during my final year and future employment.
6. Career Development
University is often seen as the gateway to your future career, the skills and attributes you gain within the time of starting, to the time of completion, are meant to develop you into an employable member of society in your chosen field. My development is highlighted within the NBS attribute matrix (Appendix 1), and shows analysis of my skills in where I thrive and where I need improvement.
After the completion of my year internship, I was offered a place on the Johnson & Johnson 2-year graduate scheme. The graduate scheme is aimed at developing future leaders of the company. Over the coming 2 years, I will cover a number of roles in different functions to get a deeper understanding of the whole business. I hope that through this 2-year scheme, I will have a ‘foot in the door’ to the pharmaceutical industry.
During my final year, I aim to develop areas I feel need improvements (see appendices 2) and to go back to J&J hitting the ground running.
7. Conclusion
The aim of this report was to demonstrate an understanding of the progress made in my personal development and the gaps I need to develop whilst in my final year at Nottingham Trent. Through reflection of my experiences, notably during my internship, I have shown a clear aptitude to working in a professional setting and been able to link theory from years 1 and 2 into my day to day work life.
Culture, Communication and learning (CCL) and Intercultural effectiveness, have been pivitol in my adaptation into working within a regional team. A completely different experience can often be found challenging, from this report I outlined that the positives and negatives I was faced with and how I overcame them.
With the use of the NBS attribute matrix, I have evaluated and understood where my strengths and weaknesses now are. As a global citizen it has been imperative to develop an international awareness, and I believe my internship has clearly shown this. Moving on to my final year I feel confident in my key attributes and look to primarily focus on achieving a upper second class honours.
8. Reference
- Johnson & Johnson. (2018). Johnson & Johnson Named a 2018 Fortune World’s Most Admired Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2018].
- Janssen Australia. (2018). About Us. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Sep. 2018].
- Pool, L. and Sewell, P. (2007). The key to employability: developing a practical model of graduate employability. Sheffield: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- Mole, J. (2003). Mind your manners. 3rd Edition. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
- Knight, P. and Yorke, M. (2004), Learning, Curriculum and Employability in Higher Education, Routledge Falmer, London.
- Ford, R. and Randolph, A. (1992), Cross-Functional Structures: A Review and Integration of Matrix Organization and Project Management. London: Sage Journals
- Davis, S. and Lawrence, P. (1978), Problems of Matrix Organizations. Sheffield: Sage Journals
- Hofstede, G. (1984), Cultural Dimensions in Management and Planning. Netherlands: Asia Pacific Journal of Management
- Salovey, P and J, Mayer. (1990), Emotional Intelligence. New Haven: Yale University
- Harvard Business Review. (2018). Problems of Matrix Organizations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Oct. 2018].
- Hussein Khalafalla, A. (2017). The Styles of Leadership: A Critical Review. JOJ Urology & Nephrology, 2(5).
- Eagly, A and Johnson, B. (1990). Gender and Leadership Style: A Meta-Analysis. America: Psychological Bulletin
- Mayer, J and Salovey, P. (2001). Emotional Intelligence as an Standard Intelligence. America: American Psychological Association Inc.
- Stuckenbruck, L. C. (1979). The matrix organization. Project Management Quarterly, 10(3), 21–33. America: University of Southern California
- Daniels, J et al. (2014). International Business, Global Edition. London: Pearson Education
9. Appendices
Appendix 1
The below are based on the 7 NBS Learning & Teaching Graduate Attributes (above) and commonly required skills sought by employers |
1 = lowest 5 = highest
Justify your personal rating. Identify examples that demonstrate your ability/ skill/attribute. Use wide range of examples: university/external, academic or extra-curricular, work experience, volunteering, membership of clubs/societies etc. |
Link weaker areas to specific CPD activity and your Personal Development Plan |
Team-working (TW)
TW1: 4 | Team working has been an attribute I have developed over many years of sport, educational group work and professional employment. Taking part in multiple team sports such as football, rugby, basketball and rowing, I have developed the attributes on being able to work with a team of people to achieve a common goal. A clear example was winning a 7s midland tournament. During my year internship, I had contributed to my teams, through projects that would impact them. A notable project was the internal branding campaign which I lead, this projects aim was to raise awareness of the team within wider Janssen. Supporting other in order to achieve a common goal, has been demonstrated in multiple university group tasks, students wish to support one another so they are able to achieve a high grade. | ![]() |
TW2: 3 | |||
TW3: 3 | |||
Communication (CO)
CO1: 2 | One of main skills I had to show during my placement year was delivering presentations in front of an audience. An example is having to present during the annual Neuroscience meeting, I spoke about the development of new marketing material which was going to be launched during Q2 and Q3. This was a great experience that definitely tested me. Building a rapport with new people was incredibly important, getting to know two different teams meant I needed to be able to meet and network with people effectively. Explaining complex ideas and theories is a skill I’ve developed whilst at university. Most modules have an essay/ report assessment, I do however feel this is a skill I can definitely improve on in my final year. | ![]() |
CO2: 4 | |||
CO3: 4 |
The below are based on the 7 NBS Learning & Teaching Graduate Attributes (above) and commonly required skills sought by employers |
1 = lowest 5 = highest
Justify your personal rating. Identify examples that demonstrate your ability in skill/attribute. Use wide range of examples: university/external, academic or extra-curricular, work experience, volunteering, membership of clubs/societies etc. |
Link lower scores to specific CPD activity and your Personal Development Plan |
IT1: 5 | My skills in IT have been developed from years of usage, not only at school, but university and work. My placement offered free workshops in word, powerpoint and excel. Which helped brush up on my skills. Utilising and my awareness of industry specific software I feel can definitely be developed in my final year. From attending a number of lectures on how to improve my social media to aid professional development I am confident in my ability | n/a |
IT2:5 | |||
IT3:4 | |||
Analytical / Problem Solving (APS)
APS1:3 | Problem solving has been an attribute I have had to develop over a number of different areas, that be it placement, work experience, university and schooling. Many of modules at university have required critical though and analysis of numerical data. Regarding creatively finding new solutions for problems, I developed this within my placement, often having to find new ways to solve tasks. | Library workshops into writing and referencing will be used to improve this skill in areas I lack |
APS2:5 | |||
APS3:4 | |||
APS4:4 | |||
APS5:2 | |||
Organisation (O)
O1:5 | I believe since joining NTU my organisational skills have increased rapidly. I have been able to manage university work alongside social and extra- curricular life. This was shown primarily in my second year to which I managed to play rugby, study as well as look for placement positions. | n/a |
O2:5 | |||
O3:4 | |||
Commercial/Industry Awareness (CIA)
CIA1:5 | My placement has been invaluable to my industry awareness, so much so that I have now got a graduate job with the same company. I believe I have a good understanding of the pharmaceutical market, which will only continue to grow once I start again next year | n/a |
CIA2:5 | |||
CIA3:4 | |||
CIA4:4 | |||
The below are based on the 7 NBS Learning & Teaching Graduate Attributes (above) and commonly required skills sought by employers |
1 = lowest 5 = highest
Justify your personal rating. Identify examples that demonstrate your ability in skill/attribute. Use wide range of examples: university/external, academic or extra-curricular, work experience, volunteering, membership of clubs/societies etc. |
Link lower scores to specific CPD activity and your Personal Development Plan |
Leadership & Responsible Leadership (L)
RL1:4 | Leadership is a skill I believe I have developed over my placement year. My manager wanted me to lead projects and take charge in delivery of deadlines. Developing the intranet platform for the neuroscience team was a large project I had to be responsible for, I had to make sure each stakeholder was making their deadlines and the delivery of the intranet was going to be on time. Motivating, supporting and influencing others was a key challenge I sometimes found when working with people with different cultural backgrounds, but once I figured out how each member worked I was able to unlock everyone’s potential | I believe through my development over second year with sport and academia this will be one of my strongest areas |
RL2:4 | |||
RL3:4 | |||
RL4:4 | |||
RL5:3 | |||
RL6:4 | |||
RL7:4 | |||
Global Citizenship (GC)
GC1:5 | I have lived abroad nearly my whole life, experiencing cultures different from my own. The role within my internship developed this even further as my team were from all across Europe, middle east and Africa | n/a |
GC2:5 | |||
GC3:5 | |||
Appendix 2
Leadership & Employability: Personal Development Plan (18/19)
Before filling this in, please refer to the L&E: NBS Attribute Matrix.
- At the start of the year: work through the Matrix and having assessed yourself and having identified gaps, draw up a start of year Personal Development Plan (below) and carry out specific relevant CPD activity.
- Before start of the spring term: review your Personal Objectives listed below, check they are still realistic – add any new ones.
- Around Easter: review and reflect, and think about what next. Draw up an end of year Personal Development Plan. This will form the basis of the Recommendations of your Reflective Report.
Below are some examples and suggestions (not exhaustive!), please remove these when you submit your version.
Name/ID: James Lewis N0620763 Date: 21/10/18 | Start of Final Year/End of Final Year
(delete as necessary) |
Personal Objectives What Do I Want/ Need To Learn? | What Will I Do To Achieve This? | What Resources/ Support Will I Need? | What Will My Success Criteria Be? | Target Dates For Review & Completion | Date Reviewed (when you review, add comments re what you need to do next) | |
Improve my ability to explain complex ideas and theories through written essays or reports | Attend library workshops focusing on referencing and report writing | Boots Library
Tutors Educational material from sources such as internet and books |
Secure 2:1 or above in my written work | 1/5/19 | ||
Improve on my ability to critically identify valid and reliable sources of information to support my work | Attend CPD workshops primarily focused on referencing | Boots library
Tutors Educational material |
Achieve a 2:1 or above in essays and reports | 1/5/19 | ||
Achieve minimum 2.1 in Research Project | Start early; Read Module Handbook; Draw up schedule for this and all assessments;
Read text books on research methodology/ methods; Prepare for any tutor meetings & attend associated sessions |
NOW; Research Project Tutor; LLR researching workshops; Industry contacts; Academic journal articles, conference papers & books; Twitter | Positive formative feedback;
Min 2.1 grade |
27/3/19 | ||
Appendix 3
Leadership & Employability: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Pro-forma (18/19)
- Minimum 25 hours CPD (over at least 5 different events/activities)
- Plan/schedule events/activities from the start of the year (type in below) – upload this to your ePortfolio (NOW) & share with your Personal Tutor
- Add CPD and address what you have gained as you do it, to help you reflect on your progress; discuss with your Personal Tutor at each meeting
- When complete, use it to underpin your analysis and submit to the ePortfolio or add as an appendix, as appropriate.
- Below are some examples and suggestions (not exhaustive!), please remove these when you submit your version.
Name/ID: | ||||||
Event/Role no. | Date, Time (Location)
Hours claimed | Role/Activity: Name of Event/ Workshop/ Lecture/ Webinar or Title of Role | Brief Description of Event or Role | What I Gained (benefits/skills/attributes)
Fill this in once you have completed the activity |
How does this link to GAs/ Skills/ Your Future / Personal Objectives |
1 | Wed 17/10/18, 1.00-2.00 (NTU) | 1 | Critical Thinking – Library workshop | To consider critical thinking in higher education and develop a resource to your own work | Skills on how to critically evaluate my own work and others | To develop my critical thinking |
2 | Wednesday 31/10/18 4.00 – 5.00 (NTU) | 1 | Structuring an essay | How to appropriately structure an essay to a 1st standard | Better understanding of how to structure an essay | To achieve a 2:1 |
3 | Tues 6/11/18, 1.00-2.00 (NTU) | 1 | Reference your way to a 1st class academic writing | To able to reference effectively | How to appropriately Harvard reference | To improve my academic writing |
Appendix 4
James Lewis
Aberdeen House 81 Upper Holly Walk Leamington Spa CV32 4JS
Email: Phone number: +44 7584 483990
A current BA Hons International Business student at Nottingham Trent University.
I have a proven ability to effectively communicate, plan and organise, which has been demonstrated through working at Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Hotel Hospitality and University modules. Confident,
enthusiastic and independent having spent a number of years studying abroad.
Education & Qualifications
Sept 2015 – Present Nottingham Trent University
BA (Hons) International Business
On target for a 2:1 or above
Relevant modules include:
- Accounting and Finance for Managers – 1st
- Economics of International Business – 1st
- Marketing and Operations Management – 1st
- Feb 2011 – June 2015 Princethorpe College, Warwickshire
- A-levels: Business and Economics, Sport Science, Psychology, Photography (AS) (320 UCAS)
- 11 GCSEs grades A-C including English and Math
- Work Experience
- June 2017 – July 2018 The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson – EMEA Commercial Strategy Assistant Working within 2 regional teams; Long Acting Therapies (LATs) and Value Optimisation. These teams are responsible for the strategic guidance and material development serving the local OpCos. My day to day responsibilities are managing the Opex tracker, creating purchase orders, zinc jobs, and managing the share-points. Notable projects include:
- Led the internal branding campaign for the Value Optimisation team, working with 3rd party agencies on creating a brand vision, manifesto and communication tactics
- Oversaw the development of 3 share-point platforms for the CSO, VOT and Esketamine teams to be used as a way for the regional team to connect and share content
- Liased with global supply chain regarding SKU rationalization, collecting feedback from the affected OpCos
- Led material development in co-creation with collaborate markets and ensure an appropriate approval process
Page 1
March 2014 – February 2015 Marks and Spencer- Customer Service Assistant
- Monitored levels of stock within the store
- Liaised with key members of supply chain to ensure that stock levels maintained
- Customer service at checkout including queries and complaint handling.
- Supported in-store promotions and marketing for seasonal and special items. January 2015 – April 2017 Episode Hotel/ Chapter One – Bartender/ Waiter/Night Manager
- Dealt with customer enquiries by telephone and email
- Customer service in bar and restaurant.
- Reservations
- Cashing up at the end of the day and recording current inflow during the day
- Night Manager: Duties include security, setting up restaurant for morning shift, maintenance and customer service. Call point for any emergencies.
- Other Experience
Google: Online Presence
- Taught ways in which companies present themselves online
- How companies market their products/ goods online in relation to which demographic they are aiming at
- How to appropriately portray yourself for future employers
- How to research properly against competitors and your own company
HSBC Workshop
- An artificial stock market environment, where teams from different schools competed against one another through analyzing news and trying to make the most money through buying and selling
- Came 12th out of 40 teams
Assessment Mock training
- Mock assessment training which was designed to help you gain an understanding of what to expect during an assessment centre
- Worked on interview technique and how to effectively perform in group tasks
Writing for academic purposes
• A workshop to help write to a 1st grade standard, which looked at referencing and tips on what to look at when presented a question
Plagiarism Workshop
- Worked on how to effectively Harvard reference
- How to avoid plagiarism
- Experienced in dealing with a wide range of customer queries and complaints by telephone, email and face to face
- Presented results of university research assignments to seminar groups
Organisation and time management
- Balanced a part time job at Marks and Spencer’s and Episode Hotel with academic study
- Able to evaluate need for products when stock checking and prioritise orders accordingly
- Delegated roles to appropriate team members. Second year Team leader to ensure key deadlines met for the Intercultural Module
IT Skills
- Skilled with Microsoft office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Minitab
- Excel for financial analysis during my Accounting and finance project for which I was awarded a 1st
Analytical and numerical skills
- University Accounting, finance and Quantitative methods modules
- Cashing up revenue and till takings at Episode Hotel and recording/reporting these on daily and monthly basis
Teamwork and leadership
- Led and motivated a group project in Accounting and Finance resulting in a 1st as the overall mark
- Worked as an effective Rugby player for 1st team school and club level, as well as role of pack leader.
- Team leader within my role for both part time jobs
- 1st XV Rugby (2013-2015) for School
- Represented Warwickshire for Rugby
- Subject Ambassador for Sports Science. Duties included attendance at School Open days to talk with prospective parents. Working with teachers organising classes and activities for other students.
- Princethorpe Diploma, achieved through six components which are Academic Studies, Co- curricular participation, Service to others, Work experience, Community and Ethos as well as Attendance and Punctuality.
• Passing theory and practical driving examinations first time
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
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