Dissertations on Biometrics
Biometrics uses human characteristics to be able to identify people digitally. Biometrics is commonly used to identify individuals, and grant or deny access to devices or systems based on their identification.

Latest Biometrics Dissertations
Including full dissertations, proposals, individual dissertation chapters, and study guides for students working on their undergraduate or masters dissertation.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometric Security
Dissertation Examples
The aim of this research is to critically analyse biometric security as an emerging and booming industry by examining the positives and negatives and providing ways of improving the method effectively and most importantly efficiently....
Last modified: 10th Jan 2022
Biometric Authentication: Literature Review
Example Literature Reviews
Biometrics is defined as a process of identifying a person identity on the basis of physiological and behavioural features; it is capable of differentiating between the genuine person and the fake one....
Last modified: 21st Oct 2021
Biometric Applications for Information Security
Dissertation Introductions
The scope of this study is to present, review and analyse problems which are been faced in organisations information security, where by been able to create and suggest a means of securing sensitive information from external sources and mostly internal sources....
Last modified: 25th Aug 2021
Processes in Achieving Sustainable Biomimetic Design
Dissertation Examples
BIO-MIMETICS A Process of achieving sustainability ABSTRACT: Janine M. Benyus in 1997, created a field of subject called Biomimicry (also known as biomimetics) that combined engineering and biology, ...
Last modified: 10th Dec 2019
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