Dissertations on Patent Law

Patent law is the specific branch of intellectual property law that deals with patents. A patent gives the owner, or holder of the patent, the legal right to control who can legally make, sell, or use their invention (that the patent has been granted for).

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Patent Law

Latest Patent Law Dissertations

Including full dissertations, proposals, individual dissertation chapters, and study guides for students working on their undergraduate or masters dissertation.

Sovereign Immunity in Patent Law

Dissertation Examples

This paper offers a solution that addresses the problem of sovereign immunity in patent law in a manner that is beneficial to patent law and the individuals participating in the patent system....

Last modified: 24th Nov 2021

Dissertation on Pharmaceutical Industry Patent Reforms

Dissertation Examples

Based on a patent search and literature research, this study carefully analyses the impact of recent reforms in the patent applications from pharmaceutical industry in China....

Last modified: 15th Nov 2021

European Perspective on Nanotechnology Patents

Dissertation Examples

An Overview of Nanotechnology Patents: A European Perspective The future world will to a large extent consist of a knowledge based society. Intellectual property (IP) will play an important role in g...

Last modified: 12th Dec 2019